Posting on steemit seems like it is always about your posting rewards. It isn't.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

YOU WON'T UPVOTE THIS POST. Most won't. But I am going to say it anyway... and I'm not complaining...


If you scroll through my past blog posts, I've gotten paid well. I seem like a success.

...and I am in many ways... and I am not in other ways.

Here's where I am a success:

  • People know me
  • They've seen what I write, and have learned to trust me on their own
  • I investigate and research
  • People value my opinion

Here is where I am not a success:

  • My posts don't get acknowledged easily
  • Whales don't upvote me easily
  • I can pay for votes, but it doesn't change the situation long term. tell us @intelliguy what is it that you are bringing to us today?


  1. The primary purpose of when I write, is to spread more truth into the world about things people need to know
  2. I want to talk to those that follow me and trust to hear what I have to say
  3. I appreciate my devoted listeners who come back again and again

...the problem with what I do, is each and every day, my voice gets lost in the hurry for more votes, more popular monetary upvotes, more payouts, and it begins and ends with money each time.

I've decided I'm going to forfeit paid upvotes to be in the running for a little while.

I'm just going to blog... from me... to you.. and whatever $ value shows up is a bonus. Just like the old days.

I'm going to write what I think needs to be written. Those that appreciate it will upvote themselves.

What does this mean @intelliguy for you?

  • It means instead of $50 - $100 a post payout, I'm going to go down to $1.00 to $5.00 a post payout.

Why would you do this?

  • To feel better about what I do. I'm quite tired of trying to pay for upvotes to my decent posts to get noticed anymore. Those witnesses, whales, bot controllers, who think @intelliguy should be recognized for the value he puts into the steem chain are free to vote up or ignore me as they wish.

So what we have here is a mexican standoff

As a content contributor, I'm just going to keep blogging and let organic rewards show up on their own.

As a upvote whalebot keeper, I can only say to them, find a way to encourage content like mine, to continue to be part of the system.

...and if they decide not to... that's fine. Profits can change the way people act.

For me. I don't want profits to change who I am.

So now you'll see me write "for free", good solid content, and I leave it up to you all to value it on your own.

Some huge money makers on steem or steemit might think I'm being immature or stupid by doing this... saying it is only your wallet that will suffer while we're making off with bags of cash and cashing them out.


All the money in the world can't buy me. Listen. We're all here for a short term on this earth. My good will and words are locked into the steem blockchain for a long time now.

The last thing I want to be remembered for is @intelliguy made a lot of money

I'd rather be remembered for...

@intelliguy offered a lot of good advice, tips, blogs, and helpful information while he was here...

So those votes that have power, that neglect to send them here "for free"....

Yes, you're going to make money.

I'm just going to continue to blog.

..and if any of you in control with millions of steem power want to support me... feel free to do so.. Maybe 10% of what you hold can go to supporting good steemians while you make your money.

So that's what everyone is about to see.

Lots of under $5 posts from @intelliguy for the short term.

I want to do this right.. the way it was intended by Dan Larimer, one of the creators of steem.

It means I suffer first. By not milking the system the way it could be milked.

...but at some point... REAL SOLID CONTENT needs to continually exist on this platform (just like medium, or reddit) otherwise the platform becomes worthless, even to the whale holders too.

Enjoy the rest of your day. I will. I feel like a weight on my shoulders has just been lifted by talking about this...


Your post is indeed very inspiring. 4 months of Steemit, and still in love with the idea. Yet, it also gave me time to realise there is a cancer eating up this beautiful world. I am really glad to read more and post denouncing it. Enough of these and people like you, with your ideas, and it could become an excellent chimiotherapy saving our favorite platform.

An idea, Would it be possible technically to 'fork' away from the greedies (for example only a fraction of the reward pool is left dedicated to upvote services) ?

Well said. There's too much chasing of money here. I know some people are desperate to make anything, but others are out to be rich and that doesn't necessarily bring happiness. I think steemit has massive potential to change the world, but greed could spoil that. I'd rather have principles than a 'lambo'

"...I'm just going to blog... from me... to you.. and whatever $ value shows up is a bonus. Just like the old days." Good decision. This is what I have done from the beginning. Have a nice day!

I'll vote for this. I don't even know you. I haven't been purchasing those votes. I can't stand them. I'm an artist and I share that work sometimes in my posts. Other times I'm writing jokes, hoping to get laughs. If I buy votes, that's like me deciding my art is the best, or me purchasing every seat in a comedy club and performing in front of an empty house. Total waste of time. Not worth it at all. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I already knew that. Have a good day.

Anyone who sees my reply.. just click this link below:

@nonameslefttouse is an awesome blogger with intact morals.. I recommend you visit..

This is the real point you are making. If there will be no good content then the platform would not exist for long. Only profit mindedness will lead to the platform become a market, and only investors would exist. If there will be no value in the market nobody will buy hence the market will be closed. If the whale's think that they only needs to profit without adding real value and helping those who adds value then they are holding bubbles which will eventually burst.

If steemit turned into money making platform sooner or later it will lose good content which will benefit no one.
@intelliguy being authentic and sticking to your own standards are rewarding in themselves. Keep the good work. Thanks 🙏🏻

Not much but to say i agree, i do hear you, your voice is always one of the ones i look for on a daily. My vote and resteem is yours to have sir. Take some time to go back to writing a single blog about something you love and are passionate about. Forget about whats going on and give us an intelliguy pallet cleanser to get our thinking caps on. :) you seem stressed is why i suggest this! Much love.

Great article. I love your outlook. Thank you for putting what we do into perspective. I would appreciate any tips you can give. Mahalos.

That's too inspirational! I have noticed something here on Steemit, some whales only vote other whales posts. They don't support minnows. Where will we get the motivation? If our posts don't accumulate reasonable rewards. That's not the case, let me blog nomatter what value appears on my posts.

there are some exceptions but I feel where you are coming from.

Although you said most won't upvote this post. But most will upvote like me. Well written. Cheers!

At least you got that off your shoulders..

your post is always mean create readers, except that is not read in the sense of reading title only .. for me very believe that your voice would you give a little to post I .. thank Mr.

It's all about the content. That's how you are successful Thanks @journeyfreedom

...but at some point... REAL SOLID CONTENT needs to continually exist on this platform (just like medium, or reddit) otherwise the platform becomes worthless, even to the whale holders too.

This seals it, the nail on the head. I can totally relate to all you put up, before i joined steemit, the talk was: post the quality stuff and people would see what you are doing. Well, as a newbie i have been posting but really nothing to show for it. The posts get lost in the great abyss.

You are a good writer by the way, upvoted you but my sp is pretty useless. At least you know your work is deeply appreciated.

Resteemed :)

I only use paid upvotes when I wish to promote a page, like my new competition I am holding. But regular posts, nope, I let happen organically. It's great when we have a valid reason but to simply do it for the money is not as good as seeing your posts achieve success on their own.

You have an interesting blog, as you said, you offer a lot of good advice, tips, and helpful information. I am glad you write this post and share with us you think. Indeed, posting on steemit in not about the money...
Have a great weekend!

I should be so lucky to earn $5 for a post.

elated & exuberant!

amazing story, very inspired

I've been thinking about this, not so much about making money/not making money - although I am noticing behaviours I don't like very much and changing what I do accordingly (which is mainly not giving those posters my attention). What I've been thinking about is what are people here for, why have this particular experience? I was looking for a blogging platform, a place where I could express myself, seemed like a new and interesting place to try that. Since joining, I've really enjoyed the spontaneity and access to such diverse places, people and cultures, especially through contests - #beersaturday - and projects like #walkwithme and #marketfriday. Money will come or it won't, and when it does, it will be based on building value-based relationships and communities.

Yeah. Your post is so adorable for me. At first, I think I use steemit to make money. But, your post remember me for real primary purpose that is to post real original need content. But, nowadays we see so many user of steemit is to have money, money and money. And I agree with you that life is quite short. But, what we write will stay forever and give people what we write.Nice post mr. @intelliguy

Another inspiring and brave post @intelliguy, the first time I join steemit I was thinking this is a job , most of the people here are posting because of money but after seeing post like this from you, I always think of a post that will be informative as this but iam not as good as you, I hope when I reach your reputation i can also inspire other minnows at that time... like what you are doing to me now... I don't know if I can but I'll try my best...