Make Up Remover Comparison 卸妝產品比較

in #life7 years ago (edited)

<p dir="auto">Hello Steemit friends, I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon.<br /> <br /> Today I would like to compare 4 different types of makeup removing products that I have been using for a year or more than a years already.  <pre><code>朋友們下午好!今天我會比較一下我平時有在用的四種卸妝產品,並且選出我的最愛。  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><strong>1) Micellar cleansing water <em> Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water (393ml, $6.99)<img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><strong><br /> <p dir="auto"><strong>2) Makeup remover tissue <em>Skinfood Brown Rice Oil Cleansing Tissue (40 wipes, $9.80)<img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><br /> <p dir="auto"><strong>3) Solid balm makeup remover <em>Banila Co, Clean It Zero Purity (100ml, $25)<img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><strong><br /> <p dir="auto"><strong>4) Oil-based makeup remover <em>ShuUmera,  anti-oxi+ skin refining cleansing oil (450ml, $79)<img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">In this blog, I will compare <strong>their cleansing power, pros and cons, how my skin feels after using the product,and at the end of the blog I will tell you guys <strong>which product is my favorite. First of all , let me tell you about my skin type. I have <strong>combination and sensitive skin. My skin will get irritated easily and thus I will have breakout easily. I always choose to use mild and natural product on my face.  <pre><code>首先說明一下我的皮膚狀況,我是混合肌比較容易敏感,皮膚一過敏很容易生粉刺和暗瘡,只適合用比較溫和和天然的保養品。  <h2>I demonstrated the cleansing power by using an eyeliner to draw four lines on my hand, and then use the products separately.   <pre><code>我會在手臂上用畫眼線,然後測試一下各款產品的卸妝能力。  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">The tissue <em>removes the most of the eyeliner after <em><strong>15<em> moves. It cant removes the line completely. <pre><code> 卸妝巾擦拭了十五下可以把大多數的眼線擦掉,不過之後怎麼擦還是擦不掉殘留的印記。  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">The balm <em>removes the eyeliner quickly, within <em><strong>5<em> seconds it removes the eyeliner completely. <pre><code> 霜狀的卸妝膏大概五秒就溶解了眼線,卸妝能力很強。  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">The water<em> removes the most of the eyeliner after <em><strong>18<em> moves. It cant removes the line completely though.. <pre><code> 卸妝水和卸妝巾一樣卸不乾淨。  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">The oil removes the eyeliner completely within <strong>8 seconds. <pre><code> 卸妝油大概八秒溶解了眼線。  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><strong>* The balm has the best cleanse power than the oil, then the water and the tissue has the less cleansing power. <pre><code> 在卸妝能力方面,排名第一是卸妝膏,油,水,最後是卸妝巾。<strong>   <h2>Now lets compare the pros and cons of each of the product I used.  <pre><code> 現在講講它們的優點和弱點:  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto">The Micellar cleansing water is a life saver for lazy people like me because you do not need to rinse with water after using it. Plus, it has an unbeatable price!<br /> <br /> <em><strong>Pros<strong>: soothing, easy to use, no scent, affordable<br /> <em><strong>Cons<strong>: greasy, cause some breakout <pre><code>卸妝水是懶人和窮學生 (我) 恩物!<br /> 優點:舒緩,易用,平價<br /> 缺點:黏膩,易出暗粒和暗瘡  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto">The makeup remover tissue is another life saver for me because you just wipe off your makeup easily with it. And you can travel with it unlike other makeup remover in liquid form.<br /> <br /> <em><strong>Pros<strong>: gentle, easy to use, great for travelers<br /> <em><strong>Cons<strong>: greasy, cause some breakout, the wipe is a bit harsh for my skin <pre><code>卸妝巾可以帶上飛機~<br /> 優點:方便旅遊人士,易用,溫和潔浄<br /> 缺點:黏膩,巾的質地不夠細緻所以對我的皮膚來說比較刺激  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto">The Solid makeup remover I am using is free from artificial coloring, synthetic fragrance, alcohol, parabens, and mineral oil which is great for sensitive skin. It is sorbet like texture and will melt into oil after you massage into your face.When some of this gets into my eyes accidentally my eyes feel hurt, unlike the micellar water and the shuumera oil based makeup remover, they feel gentle even they get into my eyes. I also do not like the scent of this product. too. It is a bit strong even though it does not have any synthetic fragrance in it.<br /> <br /> <em><strong>Pros<strong>: lightweight, great for sensitive skin, removes my makeup easily and fast.<br /> <em><strong>Cons<strong>: strong scent, the package is not hygienic  <pre><code>我用的這個卸妝膏沒有色素,香料和石油成分等等所以適合敏感肌。<br /> 優點:輕身,易卸,敏感肌可用<br /> 缺點:味道太強烈,包裝不夠衛生(每次要用手觸摸)  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto">The oil one is basically oil but you won't feel heavy when using it on your skin. It is a lightweight oil with refreshing scent. I like the scent of it because it feels natural.<br /> <br /> <em><strong>Pros<strong>: lightweight,  removes my makeup, even water proof make up easily and fast.<br /> <em><strong>Cons<strong>: have to rinse it with water , i do not want to use it when i am feeling lazy or tired;P (weird..right?) <pre><code>卸妝油<br /> 優點:輕身,易卸<br /> 缺點:要用水洗乾淨,哈哈我很懶的~  <h2><strong>How my skin feels after using the product? <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><strong>The water<em> : My skin feels greasy. I tried to use water to cleanse it again even though it says no need to rinse on the package, but still my skin feels greasy. It causes breakout sometimes.  <p dir="auto"><strong>The tissue : <em>My skin feels greasy. And the cotton wipe is a bit harsh it causes my skin to feel some burning. <p dir="auto"><strong>The balm : <em>My skin feels a bit dry after using it but my skin feel soft and no breakout afterwards. <p dir="auto"><strong>The oil : <em>My skin feels refreshing but slightly dry afterwards. Cause no breakout.   <pre><code>肌膚用後感<br /> 水:黏膩<br /> 巾:黏膩不乾爽,粗粗的物料刺激我的皮膚<br /> 膏:有一點乾,不過用完肌膚很柔軟,都ok<br /> 油:很清爽,之後有一點乾,用完不會有暗粒 <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto">Lastly, let me tell you my favorite product of all the time. <strong>I love the Oil-based makeup remover <em><strong>ShuUmera,  anti-oxi+ skin refining cleansing oil <strong>the most. It does not irritate my skin whenever I used it. It also cleanses off my makeup easily and gently.  <p dir="auto">However, sometimes I love to use another type of product because I am lazy or I am going to travel so I always keep four types of makeup product because they are all essentials of different occasions.  <pre><code>總括來說我最愛的是油,因為它卸妝快又輕柔,肌膚很舒服不刺激。不過其實卸妝產品也缺一不可,有時懶惰一點或去旅行所用的產品也不一樣~希望大家喜歡我的介紹,下次再見!  <p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h2><strong>I hope you enjoy my post! Have a nice weekend;)

Nice post, wonder why uncle co's skin is that good 🤔

Thank you☺️ Uncle co can't be save

My friend, a kind reminder here.

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Please use wisely for your tag,thank you. #cn tag is stand for chinese.

Hi I will add Chinese later
