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RE: Why It Matters How You Start Your Day...

in #life6 years ago

I have to admit that you caught me here! I reach my phone for the first 5-10 minutes I wake up in the morning just to see what is going on... However, I quickly then typically get a workout done to get the blood flowing in preparing for the rest of the day. As time is limited I tend to multitask in the morning to get a headstart so emailing while drinking coffee, news while running, and some music while showering. I try to be as efficiently productive early!


I am really very proud of all of you who are leaving meaningful committees and being generous voting for each other and it is important to remember to go back to the previous post to open if you did not give an upvote to someone who commented after you and was not given with the generosity proposed in this blog. I am writing this same answer for all of you and I apologize for this but it is that my life really is very busy and I have given the best of myself so that we can reach our goal of 50+ upvotes between all of this blog no matter Whatever your steem power. Remember the most important is attitude.