Do it for the living

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I saw this in a comment section while I was watching an Indian dance on YouTube and I think it is worth sharing. 

When I'll be dead.....,
Your tears will flow,...
But I won't know...
Cry for me now instead! 
you will send flowers,...
But I won't see...
Send them now instead! 
you'll say words of praise,...
But I won't hear..
Praise me now instead! 
you'll forget my faults,...
But I won't know...
Forget them now, instead! 
you'll miss me then,...
But I won't feel...
Miss me now, instead 
you'll wish...
you could have spent more time with me,...
Spend it now instead !!! 
"Spend time with every person around you, your family, friends and loved ones.
Make them feel Special,
Because you never know when time will take us away from them forever". 
Life is too short.
Love all and Forgive all.
Strength grows when we dare
Unity grows when we pair
Love grows when we share
Relationships grow when we care....!

I wish so many people can learn a lesson from this, especially those from this part of the world where I come from. I have seen so many people who died of treatable diseases because they could not afford medical bills. Yet after they died, they were given the most expensive burial by friends and relatives who contributed so much. 

I have seen people being praised only when they have passed on. 

I have seen people being forgiven and pitied when they are no more. 

If we can do all these for the dead, why can it not be done for the living?

Don't come to my grave telling me how much you loved me, appreciated me or how you have forgiven me. Tell me now. Don't wait till I am gone.

Love me now. Appreciate me now. Care some more for me now. Forgive my errors now. Accept my little gifts now because it could be the last connection we may ever have.

Do this to everyone you come across.

My full blogging activities commence today. I think I am feeling a lot  better now. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes. I still need it  until I finish my treatment. 

The next lesson on success train will be posted later today. 

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I remain your humble and lovely @ogoowinner 

@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me.


Very touching and sincere post.We all turn in the wheel of life and do not think about what will happen to you or to your close person. I personally experienced the grief of losing my dear beloved papa. But thank God we got to the porch on time, we saw our live and healthy father , but who knew that in 5 days he will put himself on God. Appreciate and love your neighbors, friends, because life is so short.

Though your word is unpleasant for us . But it is truth and 100% truth. Which was not for me when I lived , It is not required that when i will die. So much worthy word.

Which was not for me when I lived, It is not required that when I will die.

I really love this. Thank you for reading.

This is very true dear, of what benefit is all those talk to the dead?


Do for the living and let the dead burry the dead. The worst of it all is that those people will be still be the ones mocking you when you are still alive but at grave side they turn love birds.

I hope some of us learn a lesson from the above message. Thanks for your comment here.

Hmmmm....people that are meant to love,care,help you tend not to do that when you are still alive,they come when you are dead...i want to say fuck you to those that have that kind of mentality...lets love,care,and help people when they are still alive

Only what you do for the living is important. Thank you for your comment here.

You are always welcome....please give us more of this good post,so that we can be wise the more

This is a message to everyone. it is really sad how relatives and friends do not have money when you are sick and suffering but suddenly have enough to give you a befitting burial. What makes a burial befitting? The number of canopies and money spent? How is that befitting to a man who died because he couldn't afford hospital bills? Thanks for this message. I'm glad to know you are better. Welcome back.

Thank you Zizy. I just wish our people will change.

When I'll be dead.....,
Your tears will flow,...
But I won't know...
Cry for me now instead!

These are touching words, I don't know if it is the custom or norm for people to celebrate you when you are dead but never as much as said a single word of praise took you when you are gone. It is so painful that is goes that way and thank God the dead can't get up again, otherwise hmm, na catastrophe during funeral because there is so much hypocrisy.
Please take good care of yourself, you will be fine.

@ogoowinner, it's not by your power that you are now getting better, HE that started the healing in you will finish it.

spending time with your love ones is the best thing to really learn to do because time wasted elsewhere can never be recovered, but time spend with your loved ones, is time invested, and it is valued than gold because when your love ones are gone, they go for ever, and regrets will never be a good option.

Especially in money aspect,until you are dieing or gone before people care.

Lovely quotes dear

i appreciate you

About the india dance,come and show dem your style

Thank you for this wonderful lessons this morningWow this us wonderful @ogoowinner it really shows forth the reality of life, people tend to do things for others either when they are dead or when they can't even notice what's being done for them.

this is the nature ... we come to know the importance of person when he/she died. but yes its a bitter truth that most of the people lived with hunger and unhealthy life because they cannot afford and when they died, people give them 5 star funeral. when the person is alive, no one bothers his issues or pain but on the death path, every loses his mind. actually they are just overcoming their guilt of not taking care when that person was alive...

love the living so there should not be any regret when that person dies.

Unfortunately this is how our society is structured but we can effect a change individually by consciously working on ourselves and making amends.

It's true. In the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:5. The dead no nothing at all.

When I will die you will go to my grave
No cry , No pray
Just you says that
I love you Or I hate you,

Thank God you are feeling much better and I pray you become totally healed.
We lack sincerity, we lack depth, we lack genuine love, if not, what prevents one from giving their all to humanity... Love, praises, care etc. Death brings an end to all and our days here are numbered, lives affected positively will decide whether you lived here or not. That is a lot of food for thought this Monday morning, thank you so much.

Ogoo, thank God for His healing hands on you. This healing must remain permanent IJN.This is a quality write up dear. What ever good you ve for me should be done while am alive and not shedding crocodile tears when am no more on earth. Let us be our brother keeper, love one another and be of assistance to anyone around us that needs us most. Too short is our life to keep malice and with an unforgiving spirits. Well-done dear.

you'll wish...
you could have spent more time with me,...
Spend it now instead !!!

I wish it could be possible to share all your time with you forever, those moments that I tried to; I found you too busy with so many responsibilities as you were trying to make life better for others! More grace @ogoowinner.

Hmmm, very heart breaking how people tend to go out of their ways just to do a befitting burial just to celebrate the dead but same people hardly show concern when the person is alive. May God help us all


Hello @ogoowinner. I like the touch of your post. It has a lot of meaning beyond the surface, especially for me. I think it is good to meditate deeply on the thing you enumerated. Nice post dear...Cheers! I wish you the very best

I think why people engage in this bad habit of appreciating people after death in this part of this word is due to the fact we undervalue people and they only tend to realize the worth of the person after he or she is gone. We become so familiar with people and their contributions to our life that we think is a normal thing only to realize they are worth more than money.
Nice one sis
Keep steeming

Very true. We should say the good things and compliment each other while we all are still alive. Don't wait for it until one has passed.

We must say people what we want to say at that moment. People don't realise this and wait for the perfect moment but they don't know that no moment is prefect. Rather live a life doing something than waiting for something. Live in the moment and you'll find the peace you are looking for.

I couldn't agree more. I mean, let us all love & live life to the fullest. You Only Live Once, YOLO!

Your words are very precise,
As the poet says " express your love now or you will regret when you have to write your love word on the tombstone"@ogoowinner

Honestly, people are funny. In My state, people paint houses, entertain guests and spend lavishly when someone in their families dies, and most times, when those people were alive, they are neglected and abandoned but when they die, they become Celebrities...What a great irony!

Sometime we just fail to express our emotions to the people we love :) and you said it rightly today if we love someone or feeling something wrong we should say them straight :)

This mentality is really gaining group in Nigeria especially were i am from. How on earth will people kill cows, spend millions and even call it befitting burial on a dead soul and you never care to spend a token when the person is alive. Hmm where do we get it wrong, am damn confused. @ogoowinner

While some are not even celebrated or praised at all. May God rescue Africa we need to improve in a ramification of life. I wish you a good health, it normal for we human to breakdown, but the most important is for us to stand on our toes again.

It,s really niecpoem@ogoowinner

I give you appreciation for your social life
Be the best of the good
Good luck nigerian steemiansHy @ogoowinner

I follow you hope you give such information everyday @orgoowinner and also review me

Indeed this is really true, why wait for the time that someone u love is already not in your side to say those beautiful words which he cannot hear then. Why wait, let's make it a living saying those to and everyday.