Amazing Jobs In The World That Will Make You Quit Your Job Right Away

in #job7 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians,

I am going to quit my job. After reading this post you are also going to quit your boring 9 to 5 job.

Job = Headache.
Most of us don't like to go to work daily and answer the boss. In today's scenario, the definition of jobs has changed; earlier job was fun, but now doing a job can be very stressful. And yes doing a job which you don't like can affect your health and then all you wish is to have a secured and an amazing job, which has no effect on your health, right? You might want to quit your job because you are so bored of your routine but there are some people who are very happy and lucky and the reason why I am saying this is because they have got the best job in the world. And if you think these two words "Amazing" and "Job" can't go together, then you are probably wrong.
Check out this list of some awesome jobs, that’ll make you feel to quit your job and apply for these ones.

Island caretaker
Oh yeah, Island caretaker is officially one of the best jobs in the world which involved a role of promoting the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef to the world. Basically, the job included swimming, snorkelling, mixing up with locals and maintaining a blog and photo diary. This offer was for 6 months and included return airfare and accommodation.

Salary Package: - $150000

Chocolate taster
Hey, Who does not dream to be in a world full of chocolates? Chocolate has been linked to some of the “feel good” chemicals in our brains, so professional chocolate tasters and entrepreneurial chocolate consultants must be some of the happiest people on the planet. Their dentists must be getting rich, too. Chocolate consultants work in a variety of sectors which ranges from various high street chocolate brands to some more niche categories.All they need to do is keep on tasting chocolates and keep giving honest feedback. They have no other responsibility.

Salary package: - $30000 to $70000

Professional sleeper
Most people would be fired if they were caught sleeping on the job, or at least given a stern warning. But what if you could sleep on the job and not get fired? Does that sound good to you? I thought so! Maybe you should get a job as a professional sleeper. It involves numerous different roles, so it really depends on the role:
a) Being hooked up to a lot of machines to check your heart rate and brain activity while you sleep.
b) Spending the night at a hotel and filling in a form about the experience.
c) Test beds, mattresses and duvets for companies.

Salary Package: - $60000 to $70000

Beer taster
Probably one of the coolest jobs on the planet, especially if you enjoy a good beer, is working as Beer and Ale taster. Yes, this job is just as awesome as it sounds – someone pays you to drink beer and ale. For beer lovers, it truly doesn’t get any better than this – am I right?. The job involves tasting the different beers and giving suggestions. One thing I would like to be clear here;you need to have a good and strong stamina to drink them one after the other.

Salary package: - $ 40000 to $ 50000
beer taster.jpg

Professional zombie
This profession is for people who love to scare others. The London Dungeons Experience currently employs 50 staff members to dress up as the living dead and scare the visitors around. Haha, this is surely a fun experience, isn’t it? Who wouldn’t like to have a job that involves so many pranks.

Salary Package: $ 200 to $ 500 per day

Rented Boyfriend
In many countries like China, Japan you can actually rent a guy. Hey, girls are you there? Do you have a boyfriend? No? Would you like to rent one? Good news, because does Japan have a service for you. It’s not cheap. And Boys, Yes, you are paid to act like a boyfriend. There is a website called with hundred of thousands of friends from around the world available for hire. Be with girls and get paid, LOL!

Salary package: $300 to $400 per hour.


Whoa! Great post man. Thank you for searching.