Illustrations About The Life of Today's World

in #life7 years ago

The more advanced civilizations do not always guarantee the privilege of life. Changes that occur even often trigger new problems more complicated.

As the following illustrations depicting the changing times of the age have shown the destruction of the present age, the following collection of illustrations:

Peradaban yang lebih maju tidak selalu menjamin hak istimewa hidup. Perubahan yang terjadi bahkan kerap memicu masalah baru yang lebih rumit.
Seperti ilustrasi berikut yang menggambarkan perubahan zaman, telah menunjukkan kehancuran zaman sekarang, koleksi ilustrasi berikut:

1.Ilustrasi doctors who are dissecting smartphones to support the lives of humans today.

1.Ilustrasi dokter yang sedang membedah smartphone demi menunjang kehidupan para manusia dijaman sekarang

2. Small children are now in the form of becoming workers as early as possible, the exploitation of children as if the current thing reasonable.

2. Anak kecil sekarang dalam bentuk menjadi pekerja sedini mungkin, eksploitasi anak seolah hal saat ini masuk akal.

3. Today's humans are also thought uniformly made with most people, this mission is certainly to make ideas and critical power to collect!

3. Manusia saat ini pun pemikirannya dibuat seragam dengan kebanyakan orang, misi ini tentu agar membuat ide dan daya kritis menumpul!

4. Many people just speak out in social media, even they can not be responsible for what they say. Slander is scattered

4. Banyak oranng hanya bersuara di media sosial, bahkan mereka tidak bisa bertanggung jawab atas perkataannya. Fitnah pun bertebaran.

5. Many world leaders are increasingly fierce, they are only concerned with their own interests!

5. Banyak pemimpin dunia yang semakin galak, mereka hanya mementingkan kepentingannya sendiri!

6. Many sayings of scholars do not bring peace, they even issue teachings that break people.

6. Banyak ucapan para ahli ilmu yang tidak membawa ketenangan, mereka bahkan mengeluarkan ajaran-ajaran yang memecah masyarakat.