
The problem is, that liberals have no common sense. They have no feel for when people are fed up with their feces; so they must, by their core beliefs, continue to push. When they make no progress, again their nature requires them to push harder; and violence (as we have seen recently) occurs.

<p dir="auto">Their self justification of violence then comes into play; and they will turn it up! A tipping point will be reached, as sure as GOD made little green apples; and self defense will be required. <p dir="auto"><strong>I agree Europe will burn, and we may very well follow them; depending on the remaining quantity of liberals left here, to start the fire. <em>If enough people begin to think, we will be fine; <strong>if not, this Republic will Burn too. <p dir="auto">I pray I am wrong, but I suspect I am right! <p dir="auto"><strong><code>:'(

we are lucky for the time being to have a president unafraid to say we will not become a refugee camp.

That will give us a new lease on life, if the liberals are not able to stuff the ballot box enough, to "win", in November.

they are doing everything they can to make people want open borders, gun control and transgendered track stars.

One more example of ther mental illness that is liberalism! They need clinical help to get back down to Earth!

Trump has launched an initiative to clean up space junk!

I never thought of liberals as space junk before, but it does have a certain completeness to it, ROFLOL! :D