SNAKES EAT YOUR CHICKEN EGGS! ~ Why We've Never Had That Problem! 📷 [Video inside]

in #nature7 years ago



We hear the stories all the time where people find black snakes and other snakes inside eating your eggs. Or even worse yet eating new baby chicks that will become the next generation in your flock! OUCH! Snakes gaining access to your coop can be costly and have both short and long term effects.

There are three solutions for you that will reduce or eliminate entry by snakes and even other potential predators to your coop.

  1. Guinea Hens - These birds are noisy and annoying at times but they REALLY HATE SNAKES! Having a few incorporated into your flock with drastically deter snakes from coming around so that they don't have to content with this crazy bird.
    Guineas will also almost wipe out a tick and chigger population if you have one.
  2. Donkey's - Some people ask why we don't have dogs on the homestead. I tell them, because donkeys are better. Female donkey are especially aggressive towards snakes and will kill them by stomping on them. They have no fear. Female donkeys are also great at protecting livestock from coyotes and other predators.
  3. A Good Coop - Your chicken coop needs to be secure! It needs to be like a bank or a fortress that will come under attack. Plan for it accordingly. Put in strong wire. Lay sheet metal below the ground to keep raccoons and foxes from digging under the fencing.

If you're going to have chickens, they need to have a safe place to roost. This will help to keep your flock protected. Imagine our coop like a fortress with guineas and donkey's as its sentries patrolling the perimeter. That's how you win!

In our new video above, I mentioned our other video about chicken coops called "Your Chickens Are Gonna Die". Here is that video.



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We have had one snake in our coop before and it was eating eggs. Have no idea how it got in there. Good info!

Very informative and useful. Protect your chicken flock from snakes with the helpful hints and tips. Good post and vey helpful.

Thanks for watching and commenting.

Resteemit! Protecting your food source is critical for your future!

Nobody better even look at my food! :)

Talking varmits Zac ;-)

Gitter done! No one likes snakes on the homestead. But is it true that black snakes will eat other poisonous snakes? Or is this just another Texas Tall Tale? LOL Upvoted & Resteemed!

I think only king snakes do that...don't think black snakes do.