Dream it…Steem it….Find yourself a niche and Stream it!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

My C.V is perhaps best suited for the Wizard of Oz…my main mode of transport..motorbikes.

Mine has 87,000K on it

Perpetually seeking…….. roads less traveled…….Leaping out into the abyss, existence always intervening..... mouse bouncing.gif to cushion my ass.........
A word which has become renowned, even to those who speak no English….

An international phenomenon………..” S...T..R..E.S S “
An entire planet……bubbling, percolating…….beneath a veneer of happiness…“STRESS"...is everywhere.
Where IS that proverbial “DULL moment"? Does it even exist? Did it ever... exist?

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Is Stress part and parcel of our Human Condition? Or......Have we merely collectively wound our knickers in a twist?..........
Lost the ability to see the lighter side of things, the larger perspective?............Without the art of co-creating thru soul clusters of like minded cells.....we're asleep.…......Flickering between fleeting interludes of our highest intentions thru vast ages of darkness, where we mindlessly......skip down paths of self destruction.......
What gives me joy?.....Laughter...... Often whilst in the most dire of situations…...irony is giggling in the face of our projections and expectations.........
Lotuses, grow in the mud…….flower-blooming.gif
Longtime inspiration since childhood....is....Groucho Marx…The sheer irreverence of his remarks….. leaving no one safe.
A fantasy of living….surrounded by waving fields of green….. while watching Groucho Marx movies…..long fullfilled…but my love and respect for Groucho.......is eternal.
Now, we have fiber optics and live streaming……. after years of only caroseen lamps for lights and cooking…….My primative bamboo palace, next to a small brook...was formerly the village's gambling hut....until it was offered to me......at...... 420 US$ per year.....My first home in Asia......a fantasy........still in progress.......
The first electricity arrived from a single slender cable spanning fields and stream from another village. It ran a simple pump.... replacing meters of rubber cord used to raise buckets of water. That same cable, at night was used to operate a 4 track recording unit….and 2 Peavey amps. It was so quiet back then, one could hear music drifting up all the way to the main road nearly a kilometer away. Mornings, locals would show their approval, grinning with thumbs up. Brilliant musicians came thru our tiny bamboo hut, from all over the world….At times, I suspected we were mentioned in one of the guide books. .SamUbud80's.jpg
side track: A creative thief once stole the rubber cord from the well…. They pulled a “Tarzan”. Using the cord to climb into a neighbouring losman.......they lowered themselves down thru an open triangle of bamboo near the pinacle of the roof……Removing tourist valuables from several rooms…….quite athletic.....
With all the adventures……. from the sublime…….. to the darkest….. Laughter is as essential to my well being...……. as much as food or water…… cat chesire.gif
Friendships are short lived with those who can not at least giggle at their fears and phobias, lack of funds…. or poor choices…Mine are a constant source of amusement…….. One evening long, ago….. flat broke…… went to a restaurant near the beach which showed videos for free…….. Exciting, no one had TV’s or video’s yet…...A novelty……
i rocked up…. saw a girlfriend sitting there…..We're the only two there…we quickly discover we both shared the same inspiration….. Neither one of us were flush but had enough for a juice…..and we could watch the film…….We pooled our few bits together…... bought one large juice…... and shared it…….. We still laugh about it today….…..…….

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The point is….. we laughed about it then…… full well knowing...life…. is constant change…..regardless the scenerio….. it WILL change….... I can safely say…….. I could never have survived.....and thrived…. without my friends….. and......a wicked….sense of humour…….

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So........Steem it, Grill it, Poach it, or Fry it…...
Cargo ships to modeling trips....techkie things...and Faery wings..........
Curiosities…..which made me pause or laugh........... My own peculiar twist on 101,000 tales from...Asian Nights. Sprinkled with a few of my artware pieces.... created with brilliant craftsmen.........

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light and LAUGHTER, Syberella...........
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Cheers to the budding group of Bali Steemians......
special Thx to @samstonehill, @jockey, @chron and @copa-communion for their encouragement and tech advice........


Other than as a media that provides services, here we are also saming sharing stories, life, experiences and other useful things, therefore we must support each other.Welcome to join in steemit.😊 @syberella

Since you have just joined the steemit community, it will be difficult to receive many upvotes so you have to be patient with it. Good luck here and help each other. thank you

Great beginnings. I think you are thinking in the right direction

thx..... takes a while to wrap one's head around the structure......but i'll get there........

Welcome to Steemit! I am a traveler myself. Steemit is a great way to make money while on the go. I'll give you a follow. Good Luck!

Great to have you around. What kind of topics do you mostly write about?
Followed and Upvoted!
(Follow me back and together we can improve the community at Steemit.)

ah........... mixed bag..... depends on the day....... stream of consciousness...... feel an article coming over Hand phone addiction........

Welcome to Steem @syberella I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Amazing introduction @syberella, love the visual presentation. I'm sure you will feel at home on Steemit ;). Resteemed & upvoted!

Thx............my head is still slowing wrapping itself around the coding........... then it will be majorly fun!

I forgot to say thanks for the mention :)

And I would like to say again for the record that you have done a STUNNING job in creating a seriously original looking piece here. I take my hat off to you and I am SUPER EXCITED to see what you come up with next 🌅

This is the only gif I have!

Esteban drinking.gif

Ah...... no....... that's not a Gif its a "gift"....... they will be back hassling you.... soon enough......

Bring it on 😜

This is one of the most original looking introductions i have ever seen!

I salute you ;)

ach took me long enough........ Hail Hail the gangs all here.......

Great post A+!!! Upvoted, followed and resteemed! =)

Ah........ brother from another planet...... will let my brain rest..... before i tackle that last Faery....... (image of eyes crossed) can i drop a gif in here.....?eyes_crazy.gif OOOh it works! Now we're cooking with GAZ.... oops i meant Steem.......

Welcome to Steemit!

We're a community of social media renegades. lol But seriously, content is king here and finding a niche is a good thing. I'm trying to find my niche also. Good luck!

Followed and upped! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

I've been "niched" for awhile.... hence the... 101,000 Asian nites.............. be your authentic self...... that IS your niche....fairy_4.gif

Welcome @Syberella to Steemit! . I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me ...

WELCOME TO STEEMIT :) Glad to see more people like you - here join the steemit! Being a steamboat is a great adventure! Here you can win money while blogging! At first it will not be easy, but it is not impossible. So just write it from your heart and everything will be fine. ! Applause! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @ilhampratama!

thx......... its stream of consciousness...... then refined........and it gives me the opportunity to share... my 'artwear" and post things..... which....make me laugh....... Not yet clear on Upvoting...downvoting.....over and Out voting........it was an adventure just placing images within the post..... so let the games begin.....ps.... not a "steamboat"..... it was a 303 ton..... Cargo ship......

Welcome to Steemit! If you have questions - ask me @dobroman

thx..... The people thanked at the end of the post....we've got a nice support groups going....... and growing....

Welcome to Steemit @syberella, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Hello @syberella and welcome in this wonderful world of steemit. You will soon be addictive like us to this network.

If you need help, or if you have question, don't hesitate and contact me.

I followed, so be free to follow me back, I am trying a new concept with a friend, a duo-post every monday, we already did two and It's quite funny to do ^^.

welcome to steemit! Nice to meet you!

touching and thoughtful story, happy you are here. Enjoy Steemit, upvoted and resteemed - and followed

Cheers for that......... its........ a tad overwhelming ......... I'll be checking other Steems.......... as soon as i can de construct......the ins and outs

Welcome to steemit!

Hello Syberella, welcome to Steem! :-)

Stream of consciousness, poetry. Love it. Now you just need to make the EVOLUTION from MOTOR-bike to MOUNTAIN-bike, as I have. It takes things to a whole new level. PEACE. @Transcript-Junky

oooh..... you don't want a mountainbike here.... roads are very full of mad asian traffic...... you don't want to be in a car.... then you sit in traffic..... so motor bike is the only way thru......Tomorrow down to the coast.... about 70 k round trip....... Luv.....exploring new countries.... on motorbikes......Mountain bikes...... super just not inbetween trucks and busses....... children_66.gif

Interesting read! You are a new member so I am very glad to see that you're actively posting. Take this upvote and I hope you will some day do the same!
I know how hard it is as a fresh account so you could give Steemfollower a go. This exchange lets you earn up to 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I have more info on it in this post where I go over the system in more depth and, believe it or not, this has become my most upvoted post yet.

Thx i'll have a look.......alien silly 3.gif

Hello and welcome! Very nice intro. You will have some awesome time here!
I run a travel blog. Ride around on my bike and take photographs :)

Love traveling by bike......but actually it IS my only form of transport for years..........not just a hobby...... IT is seriously frustrating sitting in a car here....... way too much traffic......

Greetings @syberella! smart move becoming a member of steemit!

I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community! Nice post, Wish you much luck! (remember to follow me 😜 )

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