Some people can hide their true nature

in #lifelast year

Hello Hivers!

How are you all? I hope you are doing well wherever you are in the world.

There are people who will come into our lives who will give us difficulty. They are the people that you will only meet casually or work with for a short period of time but then do bad things to you. I recently encountered a person who is the landlady of the house that stayed with me for less than two months. She treats me well but I find it difficult to trust everything that she says about her life. There are things he says that make me doubtful. There is an exaggerated description of things related to her.

The way she talks sounds like she is trying to lift herself higher. Sometimes she always makes her situation more important than others. This was a red flag for me that's why I said goodbye and that I will stop renting one of his units. He resented it and now he is hiding because he does not want to return the money that I deposited with him as a part of the agreement to reserve the unit for me. Because it was also part of the agreement that she will return it to me by the time I stop renting her unit.

Two weeks later I left his unit and he still hasn't returned my money. She makes too many silly excuses not to give me the money. I always have the feeling that I can't trust her. By the way, he has a bad habit of hiding. My doubts have also been formed and his true personality has come out.

That's why when I meet someone who is overly "good" like him, I will consider it as a red flag and that person is not trustworthy. I hate to generalize people but in this day and age, it is very difficult to really trust. I need to pay attention to the details and get to know a person well before I trust him, especially with my hard-earned money.

This is a life lesson that I will really treasure.

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