in #life7 years ago

So as I'm sure some of you heard about Cruz shooting and killing and injuring many people in the latest school shooting,I was listening to the radio tonite and found out the FBI was warned about this kid weeks ago.
They had all the information on him from someone who called them.
Yet, nothing was done.

I am wondering why law enforcement tell us to report anything we deem suspicious.
Because they don't do anything.

I have no trust of law enforcement,the fbi, nor the government.

It seems when something tragic happens,we usually find out that someone knew something and reported it,yet nothing gets done about it.

This world gets scarier and scarier these days.

It's a wonder anyone ventures out of their home anymore.

I pray for the victims and their families of this senseless act.

The kid needs the death penalty for sure. But you know as well as I do, that when lawyers are involved,there will be a plea bargain.
I guess this is why people attempt these shootings.
Because they know they will not suffer the consequences for it in the end.

Society is ugly.
It has been more so in the past 25 years.

People take the chance on meeting others through the online dating sites.
People take the chance to go to places that aren't safe.
People just don't think anymore about safety.

In this day and age where someone texting while driving can kill a family of 5 on the road,or drive while drunk,
or basically do anything to harm others,has gotten out of control.

And yet we sit back and wait for the GOVERNMENT to do something about it.They never do.
Laws mean nothing to some people.

This kid posted pic after pic of guns and knives and posted statements everywhere from fb to instagram to you tube.
And still he as able to do what he did.

I don't know about you, but Society has me scared to death.

I will stay in my apt as much as possible.
Only leaving for important things.

I know I may sound like a hermit,but I feel its the only way to stay safe.
I would like to keep living.