THE NEW HUMAN BEING (My Future memories of 2027) part 2

in #life7 years ago


Homo Sanctus (The new human being)
Future memories 2027 (part 2)

We humans, are water being. Our bodies are made primarily of water, yet very little we know about the energetic and implications of this fact on a physiological level and the interplay of the elements within our vehicle.

The new human will soon become more and more translucent. Through the Kundalini liquid fire, as the water molecules within the physical body are vaporized, a steaming process is created in which our spiritual essence is refined.

Another astonishing revelations which demystify the unimaginable symbology of water and ring so much truth to me have been also found and remembered in the "gene keys" wisdom.

"In human physiology, the 32nd Gene Key represents the regulation of liquid in your body. This is why it has such a deep connection with your genetic memory, since water holds memory. There is a peculiarity within the hydrogen atom that allows it to transfer consciousness as memory. The water cycle on our planet is actually how we are awakening. Every form that dies releases its water content back into the water cycle, which means that every form releases a finite number of more evolved hydrogen atoms back into the world. Thus, the hydrogen atoms in every vegetable you eat pass through your body and leave through your sweat or urine more evolved than when they entered your body. This evolving chain of consciousness is present and occurring in every single life form on our planet through the medium of the water in the food chain. The key to evolution is digestion!

The secret of the 55th Gift of freedom at a physiological level lies in a single element — salt. Salt has long been known for its purifying properties and its ability to leach toxins from the body. Every single cell within your body contains salt, and its balance within the body is a major key to health. Everything connected to this 55th Gift is rooted in its literal and metaphorical relationship to water. As we learned, water holds memory. When your emotions become really intense, you release memory through the salt in your tears and/or sweat. What is beginning to happen to humanity now, and what will become more and more intense, is a process whereby ancient memories are being chemically released from our bodies. Heightened emotional awareness will gradually draw the toxic genetic memories out of the human form. At a physical level, this will occur through your sweat, your tears and your urine. In the same way that seawater evaporates to leave behind its salt, so human beings are going through a process of evaporation and distillation. At a chemical level we are beginning to change. A new network of neuro-circuitry in the solar plexus is superseding the reptilian fear-based neuro-circuitry of the old brain. As the 59th Siddhi testifies, human beings will gradually become more transparent as the body no longer produces the old chemicals created by fear. With the closing down of certain chemical processes associated with the hind-brain, the body’s needs will radically change. Without the toxins created by fear, the body will need far less salt, and it will become much less dense."

Arise Homo Sanctus ❤️
