Thank you. That is so good to hear.
Addiction I find in myself, as well. I compensate what I lack. Have you ever heard of Gabor Maté? He is a Canadian Doctor who deals a lot with addictions and he has some interesting things to say. There are quite some good youtube-videos on the net.
Emptiness is the main cause, I would say that, too. And the rest is habit.
What are you doing for feeling content and connected? Do you have certain people or things you practice?
I've watched a couple of Gabor Maté's videos, he has a good perspective on addiction.
I'm looking for things to do, actually. I'm a new-ish mom (my son is one year old) and also the financial support in the house, and I'm also the one responsible for cleaning and most of the cooking, so I'm having a little trouble enjoying myself. So I write, I draw when I can, and I read things that I relate to. I miss friendship, though. Do you struggle with these feelings? Even though you help people overcome them?
Oh, I struggle always with the exact feelings. I miss friendship and while I miss it I cannot see that I already got it. I have in fact some very good friends and I have a family who cares about me as much as I care about them. Missing is always in the way of seeing what already is there. I feel alone and when I start to concentrate on loneliness it gets stronger.
Yesterday, I talked to a pregnant client. As I printed out a picture for my niece who also is pregnant and I am going to see her tonight I spontaneously gave the print to that woman. I felt that I have to be generous towards her. Now I will print it out again and I am so happy I followed the impulse. This was for me a gesture of sisterhood and as it was a surprise for the client she will take a lot out of this meeting. A stranger giving a gift is a powerful experience for there is nothing to "win" or to expect.
When you miss friendship be friendly to another one and you will feel instantly the joy of being the giver. There is nothing better than that. You will feel the power of this experience. I know, feeling lonely is very powerful too and many times I let this feeling win. So I remember myself to watch a Dhamma talk from a Buddhist monk or nun and afterwards I feel lighter and better and gained back my humor.
That became my refuge whenever I let myself being sucked into negative emotions.
If you like, we can stay in touch by the discord chat. My name is there erh.germany#0661
Sisterhood, that's a lovely word :) I had forgoten about it. What is discord chat?
that is a possibility to chat with one another on a personal level. You can download it onto your computer: