Keep working! Stop paying!!

in #life8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that you would all agree that robots are going to put a large number of low skill workers out of work.

As those jobs disappear the.masses of unemployed hungry people will grow.

This is largely the reason we don't have robots doing all the work now.

What do you do with all those out of work workers?

Well, fear no more!!

The paradigm shift is just one simple action away!!

It can't happen until a sufficient number of people accept that trucks don't load themselves and no amount of money is going to get them loaded until you get a worker to make a robot, or a worker, to do the work.

Once the majority of workers realize that if the accounting department fell off a cliff it wouldn't impact the work they do in the least.

I mean, do you seriously think that Shelly Shelfstocker checks with corporate to make sure that the shareholders got the money, that came out of value created by her labors that otherwise would have been her's, that the shareholders did zero work for?

No, all she does is make like a cog in the machine and crapitalism stumbles along on it's dupes.

The poor exist to serve as an example to keep the wage slaves productive.

You can here their cries, 'But who will clean the toilets?', 'Who will unplug the sewers?', 'Why should I work when I can have a Maserati for free?'.

All that has to happen is that each person working today keeps working for the next few weeks until the distribution models are taken from the big box stores and put to work for everybody rather than just the top 10%.

Once that happens, getting a job will be a matter of going to where work is done and helping.

As long as one tries to do some work, that is all we can really ask.

Under this proposal work hours will drop precipitously for those extraneous to the creation/distribution of goods.

I'd like to add more detail, but to do so would be to disallow what otherwise would spontaneously occur.

As long as the workers continue to do the work 'Los Ricos' could fall off a cliff.

The workers do ALL the work, without them the machine collapses into chaos.

If nobody went to work tomorrow what do you think would happen?

YOU continuing to work in the crapitalust paradigm is what keeps war alive.

Thanks, a lot.
