The 8 Ozaki challenges: a myth or a spiritual liberation?

in #life7 years ago

Hello, hello, fellow Steemit, I know that I was a little out of tune the last few days, but not disconnected.

Today I come with a post that perhaps calls the curiosity of many, "I really hope so", and it deals with the 8 Ozaki Challenges. We will ask ourselves what they are about, but if we have a minimum of knowledge of these challenges, especially those who managed to see the movie "Break Point ", starring our Venezuelan pride Edgar Ramirez.

But, I will try to go a little beyond what these challenges are about, I want to show your spiritual objective and through this point of view I want to awaken what many of us have left for the whole situation we are living, not in our country Venezuela, but in the world, where a negative energy has been concentrated that has darkened our spirit.

Ono Ozaki's 8 challenges are considered a myth, simply because they defy logic and the impossible, but they focus on achieving a goal: "to be one in body, mind and spirit ", through tributes to nature as a challenge of extreme sports, a great kamikaze that allows you to return to the earth what you have given us, this is not about XGames, it is about the purity of body and soul, which in one way or another would raise you to a higher spiritual state by simply connecting in spirit with nature.

To reach these levels of spirituality and feel pure in body and soul, you don't need to watch the film and train to be a level 1 XGamer in the world, this is easier physically, but inside is where your real challenge is, how can we achieve it?:

Meditate: This will help you disconnect the external chatter and the self-doubt that will drag you away. And it helps you to listen to the Universe as you continue your training.

leave no trace Inevitably you'll be in nature * Clean up after yourself. Do not leave trash where you are. Leave no trace you were there.

Protect the environment: The Ozaki Eight are for giving more than you get. That means you have to step up and protect this planet. Start small - break the plastic rings on your soda/beer can so they won't harm wildlife. Find some time and participate in environmental conservation days, plant a tree like you did at school when Earth Day was celebrated.

Now you see how complicated we have it in our customs and it is not the physical demands of the challenges, which are:

1.- Emerging Force

fuerza emergente.png
The Grand Inga - The Congo

2.- Birth of Heaven

nacimiento del cielo.png
** Mount Everest**

3.- Awakening of the Earth

despertar de la tierra.png
The Cave of Swallows – Mexico

4.- Life of Water

vida de agua.png
** Maverick**

5.- Life of Wind

vida de viento.png
Walenstadt Switzerland - the crack

6.- Life of Ice

vida de hielo.png
heli-skiing spots in North America.

7.- Master of Six Lives

maestro de seis vidas.png
Angel Falls in Venezuela

8.- Act of Maximum Confidence
Put your life in the hands of the earth

Each level has moments where your structure builds an emotion of certainty and elation, the trap is that this structure leads the person to be convinced that this level is the right one. We all have those moments of intense positive emotion, but if we don't see the aspect to come, if our focus doesn't move towards the transcendent, that certainty is truncated, and we fall back into routine.

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us "Universe"; we are a limited part in time and space. We live our experience, thoughts and emotions as something separate from the rest - an optical illusion of our consciousness. This hallucination is a prison that restricts and subdues us to our desires and search for affection.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison."
~ Albert Einstein

I hope that the post has been of great interest to you, I will appreciate your comments to be able to continue developing this topic that will allow us to fill gaps in our lives.

All the photographs were taken from the internet.
