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RE: EARTH & SPACE NEWS - Solar Watch, Earthquake, Fire, Flood, Mars | S0 News Nov.10.2018

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi Yusranzam
Thank you very much for your comments. I personally believe while we as a species have not understood how to use nuclear power in any safe manner we should not play with it at all! All nuclear power and related medical endeavours generate dangerous products which we have no ability to make safe - we simply bury waste, hoping it will be undisturbed by earthquake or war for 40,000+ years - this is short sighted foolishness!
        On the subject of Chemotherapy: Cancer is big business, no doubt about it. But did you know that the treatment your doctor orders could actually increase the likelihood that you will become a repeat customer? Conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation actually promote cancer. Yes, you read that correctly… they promote cancer! How Long Has it Been Known That Chemotherapy and Radiation Can Lead to Second Cancers? The link between chemotherapy and radiation and the development of second cancers has been known for decades! Even the American Cancer Society acknowledges that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are carcinogens and may increase risk for developing a second cancer, and that the risk is even higher when both therapies are given together. Yet still this information is not typically shared with patients or is severely downplayed by oncologists − unless you ask specific pointed questions about your proposed radiation therapy and/or chemo.
        Chemotherapy targets the DNA of cancer cells, specifically rapidly dividing cells. However, in the process it also impacts healthy cells. Risk is dose and treatment-duration related. I urge you to read more about this subject and research/google: "is chemotherapy survivable"

keep well :D


Thank you for the information we rarely know. I now understand that the real effect is destruction not only for us humans, but all other creatures will get the radiation caused by the radiation. Yes, we cannot predict earthquakes. we are to maintain our nuclear radiators from earthquakes. for example, which has existed in Japan some time ago. as a result of earthquakes and tsunamis there could have been such a thing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi Yusranzam,
Again you make excellent points! - It is a pleasure to meet you - have a superb day :D

Posted using Partiko iOS