On this rocky road we call life, sometimes we win and sometimes things don't turn out exactly how we would have preferred. We tend to view our failures as a stigma. At least that's the typical human thought pattern when situations don't go our way.
The Tendency Is To Hide Our Shortcomings Instead Of Leveraging Them To Our Advantage
One of the best stories I have about leveraging a weak spot follows a rather rough patch in my own life. I had been out of work for some time back when I was putting down the bottle, so to speak. The career path I was treading down came to an abrupt end when the company I worked for told me they no longer needed my employment services.
The position I had applied for wasn't very high paying, but it wasn't at the starting level either. It wasn't a management spot though it was a department head and so brought a little better wage offering. I was nervous about the interview, mostly due to the fact I didn't know how to explain my period of unemployment.
I Decided To Turn The Truth Of A Difficult Life Experience Into A Strength
This took some time and it required a complete change in my own perception, or it wouldn't have been effective. Not only did I have to think that everything I had been through was a lesson. I had to believe it and that meant I had to learn it. Before I ever stepped foot into that room with the District Manager to interview, I had done more to prepare than I gave myself credit for.
After the interview, I ended up being offered a management position instead of the department head role I had applied for. I took the job and did quite well with that company for almost three years. For several months before my eventual departure, I took over the role of General Manager. Running a holiday-themed retail store during the holidays put my nerves on edge for sure, but what a resume builder that kind of position is!!! I made mistakes in the end and was asked to resign, but I'm all the smarter from the experience now.
Keep On Failing, Just Don't Get Stuck
Even if you do get stuck, just stop digging. It's always okay to fail as long as we don't sit too long in our own shit. That's called digging and I've done it for chunks of years in my past. It just simply won't do. If you stop digging you might still be in a ditch, but you have the same chance as did the farmer's horse.
I'll end with the story of the farmer's horse who walked right into a ditch. The horse couldn't get out on his own accord due to the steep walls of the hole he had fallen into. After several rescue attempts by the farmer and many of the neighbors who came to help out, it was deemed impossible to pull the poor horse out.
It didn't take more than an hour or two for the dust to settle, the work all finished. Lo and behold! There was the horse standing once again on level ground. All it took was a good packing from four stomping hooves while others were trying to bury him alive. They didn't know it, but they had inadvertently given the horse the opportunity he needed.
Don't Be Afraid To Fail - When The Chips Are Down Stop Digging & Start Stomping!!!
All Images Courtesy Of Pixabay.com
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I can’t remember who said it (maybe Napoleon Hill) but the saying goes something like this... The only difference between successful people and people who consider themselves failures is that the successful people have FAILED MORE. You captured that perfectly with your analogy of staying in the ditch.Very powerful post @inalittlewhile. We all struggle with failures throughout life but how we come through those is what defines us.
Thanks @jbreheny. It was my old man who told me the tale about the horse and I'll never forget it. It reminds me to push forward no matter what I fear about the results. :)
That is definitely a great parable and one I will use from time to time if you don't mind?
Sure thing. It's open source. :)
Sweet, a UNIX parable. lol
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I always think the only way forward is to fail your way, :) Thanks for the awesome post :)
Thanks for all the support @insideoutlet. It's funny but you make a good point. We do all have our own different style of failing. :)
If we were all the same the world would be a very boring place. 😉
True, facing failure should be something normal and we need to get over with it and continue what we wanna achieve. Unfortunately we are trained to fear failure. Have to reset our mindset.
Spot on @kimzwarch. I love how you say it...
I'm always down for a mindset reset when things aren't going my way. :)
Learning from our failures is the best way to learn. Not only do you learn a valuable lesson but if you're really honest with yourself you learn so much about yourself too. Thank you for sharing your story.
Oh yea and you touched upon the most difficult part, being honest with oneself. The lengths we go to to tell ourselves a lie is one of the most difficult things to overcome. That might take some help from a trusted source to help us see it. One for a whole nother post there. :)
you can never succeed without failure.
they go hand in hand, @inalittlewhile awesome share...
Really great words of wisdom here buddy! It has taken me a lifetime to learn how valuable failure is and how much it can truly bring out in you. I have learned that everything happens for a reason and I look forward to the unique opportunities only failure can bring. Thanks for sharing such a raw and uplifting peek into your journey.
So true. What seems like crap at the time ends up leading somewhere awesome. :)
This has to be my favourite life lesson starting right now!
Ya you know the truth usually is that people aren't trying to bury us. But it sure can seem that way when we are full of complaints and the chips are down.
True, this is why having a correct attitude counts for so much!
You're story started out almost exactly like mine. I had lost a job that really did love ( I just couldn't stand the company I worked for) I was in the middle, not a manager, not bottom of the totem pole. I was the go to fix it person. I had a new manager that came in and felt threatened by me. I had gotten some accolades from some local people in prominent positions, 2 weeks to the day I was congratulated by most of the VPs in the company, I was fired. Supposedly, I had yelled at a customer. Funny, I don't remember it happening. I think I would know if I yelled at someone. It was devastating. The way I phrased it, I was making adult money.
Through some ups and downs and a lot of healing and trying to do what you did, turn it into a learning experience, I muddled through. While I may not have been able to find appropriate employment, I did find something that I am good at. It's sad when your children make more money than you do :( That's what happens when you start over so to speak.
I really enjoyed you post you said what most people are afraid to think after a situation like that. Very happy that you went for the higher position and got it :)
Oh jeeze my kids aren't old enough to make more than me.....yet. If things don't change in the next few years it won't be hard for them to do. Haha. :)
LOL. With the way things are going you're right about that!!
Excelente post, la verdad tienes mucha razón requerimos de un cambio de paradigma, y entender que el fracaso es parte de nuestro proceso de crecimiento. Desde hoy te sigo... Por otra parte me gustaría que leyeras y me dieras tu opinión sobre mi ultima publicación: https://steemit.com/spanish/@millergil21/indicadores-de-la-proactividad...Gracias ...
Yo salio una respuesta en su publicacion ultima. :)
I try to keep this philosophy in mind. Ed Catmull from Pixar has a lot to say on it that reflects your thoughts.
One thing I like to do is watch videos of AI trained to play video games. At a late stage, they are amazing, but the early stage training sets are laughably bad and filled with 'failures'. The key is to realize that the awesome stuff would never have occurred without learning from those early mistakes.
That's a good comparison. It brings to mind the image of a moving line that goes to the wrong side of the screen to deflect the pong ball. Lol. :)
Of relevance.
So well said! " If you think a leader admires success, a true leader holds success after failure in even higher regard. " This, what
you say, is so true. Congrats on your success!
Hey thanks @denisechips. I'm not trying to climb the corporate ladder anymore. But it's still nice to have the experience should I ever need it again. :)
When you are down in the pit too long eventually you have to get up and climb out from there, that's what we need to help those who had fallen and lend them a hand if needed to get them out. Great motivation post @inalittlewhile!
For sure @roselifecoach. And there's no way I could have come through without a lot of help from some really kind people. :)
Bless you.I' glad you have people that cares around you @inalittlewhile!
This is such an inspiring story! You've had a challenging experience but fear didn't stop you from trying out and going out into the world and unexpectedly, it turned out for the best. :) Thanks for sharing.
Your past failures and loses will always be a good learning experience and when used wisely, can be used as a key to a great future!
I'm happy to have met you in at because of Steemitbloggers. :) Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks so much @dawnsheree. It means a lot to me. I still have to face fear and sometimes it gets the better of me. But, being a part of the Steemitbloggers does help me grow. :)
Acceptance is key to release, it took me ages to learn that but I appreciate life a lot more now I have. thanks for the reminder.
Oh yes acceptance. It's like making the decision to turn around and swim downstream instead. :)
Haha thats a great analogy. I may use that one.
you have never experienced life , if you have never experienced failure
Very true. Thanks for the shout out. :)
This post was chosen to be featured in this weeks SoCal Spotlight
I love the farmer and the horse story! Never heard that before, but such an awesome lesson. If we knew everything, life would be so boring. That what I used to tell my high school students who saw failing as something horrible (I mean 'failing' something specific, not an entire year:); failure is simply another way to learn.