You can not control other people

in #loa6 years ago (edited)

You can not control other people but you can control how you react to them.


I learned many years ago that everyone that passes through my life will not control my thoughts, and actions. This can be some stranger on the street or a family member. You see my beliefs and many others is that miserable people are like a disease.

When they spew their anger and hate it can drain you until you are left with a black hole inside your heart and soul. It is infectious and if you do not treat it it will spread. It will grow, and eventually you will be that miserable angry person. After all, they say "misery loves company."

That statement is so true. Have you ever been around or passed by a group of angry people? In that group how many are laughing, smiling, and enjoying life at that moment? I can guess with a 100 percent certainty that none were enjoying life at the moment.

I made a resolution to myself many years ago that miserable angry people will not control my thoughts and actions. At times, yes it is a struggle. How ever I reach deep with in my heart and soul and smile. I think positive thoughts and I let those thoughts flood my body and overwhelm my senses.

You see I do not want that disease, and will not let it infect me. I say to all reading this smile more, laugh often, and think happy cheerful thoughts. You should make it a habit to do this as often as you can. So next time a disease infected miserable angry person crosses your path you will not be infected.

If you are an angry miserable person and get offended by this I do not apologies but instead I send you positive vibes. I hope you fall down a hole of laughter, or drown in a pool of smiles and love. You see life is way too short to be living a life of anger and misery.

For those that are happy and love life, I salute you. You are the ones I want in my life. You are the one that together can cure all those infected people.

Well until next post..
Smile, laugh, and love