THE NEW HUMAN BEING (My Future memories 2027)

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Homo Sanctus (the new human being)
Future memories of 2027 - part 1

We humans, at this auspicious moment in space/time have attained our zenith in living in our mental realm, in a single-celled mentality unaware of our interconnectedness to all life. It's quite fascinating how severed we have become from the nature of our own bodies, from the elements we are made of, from the wisdom buried inside our somatic pathways. How little we know. We process life through an operating system which currently conceals our continual sense of connection and the multi dimensional law-dynamics that run through us. However, our greatest innovation as a specie is yet to leap into a new biological awareness rooted in the nerve ganglia of the solar plexus which houses a far more advanced system of awareness. Being a brain-centered specie, we so far have had the need for a center or a nucleus to be in control of life, however, just as the cell's true brain is in its membrane rather than its nucleus, so our true brain is through our emotional system.

The emotional matrix of the 55th Shadow of Victimization lies within the domain of the solar plexus region in the human body. The massive complex of nerve ganglia in this area has often been referred to as the second brain. It operates independently from the cranial brain through its continual governance of vascular and visceral functions within the body. Like the cellular membrane, the solar plexus system determines what frequencies are allowed in and out of the body.
It is through the complex ganglia of the solar plexus that our individual, racial and collective memories (sanskaras) are being transformed. The genetic mutations in our gut will dramatically change our physiology - gradually human beings are evolving the means to draw and digest higher frequency currents into our bodies. This will in time allow us to live on subtler kinds of nutrition. The likelihood is that the human beings in the future will therefore eat less dense foods. They will stop eating meat and eventually even stop eating plants. As our diet changes, so will our Solar Plexus evolve its new function - to be the equipment for our higher awareness. It is through the belly that human beings will one day realize their oneness with all creation.
The actual culmination of this process does not occur in the solar plexus area but in the heart. In traditional esoteric systems, we tend to view the centers of force within the body as separate as opposed to being part of a single system. The heart center is in fact the higher glandular functioning of the solar plexus. (Gene keys - Richard Rudd)

The new human is a Solar being. Our most bountiful natural sustenance in the Sun, it is our future food. When the second Sun gradually swells in our belly, humanity will become a solar civilization with an expanded sense of self to include a far wider reality - our greater body - the totality of life.

Arise Homo Sanctus


Enjoyed the read. Hopefully we survive to see 2027..

hehe or die trying <3

Did you try the the 21 day breatharian process?

I haven't yet. Wow, it's a great challenge i imagine. Have you tried it?

I wanted when I first heard about it like 20 years ago. But I was too afraid I would damage my kidneys or something so I kept postponing it. I still believe it's possible for humans to live without food if they really "intend" to do so, probably even longer and healthier than with food. However, if there is fear it won't work.

I fully resonate. An impeccable willingness coupled with a strong passion are crucial elements to make such experiment biologically successful. Fear compromises the process. I'll start with 24 hours! The journey to the stars start with a single step ;)

Well then I wish you a successful and transformative journey! :-)

Thank you for feeling the vibe <3