How to improve your studying

in #life7 years ago

My marks are roughly good, I get between 70-80s for my subjects. I try really hard and I study a lot.
I thought id give you some of my personal study methods :
I use key cards for my main studying. They really are a fun way of studying.
I make summaries in my books at school. The more your repeat your work by reading the information the more likely you are to remember your work.
I find talking to myself out loud really helps. I will speak as if I am teaching my own class.
I listen in class. If you listen at class atleast 50 % of the work you will understand. During classes you can also ask the teachers for help and they can explain instead of you struggling at home to understand.
I use a lot of colour of my studying notes. I make use of highlighters, pencil crayons and coloured pens. I find colour brings your notes to life and makes them interesting.
I go over my questions and past papers. This helps you realize what work you need to go back and learn and how to answer questions to.
I make use of tables and flow charts a lot.
I have a flip file for each subject for each term. I find I get very annoyed at myself when my studying notes aren’t neat. Also having an organised work surface reduces your attention from being side tracked.

