in #life6 years ago (edited)


My life took a dramatic change at the age of 35. Here are 5 things I noticed after financial independence retiring early(F.I.R.E.).

Learning becomes fun and exciting.

You can indulge in your research and often catch yourself falling into the rabbit hole. The significant decline in life distractions, obligations and sudden absence of responsibilities from work increase focus on any task with higher intensity. Often times, I catch myself doing research for a straight week just on one topic! In many ways i feel like I have gone back to school but on my own terms. Learning about economics and markets has become ever more intriguing and fascinating to me. Even learning about politics and law, which i never thought I would enjoy, has become enjoyable.

Losing track of time.

Owning more of your time really brings a new sense of freedom in life. No longer are you restricted by time. The importance of bedtime is diminished. You can allow yourself to work on any project late into the night and not worry about the next days obligations from your business or career. The lines between weekdays and weekends are blurred. The day and time you now own fully and can schedule as you please. Feel like going with the flow? Forget about scheduling and let your creative side take over time.

Self improvement.

Not limited by time, you often catch yourself researching literally everything! I read at least 80% more now than I ever did in my past. It really raises your awareness on many aspects of yourself. You begin to recognize many of your flaws and bad habits as well. You realize how much energy you have to tackle and correct them. Having all your energy to channel to yourself rather than somewhere else is a wonderful benefit I am grateful for.

Huge decrease in stress levels.

So as they say, stress is horrible for your health. The noticeable differences in my health were not immediate after FIRE. In fact, the changes in my health were gradual over a course of 2 years. The immediate changes noticed were an increase in general happiness and to be quite honest, worries as well. The years of planning for FIRE may have helped ease the concerns I had about this new FIRE lifestyle in a matter of few months.

There were reductions in weight especially around my waist line without the exercise! My weight seems to have stabilized at a much healthier range. My inner desire to exercise has naturally increased as well. Everything just feels much more stabilized and balanced due to the reduction in stress. Life still throws curve balls but I live life trying to be as well prepared for all the possible risks in life.

No more traffic and long lines.

The daily life chores such as grocery shopping are now exclusively done during the work hours between 11AM to 3PM. Locating parking spots is rarely a problem anymore and long lines are just as rare. You definitely notice more retired folks in their later years shopping during these times. In the past, the only time available to run errands was on Saturdays and Sundays. It was common spending a large part of my weekend taking care of personal errands such as grocery shopping, visiting banks and the post office. Now the same tasks are only a small fraction of my time.

Are you retired early as well? I’d love to hear your thoughts and what changes you have noticed! Thank you for reading!

Follow me at my website: LifeBeyondFIRE


Very informative post. There is nothing better than sharing personal experience with others.

I read a good article well.

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