What is Reality and What is Contained Within Reality?

in #life7 years ago

So, one day I was deep in thought and a question entered my mind. What is reality and what is really out there in this so called reality? Let's start with the first question. Reality... well by Webster's definition Reality is "the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them." The problem with that is this... everyone's reality is different. Of course, we all have the same reality of what's going on in the world, such as who our president is, the wars we are fighting, so on and so forth, but there is more to this story. Let's say you are walking down the street and you pass a house with a family inside. You don't know this family. You know nothing about them. Not even their names. They are inside, possibly watching t.v., possibly eating dinner, you don't know. As you walk, you realize that what you are seeing and experiencing and what they are seeing and experiencing are two very different things even though you are only a few feet away from them. Their lives are totally different from yours. So, are there many different forms of reality? Well, there would have to be since that family's reality is so different from yours in many ways, but then that would completely defeat the purpose of even having a reality in the first place. So, what is reality? Reality is what is relative to the world as a whole. It is a way to describe things as they are within a political or societal construct, not a personal level. For example, we all know Trump is President. We are all aware of the terrorist attacks going with ISIS, which is reality as a whole. But, when we look at our own individual lives, things get a little more interesting. I could sit here and tell you my entire daily routine and some of you would agree you do something similar, but unless you are there to witness what I am telling you, to you it is not within your realm of reality. You have no idea if I really showered this morning or went to work. Reality is nothing but another way of society to take hold and tell you what is real and what isn't. Now, that being said, I do not deny that there is some existence of a form of reality, but it is not as cut and dry as we think. The reason I am writing this is to make a point. Some of you may disagree with what I am saying, but before you do, think carefully. My point in this portion of this rant is to say, the next time someone tells you something about themselves or something they may have seen or heard or experienced... do not call them crazy. Do not tell someone to face reality. To them, whatever they are telling you could truly be their reality.

The second portion of this rant is about the next question. What is contained within reality? Well, if we look at reality as just a basic construct of a general rule rather then a detailed law of truth, the answer to the second question is... essentially whatever we want. I don't mean that we can just make anything appear out of thin air or bring toys to life, but I am saying that if someone truly believes something may exist, let them. To them it could be just as real as a tree outside your window. How would it make you feel if you told me that a limb scraping against your window the night before spooked you a little and made you jump and I retorted back with, "Oh, you are crazy. There is no tree outside your window." Or, "You're being ridiculous. That wasn't the tree at all. It was probably just an animal." Wouldn't make you feel to good if you truly believed that tree limb scraped your window and I called you crazy and told you that tree didn't exist when I wasn't there to witness or experience it with you. I am not saying to believe what anyone tells you, but do have an open mind and try to understand that life is not black and white. Society may want you to think life is just so, but the truth is, society is corrupt and controlling because we are human and it is human nature. Just like you shouldn't believe everything someone tells you just because they tell you, you should also not just believe that whatever society or government says is true either. Question everything. It is how you learn. If you take everything at face value, then you never get anywhere, but do not discount someone just because you don't think what they are telling you is true either. Ask questions. Try to experience for yourself. Always remember, that reality is NOT real at all. It is another human construct used to try to define something as a whole. You can not do that. It is impossible. The truth is, how can we really know what's real and what isn't if we do not try to seek the answers for ourselves? How can we expand our minds, learn, and become the best we can be if we just sit around and believe whatever we are told? What is your reality? Maybe you should find out. You might surprise yourself. You might learn you are a very different person from what you thought.

Life isn't about letting someone else tell us the answers. It is about discovering them for ourselves and learning who we are and what we can become in the process. If we accept this thing called reality, then we are truly hindering ourselves from discovering the truth.


Nice post! You should checkout the @mindunleashed! 🐣

Very nice written Article

Thank you. It was just a random thought I had one day while writing one of my many poems.