in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

As the famous truism would say, the loyalty of the military lasts until it's over. In the years immediately before Independence, the Creole military who defended the Spanish power when Miranda tried to invade Venezuela, were the same ones who supported the members of the City Council of Caracas when they rose against the Metropolis, which had fallen into the hands of the French . And the same ones that soon after decided for Independence. Spain had to send an army of native Spaniards, almost all veterans, to fight the pro-independence rebels, an army that ended up biting the dust in Carabobo, which began a long process in which the military in turn supported the governments until They stopped supporting him, because the loyalty of the military lasts until it's over.

In relatively recent times, the military supported President Medina until they stopped supporting him, and shortly after they supported the ADs of the 45 until they stopped supporting him, then they resisted with one of his own lineage, the dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez until they left to support him and on January 23, 1958 what we all thought was going to be the last dictatorship fell. Now, with the worst dictatorship that the country has suffered, a dictatorship that has done away with everything good and regular that our country had, and only left us the worst in every way, we see again that the loyalty of some military unworthy (based on the worst corruption and the dirtiest interests that one can imagine), it is what keeps the usurper and his accomplices in power.

But you do not have to put them all in the same pot: it's not the same for a gentleman like Rafael Huizi Clavier to be a servile scoundrel and sell homelands like the one named Padrino López. And there are many who currently suffer the same evils as us and do not feel anything right with the situation, in which a group of crooks has kidnapped the Armed Forces. The logic indicates that as soon as the scoundrels realize that supporting the usurpers and corrupt, as well as the Cuban pimps and others who suck the country's blood, it does not suit them, we will see them beating their breasts and pushing away from a hit the usurpers and their accomplices. That is why it is so important that the demonstrations on January 23 are multitudinous, show that the usurpers not only do not have a people, but that more than ninety out of every hundred Venezuelans want to remove them from power and wish with all their soul to return democracy your fueros.

The January 23 has to be a total shout, a demonstration of strength as never before seen in this country. Not in any other. Civil war? There can not be. It would be a confrontation of 99 against 1, and no matter how much the 1 has weapons and ammunition, if of the 99 there are 97 that are unarmed, there will be 2 that are armed, and the confrontation would be 2 to 1, two that are right and one who has nothing but a dirty conscience. And to top it off, the 2 will have the support of almost all the nations of the world, among which are the most powerful of our neighborhood, while the one would hardly have three or four countries mined by corruption. On January 23 we play the future, but everything plays in our favor. Not even the stupidity of a few or the betrayal of others can change that. Almost there. The end of the nightmare is already announced with songs of joy, and the cornered ones will try to make a lot of noise and a lot of damage, but they do not happen to be fierce. Or, if you will, evil beasts with no future but failure. What is needed now is to remain calm, because everything is on our side. On the side of justice and truth.