Sleep State Explained - Why do we Sleep? 😴

in #life7 years ago


It may come as no surprise but I find it disturbing how many people don't question what sleeping really is. And it should concern you because you are only alive 50% of the time during your life. So better know whats going on during that time right?

As I had mentioned before I have been through a lot and I'm filled to the brim with information ever since I came back from the Himalaya's couple of years ago.

And this flow of information doesn't seem to end, it comes whenever I'm ready or when the time is right.

Now please do understand if you have any fear of death/dying I would like you to NOT read this post because there is a big chance that these words get imprinted into your mind and it may cause a psychotic shock at night. However, if that does happen it can cause an out of body triggering but this would ofcourse instantly take away any fears you have but regardless of that, I would advise you to not read further until you are ready.



Okay then here we go:

When we sleep our Physical body goes into the same state that is kinda like death, we still breathe but our mind goes into a total state of coma, this is because just as a car needs fuel to be able to work and go from point A to point B. So do we, we basically are for a lack of better words Flesh Vehicles, that operate on Energy and Consciousness.

A specific amount of consciousness is connected to you when you are born and as you grow larger/older this amount increases its can be said that the smarter you get and the more your physical consciousness expands, the more your mental capacity becomes to understand certain things.

So when we sleep our body is alive but our physical consciousness mimics the state of dying because it needs to refuel, what usually happens during sleep is that you leave your body and go to places in your mind mostly memories or even into other worlds outside of the earth, and you get there instantaneously, because outside of the body there is no such thing as space-time, so everything is going on simultaneously.

Now it's very normal for you to say If this is true then why do we not remember any of this?

That's because you are not yet to the state in which you can begin to recall these things, and the Physical conscious mind in it of itself is not designed to remember most of these things because it cannot understand these things in most ways. Since it all exists beyond the physical realm, which doesn't make sense to the physical mind. So let's say you go to bed and you sleep and the next morning you wake up and felt you had this really weird dream.

What may have happened during the night is that you went to a specific place be that physical or non-physical, and you experienced certain things. But then when you wake up in an instant your mind can only take back certain pieces that make sense and will form dialogs and pictures to let it make sense in your physical way of thinking.

I dreamed a lot from the age 12 to 16 And I figured out that dreams also work in a sense as therapy for events if that makes sense. And after the age of 16, I experienced something in my life which would be impossible to explain so I'm not even gonna try to do so. But after that time I realized that I no longer had any dreams.

For many years I searched for an answer and I found one eventually, and it basically came down to the fact that dreaming represents something you wanna have or attain, but since I no longer dreamt anything it symbolized to me that I am living my dream life. But it can also mean so many other things as well.

So Sleeping is your physical body refueling with what you could call cosmic energy because if you would not sleep your link with your higher consciousness would break apart, which is what the process of death is basically. You would simply return back to those higher states of consciousness in an instant. But during sleep, you maintain that connection to both your Physical and Higher State to be able to function again the next morning you wake up.

It is very obvious what sleeping is once you understand that you are not your body alone.
But yes your focus is within this body but your other focus of that Higher State is going on as well since that is you.
So over time if you make the effort like I have done you can communicate to this aspect of yourself and let it guide you through life.

Effortlessness is giving up of the control you think you have and allowing synchronicity to work for you rather than against you.

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I dreamed a lot from the age 12 to 16 And I figured out that dreams also work in a sense as therapy for events if that makes sense.

Quite normal to have vivid, strange et.c dreams during puberty. Its a hormonal thing (and part stress related) ... if you wanna collect some crazy azz dreams just ask pregnant women.

For me dreaming is quite simple. If im beat down tired i usually sleep like the dead - I dont remember them. If for any reason im not that tired or maybe im at the ends of my sleep/sleep is more light (morning hours) i usually remember everything. Of course if you waited for my rem phase to start and woke me after i would prolly remember it too. At some point I even recollected up to 4-5 dreams per night.

Stating you have no rem phase is...well... I suggest you try filming yourself at night. When your eyes start moving ure in it. You just don't remember them. Studies (on mice tho) showed that their rem got longer when during their day they learned something new. So the more you expand and tax your brain during they day...the longer is the process. As they say: dreaming is universal, but dream recolection is not.

And i know from my personal experience that dreams can get affected with inputs from outside (sound, touch, etc.).

True but Dreams or what i call experiences do not just occur because of rem sleep.
I do just as any other enter into a non physical zone so that i can fuel my body for lack of better word so that i can continue to exist in a dense environment without going crazy.

but i rarely maybe 1-5 times a year have some experience going on. and i actually spoke to many other people before of all ages who said they "dream" less aswell. So i know I'm a very aware individual so if i were to have any kind of experience during the night i would know. So whatever is going on at this time within the aspects of people Sleeping/Dreaming at night something is affecting that.

And i think it could be the sun but not sure entirely sure.
Some people even are saying the sun is extremely calm and when i say we are in a Solar Max cycle they think im crazy but you'll see the sun is gonna go crazy in the next years ;)

Thanks for sharing your perspective @atopy :) and next time i see a pregnant woman i'll ask! :D

Well I wanted to read this and then I saw your warning so I stopped. Crap!

Haha well yeah... sorry dude.. better safe than sorry. I had such an experience as "psychotic shock" and it happened to me after watching a movie called 'White Noise 2' and i had my first out of body during that night and ever since then my fear of death is gone though but when it comes to other people, i do advise them to not read if they have this fear which i assume, would be the majority of people. I have plenty of other posts to read aswell though ;)

I really enjoy how every once in a while you do a really well written, in depth blog about something other than crypto.

This was a very interesting read for me as I have done multiple experiments involving sleep and dream recording during my psychology studies in college.

Your posts are becoming some of my favorite to read on Steemit.

Keep up the great work and as always... continue to spill that #yunk sauce!

Up-Yunks for you.

Thanks man! Yeah im all over the place im a very creative person, so staying only on one subject is something i don't wanna do at all. it would be very boring in a sense. I'm already working on new ways to create unique content and i wanna contribute to the Steemit community by sharing my design to use as a steemit overlay basicly and i hope many will love it :) but im still working on that for now.

But thanks for your awesome compliment it keeps me going even more ^^

Yeah I definitely have that fear, it is better now though. Three years ago I started having panic attacks and anxiety which consumed my life. I either thought I was dying or thought about death on a daily basis. I'll check out your other posts though. Maybe something with puppies in a field of flowers?

Well i had that kind of fear and panic attack since i was 9 years old and it lasted till when was 13 and then it began to calm down and then when i had the experience itself few years later i understood death is an illusion. And its strange to say but in the beginning i wanted to die because it is such a feeling of freedom that you feel that it is literally intoxicating, i have never felt so much love, So in a sense when you experience such a thing it is hard living this kind of life because all of sudden its not as real anymore.

But i have overcome that sensation throughout the years so i enjoy living to the fullest hehe :)

Puppies in a field of flowers hmm.. good idea i'll work on it! :D (im not joking)
Coming soon..

Well then you know exactly what I am talking about. I finally was in full meltdown mode one day, heart attack like symptons, and I said enough. I went jogging hard core, sprinting I guess really until I was worn out. No hear attack or any other problem and this helped me deal psychologically. I still use medication for some symptoms but hopefully I can roof myself off this soon.

I totally agree about death. I think we are spirits and death just means we leave these machines that we currently occupy, our spirits move on to either a much better or much worse situation.

And yes, bring on the puppies and wild flowers lol

Well since I basically got a taste of what happened outside of the body i can tell you that when you in that split second leave your body, there is no attachment to the physical world, and thats why most spirits/soul don't hang arround and try to make contact with their family members, because it begins to seem like a dream and it looks like you have awoken to your true reality.

In that moment you can do anything you want
go everywhere you want, and you won't have any limitations whatsoever.
I remember that all this knowledge began to flood into me in a split second. and to this day i remember bits and pieces from time to time.

But you can scrap the part of Worse situations because anything that bothered you during your physical life or problems is not gonna be something you will even be able to think about because in that moment you resonate at such a high frequency that those lower frequencies cannot even exist at all.

I love reading stuff like this. I would like to find out what information you aquired.

what about Lucid dreaming and sleep walking ... yep i do those things!

you are reading my mind! because was actually thinking about adding that to this post but I wanted to do it separately so tomorrow you can expect a post about that ;)

Goodnight for now im going to sleep ^^

I will make the post tomorrow @satchmo im exhausted!

You lack discipline! LOLOLOL joke ...

I worked 8 hours, cooked food, ate the food, did the dishes, went to the chiropractor had to pay the chiropractor! can you believe it? -__-
I drove home, came home Made a quick post cuz thats all i had time for and now im going to bed because i have a busy day tomorrow so yeah i lack discipline 😂
Gn Satch ;) Tomorrow the post is all yours!