Adopting a healthy lifestyle is now the only way! Not only does it protect you against deadly diseases but also keeps you active. A common misconception revolving around the adoption of a healthy lifestyle is that only obese people need to do so. However, this is not the case.
Skinny people also need to follow a fitness regime. If you think that signing up for a gym membership would be heavy on your pocket, opt for a service like Spectrum TV plans. It provides you with an option to subscribe to health and fitness channels. So, you can adopt a healthy lifestyle in an affordable way. No more excuses, please!
Here are some tips that can help you kick-start a fitness regime:
Learn to Enjoy Exercise
If you do not enjoy your workout sessions, it is high time you opt for a different routine altogether. Many times, individuals dread going to the gym or hate going for a walk. That does not mean that there is something wrong with you. It simply implies that you do not enjoy a particular way of working out. Therefore, it is important for you to see which exercises or workout routines attract you. You might find HIIT fun or might enjoy Pilate. Well, you can never know unless you give different workouts a shot and discover the one that suits you the best.
Get a Lot of Sleep
Sleeping for an unhealthy amount of hours can affect your health. Not only does sleep give you the energy to function throughout the day, but it also regulates your metabolism. Apart from that, it helps in repairing your muscles and boost your athletic performance. Therefore, getting a good six to eight hours of sleep should be a priority.
Stay Active outside the Gym
It is essential for you to not restrict exercises to the gym. In fact, you should opt for healthy alternatives to do things whenever you can. For example:
-Walk whenever you can
-Opt for activities like cycling or playing tennis
-Do not sit at one place for a prolonged time
-Don’t Diet
Putting yourself through the torture called ‘diet’ will only affect you in a negative way. It will affect disturb your whole immune system, to say the least. Ideally, you should stick to the 80/20 rule and opt for healthy eatables. But do not starve yourself. You will suffer later in your life if you do so!
Acting on these tips should help you tailor a healthy lifestyle. But if you want to keep a track of all your activities and get tips, download any one from the following apps:
MyFitnessPal ranks as the #1 fitness app on iTunes. It has been around for quite some time now and provides the fitness freaks with the nutritional value of over five million foods. Apart from this, the app also includes a barcode nutrition scanner and a recipe importer.
It enables you to keep a step-by-step track of your calorie intake and exercise on daily basis. So, if you are planning to lose weight or simply shift to a new diet plan, this should be your go-to app.
This is the world’s first community-based fitness app. It started as a workplace wellness program and grew to become an in-app coaching platform for group training.
It is a well-known fact that sleep plays a crucial part in defining your health and fitness. Hence, it is important that you get enough of it to live a healthy life.
Because if you fail to do so, your body will not be able to repair the heart and blood vessels or balance hormones. This app helps you to keep a track of the quality of your sleep and your heart rate. In this way, you can adjust your sleep cycle accordingly.
This app makes it easy for you to keep a track of the calories that a food contains. It does so by teaching you about the grocery items that you buy regularly. All you have to do is scan the barcode and the app will display all the pros and cons of that food before you.
This app is an answer to your struggle of searching through Google the possible disease you may have based on your symptoms. Real doctors use this app and you get a chance to ask them directly about any of your symptoms. They will be more than happy to guide you.
The word ‘swor’ here is an abbreviation for ‘simply work it.’ As the name suggests, this app has a numerous number of exercise videos that are demonstrated by professionals. So, you do not have to spend a hefty amount on a gym membership.
However, apart from downloading Sworkit you can also subscribe to Spectrum Cable packages. This will help you opt for health and fitness related channels. You can then have access to a number of different channels with different professionals teaching you.