Damnit I said get some sleep...... Kids these days.
Well, I slept like a log feeling good about where it was left last night.... so.... I am rested enough for you also I guess.
responding to @jasonstaggers comment... the rep is a number we put too much weight on. It becomes the reason not to open a post ((25) must be crap (60+) must be good) and as a system will be revamped due its flaws.
I also get a little torn on the issue, in a different way. I refused early to remove my support for and of @jpiper20. Would I rather him be able to just move past this and continue to provide quality work without having it impacted by his mistakes, or would I like to see him struggle a bit with regaining trust only to reinforce the lesson?
Honestly, I don't know. If I had to choose one extreme or the other, I would want him to move forward unmarred by this as opposed to being nailed on the cross. It is easy to point to the rewards or rep and be upset that this was a part of it, but it's easy because that is all most will look at right away. I have gotten to know the person behind those and just see someone who did something dumb, not malicious.
Thank you Cleve.