"communists will never see the end of capitalism."
ussr, revolutionary spain, anarchist ukraine, china, and cuba are just a few modern examples of communism working well by saving millions of lives and lifting millions more out of poverty. Also, just saying "it won't work because I say so" isn't an argument.
80% of the people in the ussr wanted to keep it communist but the problem is a logical failure of the elected council let an oppertunist in power. Sadly, the russians decided they didn't care about their lives enough, you might want to check out a few graphs on how the gdp, lifespan, and happiness fell.
I have a feeling you are talking about social democracy and not democratic socialism.
" I use a credit union, not a bank. I buy my food from a co-op instead of a supermarket. I power my home with renewable energy. "
congrats, that doesn't change anything.
All of the examples you gave were either catastrophic failures or countries that are now gravitating away from communism.
Socialist democracies have a competitive advantage in the global marketplace, so countries with competent leadership are choosing that particular form of government. Too bad there is no competent leadership here in America. Maybe some day.
I am absolutely certain that using my money responsibly makes a difference. If you disagree with that entire premise, what the hell are you even doing on Steemit? Seriously, you use your money to support people that you agree with, and you flag people that you feel deserve to suffer consequences for being Nazi scumbags. (Awesome job flagging that Nazi btw. I can point you in the direction of other Nazis if you want to flag some more.) My point here is that you are using and participating in a form of capitalism right here, and that proves capitalism is a tool that can be used for good.
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi