Falling in love

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Falling in love is the process of having strong emotional feelings for the opposite sex.
It's the time you start having unusual happiness and smiles whenever he or she talk to you. You can't even explain while you feel like that to your friends when they ask.
You feel completely complete and wish it be like that forever.
It's the process only you hear the song he or she sings.

It's sweeter than honey in the beginning and takes genuine two to continue the relationship when it's established.
The early days or months to relationships is what a lot wish it continues forever. I wish that too.

I would like to say here that it is a difficult task to describe love for it means different things to different people.

Love is the strongest feeling of affection, the unexplained eternally fascinating mystery of human life. Poets have written hundreds of inspired verses about it. It has moved some musicians to accumulate millions of Nairas, Dollars, Pounds etc by singing great songs about it. It has lifted millions of quite commonplace men to heights of reverent joy, for millions of women have completely transformed life. When it has taken full possession of a man and a woman, they often feel that a door has been opened for them into a wonderful country of whose existence they had dreamt.

Falling in love is most times a decision you have to make yourself.
Love is a complex set of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person.

Fall in love only when you are ready. I hate heart breaks.
Please fall in love only when you are ready. I hate broken relationships.