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RE: The Transgender Agenda #6: Boy's rule, girls drool, in girls' sports.

in #informationwar6 years ago

But competing with anyone gives them press, which is part of the reward for the mutiliation. Ignore, and this will correct itself, in most cases.

<p dir="auto"><em>You have to <strong>wonder about the parents of these screwed up kids. <strong><code>>:(

Funny how there are so many more so called transgender kids in blue states. It's sad really, what they need is a lot of mental healthcare, not track and field trophies for beating girls.

Naugh, if mental health help gets them thinking, they willl not be able to stay liberal! Once thought begins, liberals turn conservative....

that's the sick thing about the transgender agenda, they want to say that it is not a illness, they say it is normal, therefor any attempts to cure it are practically genocide. That's the big problem here, we should be looking for a cure for these kids, not for all the normal girls who are properly upset they can't win anymore.

Perversion, is the new sacrament; in the sick liberal's religion! >:(

hopefully they have jumped the shark with this shit.

It has to crumble. Each time they select a perversion (to get those votes) they alienate some of the voters they already had. As they move to smaller and smaller segments that support this perversion; they continue to loose voters!

Exactly, you have to think at this point that there are gays out there like "this shit has nothing to do with me and I don't want these freaks near my kids" and all the people getting jobs who didn't have them before often become republicans when they start having to pay taxes.