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RE: It’s Time to Build a Society that Benefits Everyone - Not Just the Privileged Few!

in #life8 years ago

not to be a stick in the mud, but those 8 men earned what they have , and if they choose to redistribute it at their leisure then so be it. everybody forgets the earn part of their wealth, its theirs , they didnt steal it and the reality is they give /donate quite a bit of what they have without having to be told.


It is a very interesting notion to "earn" what they have. Fortunes are built by being in the right place at the right time with the right idea. Gates just happened to build DOS with a little help in a few months and things snowballed from there. Zuckerberg built the basics of Facebook in a couple of weeks and it took off.

The business practices of large corporations that create these massive fortunes for people like them are questionable because the very nature of their charter is to maximize the return for investors without regard for external costs.

Gates, with a little wise investment can walk to his mailbox each week and pick up dividend checks worth more that many of us can hope to earn in lifetime.

They did not fund the basic research and development creating the network of things that make computing possible. The endless assembly language stuff that goes into the computer processing and hardware that nobody thinks about. The entire sphere of support that makes this a civilized place to live. None of this stuff would be possible without the taxation that is paid for disproportionately by the poor.

If we can find a way to distribute things a bit more fairly in the first place we wouldn't need to place so much effort into trying to redistribute it later imho. There's nothing wrong with being rich or earning some big reward for your effort but at this level of compensation???

those executives have a fiduciary responsibility to the board stock holders to maximize profit and technically if they dont they can be imprisoned. companies don t go into business to create products or jobs they go into business to make money, pharma companies dont go into business to make drugs they go into business to make money, if there is no money to be made there is no business, no business no new drugs , no new drugs , quality of life and actual life itself is at risk!

those executives have a fiduciary responsibility to the board stock holders to maximize profit and technically if they dont they can be imprisoned.

That reminds me of blackmail and a system that has been designed to support it.

Euro zone finance ministers agree on 8.5 billion euro loan to Greece, official says, now this is a rigged system, really gotta read confessions of an economic hitman, it details ridiculous shit like this out in a way that will make your stomach turn.

We can rest assured that the euro zone finance ministers will not be re-paying the loan. Great book and excellent point!

They are still each worth over $60 billion and these 8 men have more wealth than 3.6 billion people (50% of the world) and you are defending them and the system that allowed this to happen?

Billionaire Secretly Gives Away His Entire $8 Billion Fortune Away in 34 Years – True Story!

no but they did not invent the system, there is an old conundrum, and based on what i have seen in life it seems to be true, if you got 100 people in a room of various backgrounds and education and gave them 1 million dollars each how many of their lives would be improved in a years time? and how many would have anything left? the answer is about 3% of would have improved their lives and the majority would be worse than they were, so how does redistrubiting wealth help that.

They are part of the system. They did not devote their lives, or the remainder of if to educating people on how the system operates and how to beat it. That is the greatest legacy that they could have used their wealth and platform to champion - but they haven't, and they wont.

They are filth!

With all due respect - your points are mute!

this is a general discussion, not an argument , i am not saying that i dont agree with you but the mentality of a large portion of the planet is exactly what i stated, the system is extremely tilted and flawed (read confession of an economic hitman) but the fight you are taking on would entail people loosing their love afair with all the junk they clutter their lives with,, and that mon freir is a very hard sell, i have unburdended myself with quite a few things that used to keep we working from 7am until midnight 6 days a week , i made lots and lots of money , and had lots and lots of junk, i became a slave to my shit, to i quit , i still make decent money and basically i eat what i shoot, no salary, no retirement not insurance just make money the old fashioned way i work for it, my life is expentionally better and i know that most people would never be able to do what i do or would step off the cliff and make it all on your own, but i earn it and the less i have around me the better i feel.

I'm not arguing with you and I apologize if it came across that way. We're both approaching this from different angles and that's cool. I'm just not prepared to give either one of them one inch of ground as I am convinced that they are both very evil men. When people defend them I get my back up.

I've partied, and being friends and business partners with multi-millionaires and they don't have anything that I want. To be frank, I have very little respect for them.

Your shifting away from materialism and back towards a more natural lifestyle resonates with me. I've been moving in the same direction over the last few years. I've killed my own dinner, got my hands dirty and I love it and I intend to do more of it in the future. I've lived the high-life and at the time I loved it but I also realized that it was superficial.

Shame on these men for not realizing what we both know!