in #life6 years ago

1.) Wrong mindset and Perspective: I know I have been clamouring against this from the inception, many of us we see ourselves as failures, as never do well, as a hopeless case e.t.c. But sweetheart that's not true, we need to change that and see ourselves as great. We look at the environment we find ourselves and allow that environment to determine our future. We make lousy statement like nobody has made it in this area, how can I quit drugs when everyone around me are drug addicts, I can't be different. But sweetheart you can be different it is your decision the ability to succeed and fail lies within you, you just need to make the right choice. Nobody can find a person in the crowd, so if you want to follow the crowd to be drug addicts or be failures, you can't be outstanding, for you to be outstanding, it means you have to stand out of the crowd. Always try to be different that is the only way people can look for you and find you. Have the I can mentality, don't ever try to look at the the economic situation of your country by saying after all there is no job and the country is so bad, look at it by saying I can make it in this society no matter what. So many people are still getting richer despite the economic downturn in their country, in fact they even lend to the government of their country. Make those kind of people your role model and stop having a backward mentality. See yourself that in time to come you will lend to nations and will not borrow just like what the bible promised you in Deuteronomy 28:12. Since we are the body of Christ, we need to possess the mind of Christ which is a positive mentality.
2.) Wrong People: Like the science terms that says like poles attract while unlike poles repel, so it is with human being we need to stay around those who would bring out the best in us. Quit staying with people who talk you out of your dreams and goal. Do not compromise by saying I love them so much or we've been friends for ages so I can't leave them or if I leave then I would be so lonely but that is a wrong way to think, like the popular saying 20 friends cannot play for 20 years. At some point in life you need to drop never-do-well friends, try to mingle with people who bring out the best in you, who are always willing to let you take up and face challenges not for you to shy away but let you face anything head-on. A wise man said who you follow determines what follows you. For example if you stay with a friend who use a particular phrase before you know unintentionally you would start using that phrase. The person you associate yourself daily would influence you negatively or positively whether you like it or not. So why not associate yourself with a person who would bring out the best in you. Associate yourself with readers who are born to be leaders.
3.) Wishful Thinking: So many people have good dreams, great visions, but they fail to actualize it because they fail to make good decisions about how they want their life to be. They have a good business idea but they are waiting for millions to enter into their account before they start up, but friends even the so-called rich men we know about started from somewhere they didn't just fly to be rich overnight likes of Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote, and so on they started small but made it to the top. Yes it is good to start small but do not remain small, have an expansion agenda. Tell yourself even when you have a small shop that I see myself having chains of shops I'm every part of the world. Friends that is not wishing, that is you speaking into your business future because you have a means to actualize it. Friends the bible did not tell us that God blesses our wishes but it tells us that He blesses the work of our hands, so start something,pay the price.Steemit is here to help you to actualize your dreams and goals why not use it to the best of your ability, stop wishing that your SBD would be high and start posting, start paying the price to have a better future. **Don't wish make it happen with whatever opportunity you have.every-job-is-a-self-portrait-of-the-person-who-did-it-autofraph-your-work-with-excellence.jpg

4.) Nonchalant Approach to work: Many people just have this idea that it is not mine or my father's business why should I give it my all . This mentality is what has kept so many people not to get to the top, so many broken businesses too. But I tell you guys the kind of approach you give to your business determine the future result, if you give it a casual approach, you get a casual result; if you give it a great approach, you get a great result. So many people fail to be committed to what they do, they give the job they do a nonchalant attitude that is why they fail to expand and they fail to sustain their business. Your level of commitment to a thing determines the level of result you are bound to make. If you are a business person be committed to your business, think of ways to expand and stop moving from place to place looking for whom to gossip with especially office hours, be committed and give your business a great approach. As a student, be committed to your studies, do not think of how to copy from your friend during exams or how to sort the lecturers after the exam, always strive to be prepared before the exams to get a good result. As a worker always take the business as your own for even the bible says that he who is diligent in small will also be diligent in much. Friends God cannot bless you when you misbehave with someone else's business, He looks at how well you manage another person's business, so he can bless you with your own. Be Committed. Always autograph whatsoever you do with a touch of excellence because that is your trademark.
5.) Arrival Mentality: Many of us have thus mentality that at least I have made it and am comfortable and that it would be selfish to ask of more, but sweetheart it is not selfish to ask for more rather it is bold, because you want to expand your business, so being Oliver Twist is not a bad idea. Don't be religious saying that you have arrived and is comfortable, don't be selfish; but say you need more expansion so you can improve the lives of other people by providing jobs for people. Always strive to achieve more. Be thirsty for Greatness.
6.) Not seeking God: Many people feel that they can achieve anything without God, but they are wrong because you need the Hand of God in whatsoever you do. STOP depending on men to help you but totally depend on God because he has the ability to go beyond the natural laws just to bless you and make you a wonder to your world. Even the bible says by strength shall no man prevail. If you say you depend on men, take for example if a man lifts a baby, the baby stops wherever the man's hand stops, but imagine when God lifts that baby up, the baby's altitude has no limitations. Trust in God and seek him for the bible also promised seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added to you. So friends you need God in anything you do.
I call this the 6 avoidance trip everyone needs to embark on if they want to remain at the top. We should make good use of the platform Steemit has provided for us if we want to be able to hit the top. Thanks guys, I love you.Hello guys it's me @giftizy and am here to tell you of some important things we need to stay away from if we want to hit the top and remain there. So many of us are victims of them. I call it that we need to take an avoidance trip in our life to change things and instill new ones. Now let's take this avoidance trip via the tips I would be offering;