Consciousness Series: The Law of Dualism

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Is it possible to have it all? Breaking down old labels and creating new.

As an avid thinker i spend a lot of time thinking ( shit). Trough thinking, reading, listening, observing and (over)analyzing i have been able to develop my philosophies on life, which just means experimenting with ideas and philosophies. Finding out which ones work for me and which ones don’t. Tweaking some here and there and finally creating my own versions that seem to work very well for me.

And off course i want to share these philosophies with you guys aswell, because who knows maybe there is someone reading who will derive something valuable from my post. Which off course would be great.

What i want to present is the idea of dualism. Or in other words a perception where two different extremities can coexist and compliment eachother.

I’ll explain using examples. Dualism can be found in the idea that there can be bad in good and good in bad. Like in the YinYang symbol which stands for the balance between the polar opposites.

Let’s take materialism versus immaterialism as an example. Often the rule people play by is you are either a material person or somebody who doesnt give value to material things. Lets take these two opposites. If we use the law of dualism there will will be good and bad in both.

Materialism can be good because face it we live in a dominant materialistic world. Being able to provide for yourself and our family is something we all need. Being financially secure can give us peace of mind. And when we are in a position of materialistic wealth we can use it to have a positive influence in our communities, like a philantropist would. The bad side is when we give materialistic wealth a priority over for example nature. Destroying the earth for our welfare is something that is not going to work out for us in the long run. And being too caught up in the pursuit of wealth can derive our attention from other important aspects of life like emotionally bonding with our family and friends. Being wealthy and alone won’t be that great either.

Immaterialism can be good because we spend more time on important things that can be forgotten when our focus is only on material things. Our emotional and spiritual health. The moments of bonding with our loved ones. The being in the here and now and enjoying the moment. Being able to appreciate the little things in life. The downside can be when the lack of focus on financial gain can lead to a position of stress. For example financial insecurity, not being able to pay your bills in time and providing for a stable family life. Not being able to do the things you really want to do. Like travelling around the world for example.

These are just some exaggerated examples and extremes for the purpose of clarifying a point. Mostly there is this idea in society that your’e either one of the two. An expensive watch wearing, money hungry, business attire wearing, motivational instagram post poster or a incence burning, flower attire wearing, tree hugging, weed smoking, freedom person. Notice my exaggerations.

Being on one or the other extreme of this example can have it’s perks and downsides. Now if we would use the idea of dualism we would become aware of this.

Now what if we are able to take best of both worlds. Thats where dualism comes in. It’s taking the benificial parts of each extreme and learning to deal with the downsides. Having the wealth to have the security for ourselves and our family, influence, and freedom to do what you want. But being mindfull of the downsides and not walking into the trap where it will have negative consequenses on our lives. Also being mindfull and improving of the more soulfull aspects of life. Learning, experiencing, spending time with loved ones. Improving your relationships. Spending time on yourself, understanding yourself an which parts of yourself need work and healing. Confronting your traumas. Being mindfull of your health. But not get to a point that the stress of financial insecurity will negate all of the previous.

If done correctly these two extremes can coexist and also compliment eachother. Because a person that works on himself will able to create more value, someone that brings value to people also has the capabilty to earn more, since value and money are interrelated. That in turn can give a person more freedom to improve on other aspects of life and so on.

I am a dancer but am also invoved in business. I have personally experienced both extremes in my own way. And this philosophy creates a balance in my life that i truly enjoy. I believe that we are coming to a point in time that people are becoming more aware and we will be able to have a refreshed look on the labels we have created and can decide again if they serve us or not.

Now these posts are just my philosophies and ideas. These are my personal perspectives and not the end all be all of life, i’m always open for exchange of ideas and respect everybody's way of life and opinion. The aim of it is just to trigger some thaughts in someone and also trigger my own.

If you enjoyed the post(or not) leave a comment as i am curious of what you guys think.

If you find my posts valuable. Help a brother out with a upvote and a resteem to get my posts out there, which will be much appreciated.

Connect with me @avilio91

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