DAILY DIGITAL DETOX: A Steemit Community Life Series & Reminder | E.63 | Intentionally / Regularly Unplugging + My Quick Engagement Poll To You!

in #life7 years ago

I have taken this subject pretty seriously over the years. You need time offline.

Regularly & Intentionally. For lots of reasons.


My plan with this series is to intentionally remind you, daily to get offline, give your brain, eyes, soul a break and time to reset and remind you that relationships with people can suffer if you are always on your phone and not PRESENT -- in every sense of the word.

The irony of bringing this series to you online, asking you to get offline, on an online blogging platform, is not lost on me.

There have been limited studies done on some of the effects of this digital hold on our lives and they are concerning to say the least. Social media use appears to encourage some of the following negative effects, some of which we hear about regularly now:

-- Narcissism

-- Screen time/white light/activity appears to be causing insomnia/broken sleep cycles (circadian rhythm)

-- Detached reality making our society and kids less empathetic and in touch with reality

Results from the few studies that have been done are troubling. Social media appears to promote narcissism, smartphones could be causing insomnia, and screens seem to be making our kids less empathetic.

Earlier posts in this Digital Detox series covered that in more detail.


Re-Running this for those who missed last week, in this in-depth wind up to this series!

3.5 min. Video Overview & Desert Study Wrap Post:

This video breaks down a few things discussed in this series various ways. I thought for the people that prefer a video overview, vs. the usual written format, this would be a nice change.

The Moroccan Desert Digital Detox Study Series:

( All 5 of the Moroccan Desert Series Tidbits below for you.)

Part 1 - https://steemit.com/health/@barrydutton/daily-digital-detox-a-steemit-community-life-series-and-reminder-or-e-56-or-intentionally-regularly-unplugging-my-quick

Part 2 - https://steemit.com/health/@barrydutton/daily-digital-detox-a-steemit-community-life-series-and-reminder-or-e-57-or-intentionally-regularly-unplugging-my-quick

Part 3 - https://steemit.com/health/@barrydutton/daily-digital-detox-a-steemit-community-life-series-and-reminder-or-e-58-or-intentionally-regularly-unplugging-my-quick

Part 4 - https://steemit.com/health/@barrydutton/daily-digital-detox-a-steemit-community-life-series-and-reminder-or-e-59-or-intentionally-regularly-unplugging-my-quick

Part 5 - https://steemit.com/health/@barrydutton/daily-digital-detox-a-steemit-community-life-series-and-reminder-or-e-60-or-intentionally-regularly-unplugging-my-quick

Final Wrap Up / Part 6 - https://steemit.com/life/@barrydutton/daily-digital-detox-a-steemit-community-life-series-and-reminder-or-e-62-or-intentionally-regularly-unplugging-my-quick


A Study was done, by taking influencers to the Moroccan desert, where their tech was left behind for a few days.

I have broken the posts in this series up by showing the results and hopefully you can ponder things and then apply these results to your life, in your own way!
There will be text directly quoted from the study unedited.

Part 6 / Final Wrap Up Edition Today:

( See past and next Digital Detox series posts out about once/week to follow along, and check all the past posts in this series I run for lots of tips )

I have broken those points and findings up in brief, on this Series, in 5 parts and in they are listed in Episodes 23-27 of my Digital Detox Series here. Those 5 posts for this Study were started in mid-June 2017, and which ended late- July 2017. There was a final 6th series wrap post also which is HERE.

I decided to fully re-run this series again starting in mid- Jan. of 2018 and it finished here today, the last week of Feb. 2018. Those episodes of my Digital Detox series as you can see above are labelled #56 to 61 total including this wrap up post on the Desert Series.

The goal was showing the results and hopefully you can ponder things and then apply these results to your life, in your own way!

I took time, gathered all 5 of these Desert-Study posts together, in one place for easy reference and reading for you above!


From this series' post about using search engines on a device all the time, vs. just talking:

“These are the conversations that really form bonds between people,” the project organizer points out.

“You gain insight into the way someone’s mind works, and it is not typically a conversation anyone has had before, so it is engaging and memorable.”

My Digital Detox Moroccan Desert Study Series:

Complete! Feb. 26th, 2018 / Run #2

Find a Digital Detox buddy as was mentioned earlier to do these things with, it helps to have support in place for little things like this.

Support and accountability again.

I've blogged here and in the past about this, but new people are finding the posts, or searching online, so I am saying this again today because it is VERY very important:


Keep tech/devices out of your bedroom and your kids rooms:


Sources show the avg. adult now spends about 8.5+ hours online every day. A good portion is at work or looking at a screen.

Give a long hard look at where you are spending the bulk of these waking / working hours, with regard to your workstation/chair and posture, just like you need a good bed for all the sleeping hours!


A constant tip is change 1 habit at a time, so I will keep this in the series.

Reminder: (see past posts) -- Try to use proper, healthy posture techniques always and be purposeful about this.


Stick with it and make notes daily about how you feel doing this! Share thoughts with a friend or 2!


I don't embed my sources like "professional bloggers" -- 9/10 times -- people don't click the sources anyways, let alone hover the cursor to even check quickly, and this way, they can SEE the sources / url's -- that's what I prefer myself anyways, so if i get flagged, I get flagged, I am trying to appeal to the masses here.


It is more than just unplugging intentionally as I call it -- it is a return to some societal values that we have abandoned in favour of having all the access to data and online resources we have -- a shift is required. However:

Intentional Unplugging as I call it -- is a huge and necessary step.


As a reminder of what we see daily in the PHYSICAL realm of problems, here is a graphic showing the damage of the neck and spine as it relates to pounds of pressure looking downwards all the time:




(Sorry this is grainy but I enlarged this 2x, so you could see it better. This is right from the Ontario Chiropractic Association (hard to read but that is the source) -- and I wanted this unedited, it was a jpeg and resizing those means less quality)

Don't Risk a Crash in Your Health!


My Community Engagement questions to you, today, if you have read this far are simple and will evolve over time:


-- Did you INTENTIONALLY "unplug" or stay offline this week? How many times? Give yourself 1 point for each day in your reply!

-- Did you unplug with a family member / friends intentionally this week and thus CONNECT to them meaningfully? If yes, give yourself a point!

-- Have you realized this is a problem in your life, because that is the FIRST step! If so - 2 points for you!

-- Are you aware of this problem around you and your friends and family and have you addressed it with others? If so, you get a point also! ( Note I have always used the word "addressed" in this series, some people confuse this word with telling others what to do.... this is not the same thing. Dialogue with others is the goal. Awareness.)

-- Did you put your devices in another room at dinner time and at bedtime this week intentionally? That's a point each time, champ! List it! Think on it!!


Please tally up your points, list it in a reply and please open up about how you feel about these issues in your life and the world today!!


Because this is a Community Resource and I care and we are all in this together. None of us are getting out alive.

That is the end of today's post in this series. I wanted to cover all the basics in the Series constants, as usual, for all the new people reading this post for the first time,

If you are still reading -- thank you very much and have a nice day. I hope something here helps you.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:







Images: Gif's - via Giphy.com , Funny or Die.com / Pixabay.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


I left the electronic tool to improve the interaction with our children at least 1 hour between 7 and 8 pm .. because we are Islam. that we use to review the alcohol .. then we continue with dinner ... nevertheless I feel that digital detox problem is a serious problem that we need to pay attention to

Best article ...

@barrydutton I knew this would be a good post when I saw the title, and after reading, I couldn’t agree more! I did the tally for fun and got 25! In our home, we have no screen time rules. We don’t have our phones at any meals together, especially restaurants. If we go somewhere to enjoy our time together, we put our phones away to enjoy the company. When my son comes to talk to me about something and I’m on my phone or laptop, I make sure to stop and look at him when he’s talking to me to be in that moment and to show him that what he has to say matters. With our loved ones, there will come a day that one of us are not here and who wants to realize that our last moment with that person we were too busy on our devices? I am guilty of this too at times but I really feel the urgency to spend quality time with family when I see it’s too much. We’ve always been careful with screens and our son because nobody really knows the long term effects on our bodies yet. I have to wonder, could all of this technology be detrimental to us? After all, these advances have only come about in one lifetime. I will definitely be reading the last articles on this as well. I’m interested to see more posts on this. I’ve noticed on the weekends the Steem traffic is low, hopefully this is because we’re all out enjoying real life. :) For me personally, I’m hoping Steem will eventually provide me more freedom to live my life. Have a great day!

The weekends are trending always like that, at least so far, so you are right.

TY for stopping in again!

I make sure to stop and look at him when he’s talking to me to be in that moment and to show him that what he has to say matters.

+1 --- great stuff.

I did a 1 week digital detox a few weeks back and it was amazing - I realised how much time I waste mindlessly starting at a screen. I had so much free time to read book, excerise and generally just get out and live my life.

I think it is nearly time for me to do a refresher on this - technology is addictive and seductive and I can feel myself spending more and more time on my devices again.

I found that having rules around techology use is helpful (if your strict and stick to them) such as no phones while eating/drinking, no phones in the bedroom and no phones in public (while walking the streets)

Solid reply, for sure, good job.

Tell others now LOL