If humanity doesn't become a truly spacefaring species in the next five centuries or so, we may well go extinct.
~ Stephen Hawking
The world is diverse, beautiful, and mysterious. You do NOT need an artistic eye to see the great beauties of the world and all of it's hidden treasures just like we can also see all the evil that has been conspiring in the world. Maybe where that phrase " take the good with the bad " comes to play.
During a video presentation at the Terrence Web Summit in Beijing, November 5th, Hawking went on to explain how the rising human population, and our needs from earth itself could prevent us from living on this beautiful planet by the year 2600.
In his presentation, Stephen Hawking also talked about his new project Breakthrough Starshot. It's an $100 million project that is aiming to develop uncrewed, sail-equipped probes that will be accelerated to 20 percent the speed of light by powerful lasers.
A link below with more details to project Breakthrough Starshot.
Official article from livescience.
Earth’s resources are not infinite. Mankind could truly destroy itself with its own hand.
It's been in the process for many years. I couldn't agree with you more.
Agreed, but by the same token Humankind could undo the damage and create a World of balance. I choose to believe in and work towards the latter through action and spreading truths.
Why go to college? There's Google.
Hi fedesox,
Your words sound true. Mankind will eventually undo itself without the help of aliens or meteors or even mother nature. Only when humanity as a whole live a life without greed and everything excess can humanity transcend to higher levels of technology and understanding.
Jack the Reader.
exactly... AI with greed is a recipe for disaster. I blog a lot about it
The response to: "Will humankind, as we know it, disappear?" Is of course yes (sorry for the life spoiler but we all die). Of course we will disappear, living beings, societies and planets. Our sun will explode in 5 billion years or maybe earlier than that. The question then becomes: "What will we do with the remaining time?".
Yes it is naive to believe that anything will last forever, but ultimately future generations will have to deal with whatever new problems may arise in the future just as we must deal with the past's mistakes.
we basically are in this mess because it is expected that the next generation to fix it :)
so now we live in a claptrap as a result. Interesting but dangerous time. Many people have absolutely no idea though, just wait for AI to become immortal and passively support the next level of their servitude. I blog a lot about it
Человечество уже это делает, разрушает все то , что ему дано и не нужно ждать так долго 400 лет , чтобы увидеть коллапс.
fear, scarcity... contrast the reality of seeing how much food is literally thrown away, how much product is literally wasted in the production of crap...
we are not acting like it is scarce, we are acting like we can consume forever without producing anything, and when we run out here, just go somewhere else and rape that planet.
this really doesn't sound like a good plan to me.
we could live in perfect harmony with the planet and not 'need' to go anywhere else.
but it is more profitable to pretend a space program, and for that we must scare the population into believe we must find a new home.
well, i'd like to take care of this one, stop pretending we can escape.
I completely agree, this reality is a bad illusion and fear inducing...monetarism has created a fake scarcity and that is why AI is a threat....I blog a lot about it.
Very well said !
There are sustainable solutions for just about everything, though. Things need to change, we need to learn to minimize our ecological footprint in these industrious times, and we're starting to do that, e.g. with the advancements in clean energy. Don't be so bleak.
just know that right now, we waste 50% of the food production, worldwide... the problem is money that causes scarcity. I blog a lot about it :)
I dread to think too much about that AI revolution. It sounds crazy to some, but when you look back on movies even... 10/15 years ago, they basically have come to pass present day.... it's as though we are slowly but surely been drip fed the advances in technology so that we wont 'notice' and just accept it as the norm.
Rage against the Machines...
@aineyann I love your comment. I was just thinking the same earlier today. There's been some talk about AI's in the new film Blade Runner which I haven't seen yet but will check it out to see what all the hype is about. In my OPINION, the government already has things and bots set up. I posted about Sophia the AI robot who was also granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia. A lot going on under our nose.
Oh yes, it's so true... and clear for those who have the eyes to see it :] ... it's when you look back on it all... and how they promote AI in movies and shows all the time.... there is even an AI that can marry you and your partner in certain parts of the world.. :/ ... not to mention robocops for real.
It really is going on under the surface, but in plain sight.. I always feel the powers that be( not to sound crazy lol) are laughing at us ! .... ohh yes I saw Sophia.. see how realistic she looks.... and that's only what we are been shown... I wonder how realistic they really are...
I saw something once, A program that can literally fake have anybody ( i.e Trump for example) appear to be saying a certain thing ( as you choose)... makes you wonder , how much of these people are real.. ( now that's disturbing, lol)!
ironically, what if the ai is actually your ego. the ai that we are so afraid of is the ego that has taken your place and pretends to be you. it is that thing that has opinions, carries grudges, punishes wrong doing, and basically destroys everything it touches. look around at the planet. that is our collective ego in control.
i heard eckhart tolle talk about "how can i be sick of myself?" that must mean the i is separate from the self. in meditation, i created a gap between the 'i' and 'self' .. you notice this gap exists when a loud sound happens and you don't jump, you process it differently, you are no longer acting automatically, you get to choose what to do.
i've come to believe we are all under ego delusion to some degree. i'm no exception. i've thought before 'my ego is an asshole, but i'm not' .. but the ego isn't an asshole either, it simply operates given its understanding of the world. to change that understanding means to redefine everything you know about existance, because nothing else will restore your ego to sanity.
what is this enormous change? recongizing that you are connected to all things, you have enough, you get what you desire without needing.
whew, long post. i have ideas, thoughts, that i hope can help change the world for the better, i hope i've made something of value with this post.
partially true but you speak as if you are not fully informed about the AI origins.
on my blog, look for The AI Paradox: Black Goo, Supramolecular Scale And 4D Printed Programmable Materials
I wish they'd give him a normal voice.
He knows all this shit, but can't figure out how to walk... ok sure!
Hi bayareacoins,
Even I wish that people can give Hawking a better voice... well, they actually tried but they realized that Hawking's current voice has become his "voice" and its too iconic for them to even try changing.
Jack the Reader.
Thanks 4 sharing. I am very interested in science.
Am I the only one who is skeptical about Stephen hawking saying anything that is attributed to him?
Let's hope so.
Space species, duh! We even don't have a united planet earth for that...
It really is going on under the surface, but in plain sight.. I always feel the powers that be are laughing at us... hahaha) what goin on?)
He is on dmt
I think Earth has enough resources to sustain all of us forever, but it's just our greed which outweighs it. We really have to start colonizing different planets to fulfill this greed of ours.
he is also warning us about A.I. yet humanity still explores it. We need to all agree to stop investing research in A.I. before we have a back up plan because running in to the A.I. server rooms with a giant magnet won't stop it.
five centuries ? that's optimistic Steven.. I'd give us about 40 years to get out and establish self perpetuating colonies in the solar system and then 100 to get out to Alpha Centauri. I think we'll find most planetary systems worth having will already be inhabited. I mean what's the chance of finding an Earth like planet .....BUT WITHOUT Millions of species.
I also really like Mr Hawking. I've worked on a series all about his work and I've read some of his writings for laypeople. His slightly ridiculous view that we should keep quiet or bad aliens will come and get us is a bit childish. A) they know we're here. B) we're still alive C) if you're a space faring race, you probably need to develop ethics for visiting planets (like they have in Star Trek) .. even our smartest can't reach escape velocity of the human imagination limit. ie we always think about the unknown couched in our own little relatively inexperienced terms.. speak to a good sci-fi writer. they can see round corners where light can't bend !
Alpha Centauri has no interesting planet, but Proxima Centauri b looks interesting -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxima_Centauri_b
Also interesting:
I thought Alpha Centauri bb was a rocky planet just a bit larger than Earth.. It doesn't really matter. All stars have planets and our m class star is a pretty common star type. It's perfect for evolving life over billions of years. steady, not too warm, not too intense.. just a nice bright glow. I watched Blue Planet 2 last night (The Deep). it seems life can pretty much exist anywhere. There are fish living at the absolute bottom of the Mariana Trench.. 50 jumbo jets worth of pressure per square inch.. it was thought impossible.. until now !
Cheers for the links.. I wish more people would respond with links !!
yeah sure like the european ethics when visiting america
not quite sure what you mean @hueso ? are you talking about the way European people wiped out the indigenous cultures ? by gun, flu and by guile.. If so, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I think you'll also find that Europeans have been wiping each other out for centuries and before them the Romans wiped out - or more correctly conquered then absorbed pretty much anyone that stood in their way. Alexander the Great did the same for the Greeks until they pretty wore themselves out. It's human nature to conquer. If we go into space, we need to grow up a bit first
That's right. I think that's Hawkings' point when preaching to "stay quiet". The aliens may have the same conquering manners towards the Earth's inhabitants.
I know. but my point is we always refer to ourselves. we're talking chimps with guns. If you can get around from star to star, you're a bit smarter. I'm not saying that there won't be any bad aliens out there. but I think it's pretty obvious we're here. our tv signals UHF have already travelled to many of our nearest stars. I'd keep away if I was an alien. It would feel a bit like travelling to Planet of the Apes.. which is exactly what Earth is ! I just think they'd have space lasered us by now if they wanted to ! He might be right though.. in which case, forget it.
If aliens manage to balance the resource consumption in their planet they don't need to go spacefaring in order to survive.
I don't think exploring space is even about balancing resources. If you have interstellar crafts, you have all the energy balanced already. Again we seem to be only able to think of others in terms of ourselves. To me, that's a huge and glaringly obvious mistake that only we humans would make. We don't know about how another evolved intelligence might see the universe. possibly in a different way altogether. At best we are probably a curiosity. a primitive technological society on the cusp of either destroying ourselves or about to escape the velocity curve of our own past.
i hope that we dont die soon.
We will probably have blown ourselves up by then so I wouldn't worry Mr Hawking! We are on self destruct mode as a species and have been since day 1!
wonder will be a problem. source will be exhausted :(
nice post..
Stephen Hawking is full of it.
Yah I would say it is only a matter of time before we run this whole place into the ground. Sad really but true.
If only humanity would heed warnings. Rightly said @kylaki its only a matter of time and this place we call home would be rubbles of nothingness.
population is the big problem for humanity .. but sadly i wanna say we shouldn't care about it why..? because people are killing each other they are creating anarchy and such kind of things and than one day the world will be cleaned and fair by human zoo
Thanks for sharing. It is time we start to think ahead. Great forward thinking by one of the greats of our time.
I would like to see that within the next 5 decades not centuries....
Few days before while speaking at a technology conference in Lisbon, Portugal the living legend Stephen Hawking warned about Artificial Intelligence. He said that it(AI) has the potential to destroy civilization and could be the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity.
Click for more detailed news
thanks for sharing @joseph
@amrumk thanks for the share and read.
if you want to have the whole picture. just go to my blog and look for
The AI Paradox: Black Goo, Supramolecular Scale And 4D Printed Programmable Materials :
Stephen Hawking is full of it.
Does humanity wants to listen?
our planet is alive and she say stop! why run to space? to go pollute on another place, to destruct other species and planets?? we, maybe as Human being , our flesh will die one day... but our consciousness is infinite... if at least people start to awake a bit , something can be change.. but until another system (no corrupted!!) is put in place without all this shit, and with a deep consciousness and respect, only at this moment maybe we can think to go travel in space to go meet other species...
it is
Good post
Too true. Upvoted, check out my post? https://steemit.com/music/@smith-house/why-folk-music-never-dies#comments
Stephen Hawking is a genius individual, heed his words :)
Maybe we need to accept extintion, our destiny, everything has an end, If there are one thing that makes the humanity so destructive its that wish of live forever.
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This is quite ominous. But rest assured. We humanbeings ain't going down without my fight.
Looks like there is more ways to destroy our kind and other animals and live organisms and whole planet than maintain this system. Human guilt. Exclusively.
Yes, another doom monger, but who can foretell the future? I have upvoted and re steemed you , please upvote me and resteem ...thanks
I can say also that is hard to guess how all of this will end, I think that the mental forces which hold mankind behavior are also another missing variable to take in count when judging. Yet it is like talking about the endgame or the final stage which will take and gather all mankind to choose between two clear and distinct paths.
Intelligence vs Wisdom.
Us Humans are the plague on this earth
Hi All,
Sometimes, Hawkings sees the world and the universe in a negative light; always seeing the possibility of extinction and not evolution, always looking into the event horizon instead of examining supernovae.
Humanity, in all its fragile existence, will not survive another thousand years if we won't evolve into something capable of surviving a mass extinction event. Two ways, we go cybernetic and become imortals - basically becoming something like Brainiac or we shoot ourselves to space in all directions - expand and evolve humanity into space nomads like the Quarians in the Mass Effect universe.
Other than those two, humanity might end up going the way of the dodo.
Peace and prosperity to all,
Jack the Reader.
hawking does not say the whole truth anyway. I have many blogs about AI... Look for this one when you get a chance: The AI Paradox: Black Goo, Supramolecular Scale And 4D Printed Programmable Materials
Hi earthcustodians,
I will definitely check those posts out.
Hawking, although a mind unparalleled, is just voicing out his opinions. AI does have a possibility of going rogue and wiping humanity clean ala terminator, but the chances for that happening is slim. I mean just hit them with EMP's and they're all done for.
The only "affected" people are us. Those who live their lives with internet dependence. Ask people living in rural areas and they can all live without the internet and the AI's mind is only as good as all our minds combined. So, its fair game. They might wipe us out of existence or maybe they can help us transcend into godlike beings.
Lastly, try visiting my blog this weekend. I'll post something about AI that you might like.
Jack the Reader.
We have been using our resources in such an amount that the balance of the nature might be disturbed and no further resources for the future generation .
Yes, the current path we are going down is crappy, but a lot can happen in 500 years. Imagine the technological innovations that could/will happen between now and then. I hope, and for the sake of my posterity, the future will be a wonderful place to live, which our current thinking won't allow us to comprehend yet.
Crime against humanity is the common limit for all cultures. The mission of human rights is also to preserve this future humanity, these future generations, so that this humanity remains a promise.
Looking forward to be read about this. I don't think we are going extinct, but we might loose our capability of building high technological societies if we are not taking global warming and other environmental issues seriously. Humans are going to survive though, but we may only become a shadow of our former selves and we will seriously cripple the humanities chances of survival in the long term.
The Earth doesn't need us, we are the ones who need earth - the way it is today. Period.
We might deplete all the resources on earth, we might leave it a mess, but eventually irrespective of whether mankind survives or not in the next 500 years, the earth will continue - after all it existed for 4.5 billion years and the entire existence of homo sapiens has been barely a wink in that period - a mere 200,000. No matter what we do, the earth will shrug off all what we did in a few million years. It's seen far more dominating species (dinosaurs and trilobytes were dominating species for many million years in their own time)and the earth has erased all traces of them in good time. Humankind might be destructive, but more than destroying earth, it will be destroying itself if humankind doesnt get its act together.
If we need to survive as a species for the next 500 years, we need to do much more than we do today to sustain those resources that earth provides us and which we cannot do without. And yeah, we would probably need to find our way to create colonies in outer space, in a different galaxy perhaps, that is today not within the reach of science.
His words are just awesome and he talks about great things.
Sadly, not many people realize about the importance of exploration, and not merely for reaching other planets, but also to discover, to unveil the unknown. I understand that some people prefer to think about the mundane problems we have on earth (most required our attention), but how can we advance fast as species we don't expand our vision.
But the earth has sustained itself for thousands of now, is it waiting to go boom in just six hundred years? This earth is self preserving guys no matter what they do to destroy it's ecosystem.
I really don’t think it will be too much longer either....”hits play on Interstellar....”
my best person