Whenever I look up at the sky full of stars and see the moon shining brightly, I feel calm and relaxed. Many feelings flow; i.e. fascinating, creative, dreaming, lonely, warm, etc. and some kinds of power can inspire me to do good things and forget something that makes me sad.
I never get tired of looking at the stars and the moon. The more I look at them, the more I like them.
At present, I can hardly see many stars because I moved to live in Nonthaburi province which is close to Bangkok city. So, there is only the moon that I can admire occasionally…
Whenever I went to Bangkok at night and looked at the sky, I found that there was only the moon that looked so outstanding because the stars were obscured by a lot of lights of the big city.
Especially on a full moon night, the moon in Bangkok city is so magnificent and fascinating over the high modern buildings.
The night with the full moon makes me feel calm and relaxed.
The night with no moon makes me feel lonely….
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