In China, blockchain will help keep track of the convicted and paroled criminals

in #news6 years ago

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New blockchain system will help to monitor the movement of ex-prisoners to improve the quality of the so-called "software correction". The introduction of new programs according to the Ministry of justice Ngoma.

Because the data move convicts are stored in a distributed registry, correctional officers and related law enforcement agencies, which provided access to the blockchain network, can at any time to check on the whereabouts of the convicted person and, thus, to take the necessary action if one of the convicts violate the rules of probation.

Also recently it became known that the Chinese service of denunciations will record illegal transactions with cryptocurrencies. One of the structures of the people's Bank of China in the fight against illegal ICO has introduced on its platform NIFA new category of "selling tokens".

"The platform is responsible for receiving complaints regarding suspicious financial activities and further sending them to the relevant authorities, which already take a decision in accordance with the current legislation", — stated on the website NIFA.


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