Why look down when you would still look up. Part2

in #life7 years ago

neighbour, we just tend to use the arrogant word by saying, "I didn't help because he is not related to me and he is not a friend ". Some of us treat people as trash maybe because they have a lower status than us. We are ignorant of the fact that, that the same was created by the same God. Some Christians call themselves holy but are not willing to lend a helping hands to those who are in need not even to their fellow church member.
Here in Africa for example, a woman would be given a house help and she would love to maltreat that person in the worst form even if that person has given his/her best to help that lady, the lady would still see that person as trash and do to that person what she cannot do to her daughter/son. Worst case scenerio she would not even let that person go to school and even if she does she always make that person to attend very late or make her do some very hard labour before she goes to school. This particular lady can go to church and sometimes caneven preach at the altar about kindness. I don't know the mentality we have about kindness or maybe we have this mentality that if we help that person may become better than us and may not even remember us at the end. But I tell u giving does not limit a man rather it makes him grow the more , for everything in the Bible is done according to principles and the Bible says give and it shall be given unto you good measure, press down, shaking together and running over. And the book of Numbers 23:19 and it says ***God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent. Has he spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promise and not carried it through? God has said give and it will come back to you. Why play politics about your own kindness by saying the Bible said I should only love my neighbours(i.e those staying around you or those that you are familiar with).
I tell you change that myopic mindset because no giver has ever gone down. You can't be a giver and be poor or stay below poverty line because he is aware that he has obeyed the principle of Giving and is not bothered how the rest would come because the principle says that give and it will come back to you. Even if that person forgets you, God sees everything and would reward you for every good gifts you have given. Show kindness even to those whom you don't know. Even in our various places of work we tend to look down on low employees because we are higher than them in the hierarchy of organizational positions. When someone helps us to go to the top through a ladder, when we get there we tend to break that ladder so that no other person would get to the top. We fail to understand that no man is an island no matter how smart he may be, one day he would need the help of someone and the only person in position to help is the one you've looked down on.IMG-20160402-WA002.png

God is not a partial God that is why he created everyone equally making no one superior to another. Have you ever wondered why everyone's stool is the same colour(i.e brown ) and also our urine colour that ranges from pale yellow to deep amber both for the rich and the poor. God did not select a different colour for the rich and another colour for the poor that is because He is not an author of confusion, he cannot say love in the Bible and do otherwise, he is an all knowing God and does not want us to live in hatred because he love us all equally. Imagine both the rich and the poor breathe the same amount of air no one is made better off and the other worse off and no one is paying a huge amount of money for the air they breath and there is nothing like free rider effect in the air we breathe. Also God gave everyone sleep, so both the rich and the poor rest at some point because even God himself rested.
Always ensure to lend a helping hand to those who are in need because you don't know if you would have saved a life through your kindness or that same person maybe in the position to help you. NEVER LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE BECAUSE ONE DAY YOU MIGHT LOOK UP TO THEM. Thanks guys for all your support am grateful and I love you guys. Happy New Month and have a fruitful month ahead of youaesop1.jpg
sourceHello guys it's me again @giftizy and here to give you a food for thought about something we all are victims to, I hope at the end of this post, you be able to change your mindset. This is about the way we treat people, some of us tag ourselves like good people and we love God when for a fact we do not create good relationships with our neighbours but the Bible says love your neighbours as yourself. Now I think the reason why people have this myopic reason for why they treat people the way they do is because of that word