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RE: Share your touhgts! Steemit life changing story

in #life7 years ago

You can never know how your life can change in a little over two months. Steemit happened and i thank God for the way He used in introducing me to it through this amazing person @kingsolo and the massive help i have received so far from @tojukaka.

With Steemit, i got to understand that no one has the monopoly of knowledge. Just when you thought you have understood one thing and you are confident about it, you see other views and you are totally blown away and that keeps you humble; confident, yes, but at the same time being open to learn more and absorb all you can and that is one of the amazing adjustments that has happened to my life CHARACTER WISE and *MENTALLY since i found steemit.

I spoke to some groups of people about Steemit and about them coming on board. I always tel people everytime that before Steemit, i know absolutely NOTHING about digital world or currencies. I was a clueless man in that department. When i spoke to these groups, their usual statement and words are usually in "We don't understand how crypto currency works". And i always admire that because humility and admittance that you don't know a thing is the first step to learning and it keeps your heart and mind open. I always share my own testimony about how i know NOTHING about this too and i have found love and understanding in it and very soon, these set of groups are coming on board and i will give them all the help and guidance that they need just as i was given when i started out. We all could use the little help and push.

Another achievement i can record is the shift in mentality, sorely pointing to the power of association; SOCIAL DEPARTMENT. Nobody can make it in the world alone and Steemit embodies that. It makes you believe in the power of association which is to focus on building new relationships, having like minded people around you and every other aspect becomes easy, even the highly sort after SBD and STEEM.

"When you walk with gaints, you can never remain a dwarf. You don't only see far, you go far" - Reverend Gbeminiyi Eboda

"A person will remain the same for years to come except for two things; the books he reads and the company he keeps" - Reverend Gbeminiyi Eboda.

I found a new passion with Steemit. Steemit gave me a new platform to be heard when i was already losing interest in my writing ability due to low turn out. I was losing the steam but steemit came and gave it back. It really brought out my writing skills and gifts which i have abandoned for a long time and brought out another aspect of me that i have in me which i haven't been doing more like i am supposed to; giving advice and motivating. I do it more now and that is a remarkable achievement for me in my life and in the impact i wish to make because i want to give people new mindset about their misconceptions about life, and that is why i am always on most comment sections to make my presence felt and touch a life.

I strongly believe when people have better mind set, there would be a change in attitude and they can do more with their lives and see more to themselves so that they can impact their world.

Most of the time the negative things we see around affects our mind and kills our creativity but with a better mindset, everyone can see things differently. With Steemit as a better platform, i intend to do more of that.

Another amazing achievement i have been able to record since Steemit is in the MENTAL DEPARTMENT. As a writer or aspiring writer, you should be able to read more which can enhance your writing skills and bring about creativity and i have been lazy in that department (and as i said earlier, i kind of lost motivation to write), and now i have been able to read more now on a single platform and learning everyday.

The lure that brought most of us here is the money. I can't believe how this platform has been able to help me fix this and still fixing it...thanks to God and people like you here on Steemit.