in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have noticed over the years that if one person is happy,the other is sad. It is remarkable that this occurs.
It happened throughout my 2nd marriage.
If I came home after fishing with snook and snapper,and I was happy, my ex hub would be mad because his fav football team the Eagles lost.
If he was in a good mood,it made me in a bad mood.

All the talking about it in the world never solved it.

While I was planning bday parties for the kids or taking them somewhere,he would sit at home.
School functions I attended alone. Unless it was a graduation.

Since we separated in 2006 and divorced in 2015, (yes I know we are slow)
he would forget birthdays or holidays were ignored.

If my son faked stomach aches,or did the thermometer under the lamp thing,
and I called the hub, he would say to just leave him alone.
Yeah, leave the kid alone who missed 22 days of school by doing this.

I had to fight to get him in the car every day,while his father told him to just chill.

My daughter won't speak to her father,as she was going to Japan to study for 6 months,
and he called her asking to borrow $1000.
This was money for her to stay in Japan.
She said no and he never spoke to her again.

The fighting we did throughout the marriage was always about:

A.taking the garbage out.

B. helping the kids

C.taking the dogs out.

D. leaving clothes all over the floor.

E. attending functions.

F. washing the car.

G. MONEY ( a big one)

H. inlaws.

I worked 2 jobs and took care of the kids, while he kept up on his football and worked.

This marriage was a fast one in NJ.
and we only knew each other for 6 months.

I look back now and wonder what I was thinking.

The first marriage was to an excon (didn't know)
that took us to California from NJ and I found out that, no.
He didn't have a friend there waiting to give him a job.
Also, while playing pool at a bar, he tells me his ex girlfriend just had his baby that day.

I have had such a bad track record in relationships.
I have not gone on a date since 2006.
I am weary of every guy I meet.

So, one day maybe I will find someone who can be happy with me every day.
And not go through the bad mood, good mood thing as much as I have.

Thx for reading!