The Transgender Agenda #6: Boy's rule, girls drool, in girls' sports.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I came across this and it was crazy to say the least, seems more like a poorly written dystopian novel than real life.

Headline: As trans high school athletes win state titles, parents petition to ban them

Or a more accurate headline might read, " As boys win state titles in girls' sports, parents petition to ban boys from girls' sports". What follows is hard to follow, like reading "Anthem" they are intentionally using the wrong pronouns to make a political point.

No one should be excluding trans athletes because of the success of two hard-working youth.


Two transgender high school athletes in Connecticut both did really well on the track this season. Too well, say some detractors who are now trying to ban all transgender athletes from competing as their gender.

For the people pushing the transgender agenda "sex" and "gender" are different things but they conflate them as needed. In fact sports are not divided by gender, they are divided by sex. This began because progressives at the time were upset that girls sports were getting the short shaft, so they insisted that girls' sports get equal funding as boys sports. This was a big win for progressives and feminists at the time. At that time everyone recognized the fact that obviously girls and boys cannot play each other in most sports or the boys would always or almost always win and all or almost all of the girls would be excluded from ever winning anything.

What has been a quiet murmur since the success last year of Andraya Yearwood now, with the added success of fellow trans sprinter Terry Miller, is quickly becoming a full-blown controversy in a state with some of the country’s most welcoming policies for trans athletes.

Andraya Yearwood, sometimes girls have moustaches and balls

Um ,yeah, this is why satire is so hard these days, the real world is so foolish, it's hard to believe that anyone thinks that dude should be allowed to race the girls and yet somehow this is a controversy, full-blown, like a case of terminal AIDS.

Recently, at the Connecticut state championships, Miller set Connecticut state open meet records in the girls 100-meter and 200-meter races en route to two state titles.

Miller, a sophomore, has added two New England regional championships to her trophy case, for both the 100-meter and 200-meter.

Now by her they mean him:


Yearwood, also a sophomore, finished second in the 100-meter at the state meet, losing only to Miller.

Now some parents and student-athletes are up in arms, starting petitions to ban trans athletes from competing.

Note that they don't want "to ban trans athletes from competing", they want to ban males from playing in the female league.

“I think it’s unfair to the girls who work really hard to do well and qualify for Opens and New Englands [competitions],” Selina Soule, a sophomore who finished sixth in the 100-meter at the state meet, told the Hartford Courant. “These girls, they’re just coming in and beating everyone.”

There is no evidence that these two trans athletes have worked any less hard than any other girl.

Note that she didn't say they worked less hard than any other girls, she it was not fair, she was kind enough to not say it is because they are boys!

Of course, none of this uproar about trans inclusion would be happening if Miller and Yearwood had finished 19th and 24th. As elite trans athlete Chris Mosier has pointed out to me before, it’s only an issue when trans girls or women earn gold medals.

That's probably true, if in fact the boys were not completely dominating the girls' leagues, the reason boys are not allowed in the girls' league, then no one would care. Its almost as if there are two leagues for a reason.

When you look at the results, it might be easy to understand why some people, like Soule, are upset. On the face of the results, it looks like two trans athletes have suddenly come along and raced into state titles and decades-old records.

Yup, it looks like it is easy for a boy to rule at girls' sports.


That look when you see your scholarship run by

Yet when you look a little deeper, there’s more to the story.

First, Miller and Yearwood aren’t “beating everyone.”

Yearwood finished seventh in the 200-meter. Five girls, other than Miller, beat her in that race.

Yeah, occasionally they lose to each other! Now comes the argument that since they occasionally lose, like the dude who was weightlifting as a woman who lost a match due to injury, then it's fair and all women should just suck it up and get used to losing all the time unless they hurt themselves.

Miller, in addition to her two big wins, also ran the 400-meter and finished fourth.

And what place did the other dude get in that race?

Both of these trans girls were beaten by cisgender girls at the state meet.

Then they should really be ashamed of themselves.

The idea that they are unbeatable, or that any advantage they may experience as trans athletes is “unfair,” are undermined when you look beyond the headlines of state titles and records.

No it's not, and in sport we don't need an advantage to be "unbeatable" for it to be unfair, performance enhancing drugs only give you a small edge yet they are banned. "look beyond the headlines of state titles and records"


Then there’s the idea that Miller and Yearwood just showed up and won state championships while all of the other girls are working hard.

No, the idea is that all the other girls are girls.

This is blatant transphobia. There is no evidence that these two trans athletes have worked any less hard than any other girl. In fact, given the deep mental toll being transgender takes on trans youth, the fact is they probably worked harder than their cisgender competitors.

We are through the looking glass here people, boys playing in the girls league have worked harder than the girls! And if you disagree then its official, This is blatant transphobia

Yet the assumption is they have just strolled onto the track, put on some spikes and set state meet records.

Whose assumption is that? Who is he arguing with here? The assumption is that boys have an advantage over girls in sports so we have separate leagues for girls and boys.

And people won’t have it. They see their precious wins and losses and just can’t let go of the fact that a transgender girl might have won something through hard work and determination.

Nope, I don't think that is it.

With all of the disadvantages trans people face in every single facet of life, their detractors have to harp on the presence of testosterone and strip them of the right to simply participate in sports, let alone win something.

Nope, this is totally false, these dudes, if they are any good, should just run with the other boys. Would any of their records be records if they were with the other males? Look at how he contradicts himself here, a minute ago, wins and losses were "precious" when "transphobia" biological girls were complaining that it was not fair, now its not fair if these poor souls can't just win everything without anyone complaining, in fact that is transphobia.

The inclusion of trans athletes is a new frontier for many people in sports, despite Renee Richards having earned the right to play tennis more than 40 years ago. I get it. This is hard for some people to comprehend. I understand that.

Yet too many people — including many petition-bearers in Connecticut — aren’t even trying to understand.

See, the problem, the cause of transphobia, is just that you don't understand and you are a bigot for not trying hard enough to understand, just try to understand that boys with long hair have to dominate all girls and women's sports and that if you say different you are wrong and a fascist.

It’s hard to put aside our culture’s addiction to winning, placing so much — too much — value on a high school victory. I personally put too much value on winning for most of my life. It wasn’t until I was about 40 that I realized there are lots of things in life more important than winning. I wish I’d learned that lesson a little better years earlier.

So boys with long hair have a right to win girls' sports, he said that above, but winning matters too much to cisgender girls and their parents. Got it.

It’s one of the opportunities trans athletes bring to all of us in sports, the recalibration of our priorities. In youth and high school sports, winning shouldn’t be the top priority. Participation, hard work and sportsmanship — These are the cornerstones of youth athletics.

Just one out of so many! Finally girls will be able to reprioritize winning, they can learn young that boys will always win. They should be happy just to participate. Got it.

To be clear, I’m not talking about policies governing the Olympics, the WNBA or even the NCAA. Once athletes graduate high school, a patchwork of scholarships, endorsement deals, salaries and the ability to provide for one’s family come into play.

What, what, what, there is a limit? OK, so he does not want the WNBA to be all transgendered men, but then people might watch. Well in that case, since there are limits, like scholarships, then it's pretty easy to ruin this argument, obviously the whole point of high school athletics for a lot of kids, even cis girls, is to get a scholarship to college. So sorry bro, high school sports performance does affect scholarships.

Yet in youth and high school sports, the ability to participate and work your butt off are the essential values we must hold dear.

Right, who really wants to play sports for any other reason than a participation trophy? Oh that's right, the boys winning at girls sports.

This is true for no one more than it is for trans athletes.

And at the high school level, no one is losing a scholarship or a coaching job because of the participation of a trans sprinter. So don’t even go there.

Don't even go to reality! In this unreality there are no such thing as sports scholarships to college for girls who win at high school sports!

After he won his second straight Texas high school wrestling title to a chorus of both cheers and boos earlier this year, Mack Beggs took to Facebook and wrote this line that has stuck with me all year:

“Wrestling saved my life.”

That's nice, and how did all the people not taking performance drugs who she crushed feel?

The people now pushing to ban trans athletes from participating as their gender in high school sports are literally risking the lives of trans youth. 80% of trans people have thought about taking their own lives, and 40% of them have actually tried.

LOL the "you're gonna kill someone!" card. Sounds like those pushing the transgender agenda are the ones putting youth at risk. If that poor boy can't beat all the girls without anyone being upset about it he is just going to have to kill himself and it will be everyone else's fault!

If running some races and winning a couple ribbons keeps trans youth alive, I’m all in.

That’s a risk I am not willing to take.

When I was in high school I won multiple league titles in cross-country and track and field. If it meant saving some kid’s life, I’d give up every single one of them. To me, no medal is worth taking away the self-worth of a trans kid who, for all I know, could be hoarding pills in a plot to take their own life. Far too many of them are doing that as I type this column.

Oh, I see, we have to allow this and none of the girls should complain that they can't win because these boys are so unstable not winning might cause them to suicide. Maybe that's why they can't play with other boys, winning would not be so certain.

If running some races and winning a couple ribbons keeps trans youth alive, I’m all in.

No, I think girls, since women are like half the population, should have the chance to win ribbons as well, that is why girls sports exist, not to save the lives of mentally ill boys.

In Connecticut, some people are making a different choice. They want their cisgender kid to get the trophy, and they don’t give a crap whose self-esteem they injure along the way. They don’t care that trans youth are at least 10 times more likely to attempt suicide than their kid. They want trans athletes banned from sports so their kid can win another medal.

It’s disheartening at best.

It's disheartening that this guy is so absurd as to make such an argument, they don't want trans athletes banned from sports so their kid can win another medal, they want boys banned from girls sports because girls sports are for girls.
Some have suggested allowing trans athletes to compete but not allow them win a medal. That seems even worse to me than not competing at all. It would be a complete rejection of their gender identity and, it seems to me, downright dangerous for the health and well-being of the trans athlete.

What’s the perfect solution? It involves a complicated non-binary restructuring of sports that isn’t likely to happen in my lifetime.

LOL His idea is so stupid that he won't even say it. His perfect world has no separate leagues for men and women, and thus women never winning. If that worked, then we would do it, but it does not, because boys have a natural advantage over girls, that's why sports are "binary".

Until then, Connecticut has it right. Let trans athletes like Miller and Yearwood compete as their gender. If done well, with the guidance and cooperation of some thoughtful adults and coaches, the life lessons learned by all athletes involved will make this world a better and safer place for all of us.

Won't that be great? Actual girls won't ever win again but they will learn so much from losing, if done right, that not going to college on a scholarship will make the world a better place for all of us. Look at the poor girl's face above as that brute runs past her, that's not making the world a better place. This is not anyone saying that these boys are not working hard, what should be obvious is that the problem is that they prevent the girls from winning no matter how hard they work.

For the most comprehensive information on trans athletes, visit

yeah, if you really want to go down a rabbit hole go there, otherwise check out some of my recent posts:

Operation Mockingbird 2018: Did Trump nearly upend summit with abrupt changes?

What do you think? Has Connecticut got it right?

Please vote, comment and hit the resteem


I couldn't agree more, I hope we start seeing bans across the country. It's not that I really care if someone wants to be transgender it's just these rules exist and for a good reason. We all face consequences to some of our decisions, they don't all go in our favor, when someone ops to transgender they should be excluded from playing sports in their currently listed gender.

The basic problem here is that people are supposed to disbelieve their eyes and disregard all common sense. A child can easily see what is wrong here, it's like a real life version of "the emperor's new clothes" where all the adults, instead of saying what they see, all praise these "girls" for their success and bravery.

Kids are not as indoctrinated as the adults yet.
That's the reason why kids get taught useless things in school and don't get individual supportYeah I agree @funbobby51 !

That's why they are turning summer camps into transgender indoctrination camps.

i am very aware there is an agenda here, beyond the transgender rights issue, one that is about pushing anything and everything "anti-bible" in society.
after all who is leading this trans-rights movement? No 1 person, sick of being abused, neglected or pushed around by society standing up for their rights, being joined by other who have experienced simular trauma, joining them to say no more. nope.
and if you think the media just suddenly decided to right a wrong-your wrong too.

dont get me wrong, i belive everyone should be respected, period.
can you imagine what it would be like to have it implied, ot be told, or overhear people saying you were a mistake, an abomination and were going to hell, having family disown you.
thats gotta be insanly tough, and i can tell you from my perspective, if i were gay/trans/whatever and had to deal w/ shit like that my whole life. i guarentee you i would become a satanist. 1 endulge my pleasures-after having so many simple joys crushed, and to destroy the society that tried, but failed to destroy me.
in a very real sence we have made our bed and now have to lie in it.

nowhere in the bible does it say gays go to hell, it only says its an abomanation, that word seems to have been used to describe male and female prostitutes in temples, aka sacred prostitutes, and the word sodomites seems to refer to (people of sodom) who were gang raping traveling men, turning their backs to people who needed help, and mob violence.
i am not biblical scolar, not even close so im sure some want to dispute my theory, ill glady discuss it. But if you take the bible as fact, how can you say god would create a child (his child) only to doom them to hell? add that to what i belive is considerable evidence that infact homosexuality could have a enviromental cause possibly from a sensitivity to certain chemicals, like has been shown to occur in some species of frogs. do you really thing god would fault his children that were poisoned? do you not belive satan would use such a trick to bring many to his side?

and if we consider the bible to be true, and satan is here to lead us down the wrong path, why wouldnt he do that? especially when you consider that the vatican, the "center of christianity" is satanic. (put the habitual child raping aside and search nevi hall, and etymology of basilica if you need more proof).
when your aware that the big bang theory, was given to us from a catholic jesuit priest, not science, and jesuits, aka society of jesus, take an oath, recorded in the congressinal record that includes.........
"I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus."

considering the king james bible was editied after king james compiled it by a knights templar/Rosicrucian-the "christians" who brought us baphomet, and kabbalah majick, the crusades, gargoyles and other demonic things.
when we take a minute to think about the "truths" we are taught, it becomes crystal clear, so much so it seems almost insane we belived the crap they fed us.
to assume that we were all created by a god is much more logical that nothing exploded and created everything.
but once again the bible seems to be spot on, as they have hidden everything from us by turning it upside down, and backwards, and leaving it right in our faces.
why would this issue be any diffrent?

one thing is very clear, satan is alive and well today.

the gays are a powerful political force, so powerful they got everything they wanted, so they made up this tranny thing to keep the gays on the progressive plantation.

Ban all transgender competitors. I suspect that you will see less transgender feces, with no direct reward for the effort.

These people have enough trouble, psychologically, without adding more pressure.

as long as they are not taking performance enhancing drugs like the wrestler praised in the article they should be able to compete, if those dudes want to run track let them, on the boy's team.

But competing with anyone gives them press, which is part of the reward for the mutiliation. Ignore, and this will correct itself, in most cases.

<p dir="auto"><em>You have to <strong>wonder about the parents of these screwed up kids. <strong><code>>:(

Funny how there are so many more so called transgender kids in blue states. It's sad really, what they need is a lot of mental healthcare, not track and field trophies for beating girls.

Naugh, if mental health help gets them thinking, they willl not be able to stay liberal! Once thought begins, liberals turn conservative....

that's the sick thing about the transgender agenda, they want to say that it is not a illness, they say it is normal, therefor any attempts to cure it are practically genocide. That's the big problem here, we should be looking for a cure for these kids, not for all the normal girls who are properly upset they can't win anymore.

Perversion, is the new sacrament; in the sick liberal's religion! >:(

Relevance: Unfair Advantage In Sports
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Do you have any idea what opinion they hold on this issue in the professional arena of boxing or other such fighting sports?

That's a great question. I would assume they would be all for boys beating up girls and that if the girls complain that they will be called transphobic.

there was also a link to their website, It may discuss that.

chromosomes tell the tail.
X or Y.
which is it?
pointer or sitter?

Chromosomes tell the
Tail. X or Y. which is it?
Pointer or sitter?

                 - everittdmickey

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While most bots are a waste of computer time, The Haikubot is at least interesting. If you want to climb onto a bot, go get Cheata or the grammernazi. THEY are a total waste!

At least the haikubot is cute.

agreed Haiku bot is awesome and I could never get tired of it, they should go bother the magic 8 ball bot

Yes that one is lame! I am impresed with the programming on the Haiku bot. That would be hard to do!

<p dir="auto"><strong><code>:)

nailed it, God bless you haiku bot

that should be in a haiku contest!

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My analysis of this situation leads me to believe there are only two possible solutions to this problem: allow male, female, and transgender humans to compete in the same league and let the cards fall where they may, or create a parallel transgender league. The current way this is being handled will do nothing but make things worse.

Or C is to have the leagues divided by biological sex as they used to be and to forbid performance enhancing steroids. If there is only one league then it will be all men, like the PGA.