Brazil - 2016 Our Experience, Our Adventure

in #life7 years ago

In 2016, my girlfriend and I decided to travel. Go on a trip from the 16 September to the 9 October 2016. The destination was chosen to be Brazil!!! My girlfriend has visited South America already in the past however this was my first time. Being excited as being my first time travelling to South America as well as the first time with my girlfriend.

Photo 1: Iguazu Falls

I will be placing different posts of all the places we visited along our three week trip around Brazil in different itinerary and our experience. Brazil overall was a fantastic country providing both modern and old cities, nature and wild while also city life. Our flight took us to Sao Paolo which provided us an insight of life in the South American continent. We stayed in Sao Paolo for two days which our aim was to visit the Iguazu Falls – Brazil and Argentina side.

Photo 2: Our Travelling Buddies!!

Day 1 - Itaipu Dam and Iguazu Falls (Brazil side)

We arrived very late the night before so found it quite hard to wake up early. Had breakfast and took the bus directly to Itaipu Dam, a hydroelectric power plant which is considered the largest one in the world generating over 103 million megawatt hours. It was a very fascinating half day visit and which includes a bus tour around the plant providing very useful and interesting information throughout.


Photos above: Itaipu Dam

The second part of the afternoon we went to the Iguazu Falls on the Brazil side. Most blogs online suggest half a day which is pretty enough to visit most of the area. I suggest taking with you a small rain coat particularly when reaching the best view point in the middle of the waterfall, prepare to get out wet!!! Just walk around and avoid the bus as the best parts are walking. Each viewpoint is magnificent and try not to miss anyone of them. Don’t worry if a viewpoint is lined with tourists, another one very close to it would be empty. Take your time and walk around while admiring the beauty that these falls have to offer.





Photos above: Iguazu Falls

After a day walking around, we were hungry and visited a churrascaria near our hotel. It is an experience in itself. Meat coming all the time and all cooked to perfection. My girlfriend, who usually does not drink, decided to be adventurous and try something local: the Caipirinha. The Caipirinha is an alcoholic drink from sugarcane. She found it to be very strong, very strong but refreshing.

Photo: Churrascaria

Next Blog - Day 2 Iguassu Falls (Argentina Side)


Brazil and its beautiful places.

Brasil e seus lugares lindos.

Brazil was amazing. More to come!!