Awareness/Ignorance. Which wolf do you feed? Be who you are.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The shadow beings are us.
We eat ourselves.
We are striving to be sovereign beings.
To be aware of your power. The power that creates every part of your existence.
The thoughts that you create uses that energy. Your mind is a battery. Storing memories in cells, running off of source energy, heart energy. It is green.
The images you see when awake is you. A reflection of your light. In essence, we live in purgatory here in this space. PurgaTORy, Toroidal fields. Suffering within those fields.
The places you go when you sleep are you.
You are everything experiencing everything all at once.
The images and thoughts you create are just that, creations.
They are yourself thinking, creating, deciding, judging, anything. You create them to show yourself.
The world reflects to you anything you question the duality of.
Your body is 2 half's making a hole. From top to bottom.
By nature your mind processes 2 half's.
Move your flesh body outside exposed to the elements.
Immediately you feel the temperature on your skins nerve endings and determine how cold or hot that feels.
Is it dark or white?
Do you enjoy it or not?
Decision, decisions. All by given 2 choices to decide each encounter.
So say you fall in love.
You have been searching for this person your entire life. Here she is! Finally!
You are high on life. You have a profound purpose now! You have someone to be good to, to show them who you are and who you can be.
To connect with that person on a level you never had been before.
Work doesn't seem so bad now.
Reason for anything isn't so combated by ourselves.
Life is showing you your joy. Your happiness. What problems do you have now?
You are doing everything for a reason now, you feel complete and are working towards a goal that you set yourself.
Law of attraction describes that your thoughts and emotions about things that happen to you in life, attract more of the thing you are creating.
Continuing to create love all around you with wholeness and purpose will keep you on a path of living the most fulfilled life you know you came here to live.
You were born sovereign. You knew you were coming here through your parents.
You came her with infinite knowledge, the ability to know how to know all.
That little voice in your head that one that introduces your ideas. That is Source energy.
That is the same energy coming from the same source that created everything you could ever imagine.
You were born aware of just that. You played as a child in that awareness and didn't have a worry in the world.
Then what happened?
You grew up some more and people maybe judged you for being some type of person.
You now care about what they think of you so you take that fear they gave you and for some reason, claim it as yours?
Why do you do that?
So you grow up some more and you have to get a job. So now you care what everyone thinks about you so at this point you are showing them someone your not to please whoever you want
now you have to get a job to make money to provide for yourself.
Welcome to the system.
You spend a portion of your life saving money and then move out of the parents house into the house you saved for.
Then you find someone and fall in love.
Then you realize that you weren't giving her the love she deserved, and you have to figure out why.
You have been lost for so long, all the way since the very first time you cared what your mother, father, or a friend thought about you.
Maybe you don't figure out why and change it, then live in hell for a while beating yourself up. Draining your energy. Consuming yourself.
Or maybe you managed to find awareness. You found it again!? YAY!
You remember that holy crap, I used to feel this when I was a kid, what happened?
Oh.. I see. I am so sorry for anything I have done to hurt you. I wasn't "aware"
Love finds forgiveness if love feels itself in you.
Love is true and divine.
Love is the very essence you are made of.
That energy that powers your heart, that powers your body to live in this 3-D world, to see the duality, to learn and be aware of where we are as a collective, to then better
our future for our children to bring our world back to the way it was intended to be. We will spend ages of generations in this process. Each lifetime is you. Which is source. Which is
all anything ever to be anything.
Keeping in line with source is the only way to do that.
So yes you are here for humanity itself.
How do you interact with your environment?
How do you see and talk to people?
When you make someone smile, you are making yourself, the universe smile. Each smile increases the global consciousness.
We go through tug of war as a mass. The root being awareness/ignorance. Which wolf do you feed?
Waves of unexplained emotion flowing in and out of all things, plants live then die, sun and moon, up and down, angry and happy, you experience this ONE natural flow of energy.
That is source defined. This 3-D reality is naturally Wiggly. You can see when you take psychoactive'medicine', but your brain straightens everything up for you to observe.
Every single human alive has this source path by nature.
It is always there for us to be aware of for every single one of us.
Being a human you chose to create this magnificent perfection reflection of a body made of 2 half's to move your consciousness of source path, your divine source,power,being, perception to
experience all of life itself.
You created an ecosystem that lives off of itself.
Recycling source energy in channels and cycles.
Cycles from feeling, to creating thoughts and ideas, to putting those thoughts and ideas into this 3-D reality to play with, to observe, or to just feel good about your creation.
Being aware of all of this adds meaning through your life.
Meaning every way intended.
It is one thing to see the duality, but do not let the beast consume you.
Remain aware of where you came from to see the duality.
Meditation brings you to your source path, true consciousness where you love it. The only thing that makes sense.
Then later that day, you blow a tire on the way home from work.
Immediately try to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Don't react first. Feel and think first.
You now have the choice to decide the best way to feel about this through thinking it through.
The second you realized your tire popped you stepped off the path that you found again meditating to asses the situation.
You only have thought trains to hop on and you have to choose one.
Being aware means simply observing situations, being in control by observation. Understand the situation fully. To better control how you react.
Because you love yourself. You are aware of what you truly are and nothing can make you feel or be or do anything you don't want.
That is what is means to remember that you are, were and always have been the Creator. You are everything you see and feel in the world.
Being aware of yourself is the greatest thing you could ever do for yourself.
It reminds you to create the life you want to live.
Life isn't anything like it seems.
That tug of war of duality is in effect. There is awareness everywhere and there is ignorance everywhere in the absence of awareness.
The more people we can remind about what we are exactly in each generation to pass, the more and more that awareness becomes in line with everything to ever exist.
All cells, in line.
That goes back to the beginning of nothing, through your life now, to what we are getting back to. In a cycle.
Each of us come here to play, but we were presented with one problem. The problem is you thinking there is a problem. Or bad or good.
The thing about duality is you are not supposed to embodies the 2 halves of your self, individually.
The key to awareness is to be the embodiment of that third unit. This is source.

You are spending all of your time and energy worried about something ie, money,kids,house, and animals.
What are you waiting for?
I am waiting for physical stability. I am waiting until I have the money to have more space. I need space. I feel cluttered in stuff in a small house.
So I am waiting for a bigger house.
So money is your god.
In that perspective you will always need money.
I am waiting for my perfect lawn to garden in.
The thing is, you are wasting your time waiting when you could be doing what you want now wherever you are, and know that you will have the things you want.
The things that we WANT aren't important.
Those are needs.
You need to express yourself how you intended or you will be upset waiting around watching life pass you by reacting to problems that are too big for your energy level.

Thank everyone so much for taking the time to pick my mind. Hope it touches some of you. - Brandon


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