My Mom's Broccoli

in #life5 years ago


I planted some broccoli plants in my mom's backyard back in March 13 of this year. I was surprised to see how the plants rooted in and is flourishing. As a matter of fact I went to mom's for a meal and she had some of this broccoli for our meal.

So it is good to have food growing in the ground. This way you can always have something fresh to eat.

Have you ever thought about a whole world global financial collapse? At such a time as this it would be good to conserve and try to live as simple as possible.

I mean just thinking, if the electricity went out in your whole city or more, would you be able to survive? You see in the stores that I go to if the electricity goes out it seems that the clerks won't be able to check you out, cause the check out machines won't work.

So if that happens you are stuck with just the food and water at your home.

Well, canned food can keep for years and in a grid down situation you could eat the food right out of the can.

So for emergency food it would always be good to have some canned food.

There were certain cities that got flooded this year. You know even after a flood the canned foods would still be good. Of course you would want to have a good can opener.

I have had so many can openers that work for a while then they don't work at all. You know the perfect can opener that always seems to work?

Well, I heard that the military can openers were pretty good. So I bought a bunch of them from Amazon. You know what? They are really good dependable can openers.

How about water? I always keep water in the house. Some in bottles, some I have in barrels. I even have a gravity water filter. One should always have some kind of water filtration system.

I guess if worse came to worse I could go to one of the rivers to get water there. That would be the last resort. If I had to do that then I would have to boil the water, then cool it, then filter it. Well, it is doable.

One thing about mom's broccoli is that it will also go to seed. Well, it is always good to save seed. You never know maybe some people will pay you for some broccoli seeds.

Why am I writing like this? Well, I just heard a video from Youtube called, DEBT THREATENS GLOBAL COLLAPSE - AUTO LOANS HIT RECORD HIGH - VACANT HOMES SURGE. It is put up by jeremiah babe.

Well, if you can get Youtube, you might want to check out that video.

Q says, gold ends the fed. Why are countries buying and stacking gold now? Well, the fiat currencies of the world are in trouble. Can even the debt of the US be paid back?

Remember that Trump put the picture of Andrew Jackson in the oval office? Well, Andrew Jackson got rid of the central bank of his time and warned that they would come back.

Well, they came back in 1913 as the Federal Reserve which is not even federal, but a central bank. Trump put the message to the deep state that he is going the way of Andrew Jackson, to get rid of the Fed.

Q says, that they have gold. Well, if they have gold then I can see that Trump will will end the Fed as we know it. Q says, that they will restructure the Fed.

Well if this is true then it may be smart to have some precious metals as we maybe in for a wild ride. Of course I am no financial adviser, so please look into this and study it for yourself.

So as we prepare for what might come, it would also be good to prepare the ground for a food garden.

Growing some broccoli might be a good start.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.


This is awesome!! I live in a rental house yet we have a backyard veggie garden and also a herb garden indoors, it may not give us enough to live off yet [or sometimes, too much lol,but yay canning and freezing] but its moreso for the skills we learn in growing our own food, since starting gardening i am so much more aware of weather patterns, sun patterns, seasons etc, and its good for the soul too :D
You just cant beat it as a hobby!! :)

We've just recently [about 2 weeks ago] planted broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, peas and garlic outside... the winter veggies :) we are in Australia its starting to get cool now.

Best of luck in your veggies!!

It is always nice to hear from one that is so far far away. Your garden sounds very special. Yes canning and freezing is something we can do to preserve our harvest. I don't know too much about canning, but I will have to take some time to learn. Youtube is good for that. I do like to freeze things that I grow. It looks like I am going to have a good crop of grapes. I like frozen grapes as a treat and plan to be freezing them.

May your garden produce abundantly! Thank you @kenikat!

nice post!!! broccoli is very good for cancer and eyes....

Yes for cancer and the eyes, that is true. Thank you @zomal!