You've actually done me a favour as I didn't have time to read what wasn't there, even though it was full of common sense that is always missing from humanity anyway.
I hope everyone else doesn't read the missing post, I'd hate to think others were missing out on something missing.
I hope you're well and please try to post more posts that aren't posts. We are so short of nothing to read on Hive these days.
Best wishes Mr Use, unless you changed your preferred pronouns since the last time I didn't read you.
PS. Do you have a French cousin called @nonameslefttoulouse?
As they so commonly say to the point of it being annoying now, "Common sense isn't too common these days."
Maybe I will publish a post someday. It does seem somewhat quiet and empty around here.
And you can call me Mr Himself. lol That's an old character I use to be when writing educational spoofs/skits. Just call me whatever. Names are overrated anyway.
Et non, je n'ai pas de cousins français.