The Univers Loves Speed- What Kills Your Mojo (Flow)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Have you ever noticed that something came to you out of the blue and then you hesitated to take advantage of that situation or thing and then... BOOM, it was gone.

Or you had a wonderful idea and didn't do anything to act on that idea, then all of a sudden you don't feel like it was such a good idea.

The universe rolled out the red carpet and then decided to pull it out a minute later.


Even though you have a really good idea, not acting on that idea right away causes it to lose the initial energy it had to bring it into manifestation.

It's seems as the universe opens its womb for creation in a very specific timely manner, then moves on.


But at the same time it doesn't care about time.


The Law of Attraction focuses on a lot on being in the vortex or the flow. But I feel like it fails to put emphasis on the fact that we have to ACT NOW to keep moving with the flow. Because sometimes even the slight hesitation can mean missed oppportunity.

The Universe Loves Speed


It's like this fast train that stops for you to get on and you hesitated. By the time you decided you wanted to get on the train, it has moved on. (Or with me, when your intuition tells you to learn more about Bitcoin and buy some in back in 2014 and you never do).

Being in the Flow is a good feeling and your creative juices are flowing. You can create and manifest anything it seems. You start emanating happiness and thus a higher frequency.

Things That Kill Your Mojo (Flow)

  • Procrastination this is probably one of the biggest things that kills your creativity and knock you out of the flow.

  • Laziness thinking things should just be handed to you without you putting in any work. Sure things can be easier but that comes with being in the flow.

  • Complaining let's face it-complaining never helped attract anything other than the same.

  • Blaming puts you in victim mode. You need to take responsibility and own up to your actions so you can be the cause not the effect. This puts you in the driver seat of your life.

  • Negative People a lot of energy gets wasted when there are negative people around you. Surround yourself with people that support you and your dreams. You are the measure of your five closest friends.

  • Self Criticism this can probably be labeled as worst than procrastination. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and take those first steps that need to be taken for manifestation.

  • Fear of Failure Failure is not the opposite of success. It's a part of Success. Here's an arcticle I wrote on A different perspective on failure.

So the next time you have an urge to call a long time friend that you haven't talked to for years, maybe just maybe that's the universe opening up opportunity for something you've been trying to create for awhile. So Dial that phone!!