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RE: Empowered...if I can accept it

in #life7 years ago

Had to read it twice! I'm German and a text this complex can be challenging, particularly when I'm anxious (!) to not miss any detail and and fully understand everything.

Its almost funny, how I "worked" my way through the first paragraph, trying to figure out, if you liked or disliked this "comment" by Ms Sara. At first, I thought, this seems weird, because I sort of felt exactly what she wrote, after the first few pictures I saw and we exchanged a few comments... Well, reading on I figured, you liked it, as its sort of a headline or an introduction, right?

In the end, it all makes sense, but it doesn't really surprise me. One of the very first posts I saw here on steemit was the one with you on the Streets of Asheville and I immediately thought, that there was something very special going on.

As you might know by now, I spent many years on creating a large scale piece of artwork on the Major Arkana of the Tarot Cards. One way of looking at them is the so called "journey of the fool". You look at this row of 22 cards/pictures as the journey through a human life. Roughly at the point, where we would put the middle today, in the late 30s, early 40s, there is a big turning point.

After the "XII - Hanged Man", we get to a cross road and many give their life a new direction. I'm not going to bore you further with all the details, but from there we go to "transformation", learn to balance, are faced with temptation and destruction, find hope and confidence (in ourselves), are one more time faced with fear, to finally step into the light. The rest is the final step onto a higher level of existence, whatever that might be...

Thank you for letting me know you a little better by your posts and comments since I first saw you doing the high heel yoga 😇

Enjoy "XIX - The Sun" 🌞


😊 Love your tarot - cards Reinhard!

I just write the way I speak in my common expressive vernacular. I am sorry that made it so arduous to translate for you! But thank you for your devotion and effort to understand me. 🙏🏽

I suppose that It is common to experience a turning point and transition at this late 30s or early 40s stage of life. I haven't studied tarot and did not know how beautifully they reflect the cycle of a life well lived!

Your tarot card creations and your knowledge of the system is incredible. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and all of your support. 🙏🏽😘

Oh no no no, its not your writing, I actually enjoy your style (in everything) very much. Its just been a long time since I lived in the States and my language skills are slowly but surely deteriorating...

Plus, reading your text twice isn't only because I wanted to make sure I understand everything.

I grew up in a time, when a letter was still written with pen and ink and when I received one, I always found it way to valuable to be read only once... guess it became a habit for me to still read any "message" I find appealing several times :-)

The Tarot has been a big inspiration for me, and I find it a little sad, that most people only see it as a method to predict the future. For me it was always more important as a tool for self awareness/knowledge. As for my art, the cycle of a life was always the predominant theme. I think, it actually reflects any human life, the "chapters" just have different length and weight. And you can face the tasks and events awaiting you passively... or actively, like you obviously did.

I don't like the aspect of reading cards, because it assumes something predetermined.. or at least, the seekers of an answer view it as such. For me its much more important, that each "chapter" or aspect of our life has this theme and it is open to us what we make of it.

You're not only a gifted artist, but also with words. Your comments are often so well composed, sincere and full of great insights that i delay in responding to your response, because I want to reply in kind in quality! (Did that even make sense?) you are brilliant @reinhard-schmid 🙏🏽

These conversations are the extent of my Tarot card education besides one or two Google searches. I find it fascinating and had no prior idea that, as you say, the cards could be used as a tool for self-awareness and self knowledge. I assumed, like many I guess, that they were only used for divination and future telling.

It's funny because my first interaction with Tarot was March 2016. I had a personal insight back then that for that month my focus was to be willing to play the fool. Willing to look foolish. Willing To take chances etc.… I was trying to overcome something that was holding me back in my personal life. I had previously thought of playing the fool as a bad thing, but googled the phrase then and first learned that it came from tarot and also meant letting go of old ways and outdated identities. The fool was associated with a fresh start. And ever since my resolve that month - my life has radically changed for the better.

Looks like I delayed my answer for much the same reason.. ;-)

What a beautiful compliment about my art and.. to my great surprise, about my writing? I feel very flattered, particularly since I normally avoid writing at all cost! Although I am afraid, I might not be really all that brilliant after all, I thank you very much for sending me such a big warm ray of sunlight this morning!

The Tarot is an incredibly complex system and there are.. how do you say.. different schools of thought? Different approaches, or philosophies, some of them competing with each other. My mentor was a very down to earth man and I always enjoyed his simple explanations, although his knowledge was beyond imagination. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of very narrow minded people engaged in the subject, and it can be frustrating, when they insist, that their way is the only one... Much like in any other field I guess. Wonder if you ever have such issues with other practitioners of yoga... but then again, I'm sure you could easily... outpose.. pretty much anyone (for lack of the proper word)

What you write in your last paragraph, is a perfect example for the meaning of the fool card. I have read a few of your older posts, but was getting a bit embarrassed with my comments. Figured, you must think I'm complete loony, with things I see for example in photos, which were likely made with completely different intentions.. I guess, this is where the second card comes in, the Magician. I feel my antenna is always out and there is a constant flow of creative energy... not always to everyone's delight ;-)

I am very happy for you, that you experienced your rebirth so strongly and am amazed, how you actually felt the fool theme in such an intense way.. it is very likely, that you will go through the whole cycle again, but some chapters may now have a different importance, or you are simply much better prepared and equipped to handle them!

Just saw your comment... I haven't even read it yet, but wanted you to know my first gut response - it makes me smile and I feel eager to absorb And reply to these, I'm sure, thought provoking words. Might take me some time, but just letting u know your words have been seen. 🙏🏽