Igniting Your Torch with the Fire of Your Passion...

in #mindset6 years ago

Hello Steemians!

Have you ever needed to do something that you had to, without the slightest bit of interest or attention? Sometimes, we need to do things that we don’t particularly enjoy to achieve the goal we have in mind. For instance, we might have to study lessons we hate so that we can graduate or get accepted into a good university. Sometimes, we have to tolerate the problems of a job that we don’t really connect with, so we can find our footing and move our life forward.
In all these scenarios that are of the same nature, we are forced to cope with things that we otherwise would not. The question is, how do we do it?

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We could preach that you should never do something that you don’t like, as motivational speakers often do, but we all know that is neither practical, nor realistic when attributed to the struggles of our everyday life. One way or another, sometimes we have to do things that we don’t necessarily enjoy. The key and the pissing piece are your understanding of the thing you have to do, and the passion that you will have to create in the environment of that job to do it with efficiency.

First and foremost, think about your understanding of the things that you have to do. A philosopher once said, ‘If the world outside appears dim and unfair, change the window from which you are looking at it.’ When you sit down to do something that you hardly enjoy, you needn’t focus on the negativity of the fact that you hate doing it. Rather, you could think about all the things that you might achieve if you do the deed with efficiency and great care, for even the most monotonous and wearisome activities of our everyday life come with their own advantages and profits.

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But in this blog post, I want to talk about a much more practical method, which is bringing the fire of your passion to ignite the torch of your endeavors in the favor of your dreams.
Ask these questions of yourself: In what ways are you inherently talented, and what are your passions in life?

Once you find the answer to that, ask this: How can you use these talents or passions to bring pleasure and delight to the things that you hate doing?
For instance, you have to study hard to pass a certain lesson which you hate, but you love listening to music. So, the next time you sit down to study for that lesson, you listen to music. This small and simple adjustment might seem like a bizarre idea at first, but it will inadvertently bring enjoyment to the person who utilizes it.

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The most important thing that you need to understand is that sometimes we have to do things that we don’t like in order to achieve things that we yearn for. In order to succeed in this struggle, we need to employ every asset we have to make that job easier for ourselves. The path that you have set before your eyes is one of darkness, and you will need the torch of your soul to successfully chart your way through it. Have faith, for the fire of your passions will burn incessantly at the heart of that torch to endure the weight of the journey.

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?




Just like other people who are unwilling to walk on a trail and hike the mountain to reach a gorgeous fall with refreshing water, they wouldn't reach that place they've dreamt off. Passion is being ignited with the result of a vision. The honor, glory, and life's fulfillment energizes you to do more.
And understanding and knowing what the cost of fulfilling your mission gives you the strength to take the unwanted things.

It is necessary to stimulate the torch from the fire of passion that we should make our biggest weakness our greatest weapon. All of us in life may have experienced this many times that the subject or problem that we run away from us often gets standing in our way. Both of which can be reason or we are not interested in that subject or we do not know about that subject matter. It is better not to let those things dominate over those who turn us towards negative thoughts stream.regardsDear @chbartist sir!

Thanks @certain for your comment! Regards

We could preach that you should never do something that you don’t like, as motivational speakers often do, but we all know that is neither practical, nor realistic when attributed to the struggles of our everyday life.

Very true. I even heard a doctor say that the cure to most diseases in adults is simply to quit jobs. Most people, allegedly work doing things they don't like and that is the source of all their illnesses.

I don't know how true that is, but it is a fact that feeling miserable about what we do ruins our physical and mental health.

I just quit my job as a college professor because universities in Venezuela are in ruins. I loved my job but the crisis made it impossible for anyone to keep working in colleges here.

I hope this decision is the beginning of a healing and re-inventing process.

How can you use these talents or passions to bring pleasure and delight to the things that you hate doing?

Simple things, as you have suggested may do the trick. I have seen girls working at stores as sales reps sing and dance while they help customers. That's their way of coping with their dislike for the activity.
I remember when i was a teenager and had to work in construction sites I'd do whatever was assigned to me as fast and well as I could. If it was an irritating task, I figured the sooner I am done, the better.
It helped me. My bosses would move me to do other things as a reward, things that demanded less physical effort.
I found that by doing the task as if I was enjoying it, it did not feel as irritating as it would have been had I performed it begrudgingly.

Good point. Since I was a kid pulling weeds I pretended it was fuel for my spaceship to take me back to earth.

Your understanding and attitude were perfect! Regards

Sos un genio! más allá de que estoy muy de acuerdo con todo lo que nos compartis, es algo indiscutible que no existe el éxito sin el fracaso y que siempre para todo hay un precio a pagar. Yo siempre digo que nada en la vida es gratis, incluso el hecho de que queramos ganar dinero desde nuestro hogar, conlleva pagar el precio de estar sentado frente a la computadora un tiempo suficientemente prudente. Si el individuo supiera y lograra organizarse mejor y trabajar con metas diarias y a mediano, corto y largo plazo, aumentaría su auto-valía, su auto-merecimiento y su auto-imagen notoriamente. Creo que lo que más importa es el enfoque de la persona. Tenemos que enfocarnos siempre en los recursos, es vital enfocarse en las virtudes, de todo y de todos, incluso de nosotros mismos. Eso hará que nos engrandezcan y que sigamos creciendo tanto en lo personal, en lo humanístico, en lo espiritual, como en cualquier ámbito de la vida.
Sin más, espero haber contribuido con quizá otro distinto o quizá un punto de vista similar al tuyo.

Gracias por Usted compartir sus palavras con nosotros!

I remember this very well from college that we needed to take and pass required course outside our majors. I used to not enjoy science or arts related classes because the students were so different from the areas of business administration that I normally was at. However, it also helped me learn about diversity and perspectives which have been a key lesson in my career as we need to learn to navigate through all types of situations with environments and people we cannot control.

Thanks for share your experience!

Always try to reap the benefits from the most unrealistic thing you were forced to do for your daily living. When you complain less about it and execute the tasks with a deep understanding, you will get to know the true purpose behind it which you ever dreamt off!

Really nicely put @chbartist, thank you for taking the time to put this post together!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you friend!

I am interested in crypto and now this is my passion and i am not gonna quit this...

Posted using Partiko Android

That's amazing for sure, That's completely true that we need to do certain things forcefully in order to reach the goal we ultimately want.
And that's a really good endeavor
keep flourishing.

This post has received an upvote from Jumanji Bot!

Como siempre tus post tan interesantes y nutritivos, amigo @chbartist. Mis saludos.

Excellent title " Igniting Your Torch with the Fire of Your Passion " how realistic thinking , on behalf of you I will convey this to my known person, be sure I'm with you. thanks.

i read your post... step by step...!! thank you for share this topic..!

Thank you friend! @shuvo35, don't forget upvote each others!

sure... my friend


YES, It happens to us often this. due to this my life is at stack. i agree by chbartist. i am unemployed today because of this only. i would say to the people even today do your work with your will. excellent post chbartist go ahead.

Thank you @anil566 - Don't forget! we have a mission here. Strong and generous Community and Mindset Positive! Vote each others!

Thanks @chbartist for your kind words. I support you always

This post has receive a 25.00% upvote from Coyote Bot.

Great Post as always! But...

The key and the pissing piece are your understanding of the thing you have to do,

Was that intentional? :D

Think about..:D Regards

you should try to see the glass half full ... instead of seeing the glass half empty .... to be able to find what you can like in that place work that you do not like. and so have some motivation ... and always remember that in the end there is the reward for which you are doing it.
(by the way, I just left you a message. Thanks)

Fantastic post. If only more people would take this approach on board, every day, and in all walks of life. Resteemed and upvoted. 👍🏻

Excelentes tus palabras. Me identifique muchísimo. Y es qué, desde pequeños, nos enseñan o inculcan que hay que estudiar muchísimo y prepararnos para ser alguien en la vida y surgir como persona. Resulta que en casa te dan esos valores y principios que necesitas, en la escuela las herramientas. Ya para pasar a la universidad es donde se complican un poco las cosas. Hay caso de jóvenes que inician una carrera universitaria porque piensan que es la que les convence, la que les gusta, sienten que es su sueño, su meta por sobre todas las cosas. Pero a mitad de camino, se arrepienten y eso es un golpe muy duro. No era lo que pensabas, ni se acercaba y hay una baja en el autoestima, muy fuerte, un decaimiento inexplicable. Entonces, como recuperar la confianza?, como recuperar las ganas de seguir invirtiendo tu tiempo y tu juventud en una carrera que sientes que ya no te gusta?. Es duro... Y @chbartist tus palabras ayudan... Gracias... muchas gracias...

Like having a torch with no light means its just useless but when you decided to light it up it helps you see in the dark for the better path.

count on my great help great friend @chbartist

By: @mclobin

great post and very nice photography

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Sir your word's are nice, things happen in our present age's have prevented us from many things some time's i wonder why did evil come into the world, i wonder why where we created when we will still die, why is there internet and also scam, why can't we live together forever... And at the end i noticed it nature it was programmed to be this way...

You got a 70.09% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @chbartist!

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This post has received a 65.69 % upvote from @boomerang.

Oh man, @jerrybanfield is going to love your promotion :) You are just gifting Steem, looks like you got a lot from the ICO.

Sensually beautiful and motivating, great minds are questioned and put to the test to get to know and get the best of themselves.

Me encanta , que buena reflexión !! Estoy iniciando en esto y personas como tu inspiran..

Staying true in your passion will keep the fire burning, my passion keeps me going. Great piece of passion so amazing, keep it flowing am with you.

Staying true in your passion will keep the fire burning, my passion keeps me going. Great piece of passion so amazing, keep it flowing am with you.

Staying true in your passion will keep the fire burning, my passion keeps me going. Great piece of passion so amazing, keep it flowing am with you.

Staying true in your passion will keep the fire burning, my passion keeps me going. Great piece of passion so amazing, keep it flowing am with you.

Staying true in your passion will keep the fire burning, my passion keeps me going. Great piece of passion so amazing, keep it flowing am with you.

I found your post very interesting. I didn't know how to try to do something I hate by using new approaches. I always avoided facing situations that upset me. Now I am going to deal with them by using different methods to make them more pleasant and reachable and have some kind of fun while doing so. Again thanks for your tips...

You are absolutely right, sometimes life or other people force us to do other things that we do not want to do for nothing.

Just returning from months away from Steemit after my laptop got stolen. This is the first article I came across and it got me reflecting on the current status of my life. The times I find it hard to go on and feel like I'm the only one. Other times I resort to the familiar and the comfortable. The choices we make are biased on the perception of how hard or easy something seems. After a few posts on Steemit, somehow I told myself I will never be a whale. I told myself what I lack and how others seem to be more deserving. This led me to have less and less fun on the platform and with time I forgot my dream. When my laptop got stolen, it was a wake up call. I regretted not having posted as often as I could. I realized everything I thought I couldn't be, I could be...if only I trusted the process. As I return, this is just the perfect inspiration I needed. Heartfelt thank to you @chbartist

the torch of your soul to successfully chart your way through it. Have faith… to endure the weight of the journey.

Yes, the pilot light of the soul is a conduit to the faith to BELIEVE you’re in the right place, no matter the temporary burdens you may endure (Romans 5:3-5, Galatians 6:9).

Oftentimes, the undesirable place we’re placed is to serve as a vessel of blessing to help another grow in his faith. The best way to ‘teach’ someone adversity is to offer a firsthand example of patience in going through.

Great post.


The natural and outside darkness is bearable as long as there's a burning torch on the inside, if there's a light in your soul and your mind the path of your life will be enlightened but if there's a darkness in your soul and mind, your life will be miserable and without focus.
Thank you for your motivation buddy.

This post has received an upvote from YaYa Bot!