ABOARD JAYAKARTA PREMIUM TRAIN | [Bilingual Bahasa Indonesia]

in #indonesia7 years ago

“It really doesn’t matter how many times you have been parted from Yogyakarta, this City will always be home for anyone who have had share of bitter sweet memories. In the end, life is all about good and bad isn’t it? Until it peaked to equilibrium”
M Ali Rahman Hakim – On life

<p dir="auto">I started my regular journey with train, from Yogyakarta my hometown to Jakarta, The Capital City of Indonesia. I will have a meeting with friends there, who are eager to discuss and execute new business Idea (Wish me luck guys). I decided to go back to Jakarta using Train. It’s one of my favorite mode of transportation. Although it takes more time than plane, but you can experience something different that I really can’t easily describe.<br /> <em><code>Saya memulai lagi perjalanan seperti biasa menggunakan kereta, dari kampung halaman saya Yogyakarta, menuju Jakarta, Ibukota Indonesia. Saya akan mengadakan rapat dengan beberapa teman saya untuk mendiskusikan dan menjalankan ide bisnis baru (doakan saya ya teman-teman). Saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan kereta, karena kereta adalah salah satu moda transportasi favorit saya. Meskipun memakan waktu lebih lama dibandingkan pesawat, tetapi kadangkala kita bisa merasakan sesuatu yang berbeda. Sesuatu yang tidak mudah dideskripsikan. <p dir="auto">After rigorous searching (it’s just an exaggeration, guys), I found quite new train from Yogyakarta to Jakarta. It’s called Jayakarta Premium. It comes with claim: “Economy Class, with Executive Feeling”. Seriously, as for me. I don’t buy that. All same, all same here, in my opinion. But the thing is, the schedule suits me best. Journey time from Yogyakarta to Jakarta by Train is around 7-8 hours. Jayakarta Premium departs from Yogykarta at around 8:30 p.m. and it will arrive at around 5-6 a.m the next day. That’s a very good deal, considering my meeting is scheduled at around 8 a.m. so I don’t have to wait longer. So, I booked it.<br /> <em><code>Setelah melakukan pencarian dengan teliti (Becanda yaah), saya menemukan kereta yang lumayan baru dari Yogyakarta ke Jakarta. Nama keretanya adalah Jayakarta Premium. Kereta ini diklaim kereta yang “berasa” eksekutif padahal kereta ini adalah kereta ekonomi. Jujur saja, saya tidak percaya. Semua sama saja. Tapi yang menarik buat saya adalah karena jadwal kereta yang sesuai dengan saya. Kereta dari Yogykarta-Jakarta memakan waktu sekitar 7-8 jam. Jayakarta Premium berangkat dari Yogyakarta sekitar pukul 20:3) WIB, dan sampai di Jakarta sekitaran 05:30 WIB keesokan harinya. Hal ini cukup menarik untuk saya, karena rapat saya akan dimulai sekitar pukul 08:00 WIB. Jadi, saya tidak harus menunggu lama. Saya putuskan untuk memesannya. <p dir="auto">I am that kind of guy that need a time with my packing. I have to plan the packing couple days ahead. But as always, the execution for packing itself eventually done couple hours earlier. Ouch, I think I left my “bathing gears” home. But no worries. It’s 7 p.m. already, and I decided to go to the station with my friends using motorcycle. Before we arrived in Yogyakarta Tugu Station, I had dinner with my friends. Fortunately, although it was raining, it wasn’t that heavy. It was a light rain,<br /> <em><code>Saya adalah tipe orang yang membutuhkan waktu lama untuk persiapan berkemas-kemas. Saya harus merencanakan barang-barang saya beberapa hari sebelum keberangkatan, Namun selalu saja, saya berkemas beberapa jam sebelum keberangkatan. Duh, kayaknya perkakas mandi saya juga ketinggalan di rumah. Tapi, tak mengapa. Jarum jam menunjukkan pukul 19:00 WIB, dan saya memutuskan untuk berangkat ke Stasiun bersama dengan teman saya menggunakan sepeda motor. Sebelum sampai ke Stasiun Tugu, saya dan teman saya makan malam terlebih dahulu. Untungnya, walaupun sempat hujan namun tidak terlalu lebat. Hanya gerimis saja.<br /> We finished our dinner at around 8 p.m. and, headed straight to the Station – 5 minutes ride. We parted and said goodbyes. Then, I waited in the waiting room for the train, sit nicely on the bench.<br /> <em><code>Kami selesai makan malam sekitaran pukul 20:00 WIB dan langsung menuju ke Stasiun yang hanya berjarak sekitar 5 menit. Kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal dan berpisah. Kemudian saya menunggu di ruang tunggu, duduk manis. <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474269/rxxskpnieiax5crammzt.jpg" alt="In Tugu Station.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474269/rxxskpnieiax5crammzt.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474269/rxxskpnieiax5crammzt.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>While waiting for the train – image from personal documentation <hr /> <p dir="auto">I didn’t wait that long for the train to arrive, since I came very close to the schedule time. Oh yeah, I forgot, FYI, as long as I remembered, there’s no Economy Class train departed from Tugu Station, they’re all from Lempuyangan Station. So, it’s quite interesting.<br /> <em><code>Saya tidak menunggu lama hingga kereta tiba, karena saya datang cukup mepet dengan jadwal keberangkatan. Oh iya, sebagai informasi, di Stasiun Tugu hanya memberangkatkan kereta kelas Bisnis atau Eksekutif, kereta Kelas Ekonomi berangkat dari Lempuyangan Station. Jadi, hal ini cukup menarik untuk saya.<br /> <img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474312/y9fj5wtgz1j1ww6zc6vv.jpg" alt="Waiting to depart.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474312/y9fj5wtgz1j1ww6zc6vv.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474312/y9fj5wtgz1j1ww6zc6vv.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>Between Jakarta and Surabaya – image from personal documentation <hr /> <p dir="auto">By the time the train arrived, by the looked of it, it is new. Whether, it’s a renewed old train or brand new train, I don’t really know. But yeah, I’m excited.<br /> <em><code>Saat kereta tiba, kelihatannya, keretanya memang baru. Apakah kereta lama yang diperbarui, ataukan memang benar-benar kereta baru, saya tidak tau. Tapi saya tertarik. <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474353/sf8vxjnquxoekahwhq20.jpg" alt="The Train.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474353/sf8vxjnquxoekahwhq20.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474353/sf8vxjnquxoekahwhq20.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>The train! – image from personal documentation <hr /> <p dir="auto">By the time I wrote this story, I am still in the train. So hopefully you guys can enjoy the whole stories from the photos I took. This I can tell you, first it was using 2-by-2 seat design. Seats cannot be rotated, rather in each train it has 2 different facing seats, halving the train (And I got the one that back-facing the train, dizzy). It has a LED information screen, with 2 TV’s hanging on top. It has a personal reading lightbulb like in airplane. The toilet is clean (It also has a seated toilet!). The cabin luggage is properly designed, it can handle a quite large luggage. The café inside, the pillow and blanket, all the same. Only one thing quite bugged me, the AC. It was quite hot, maybe it was set to high, so it was quite hot. Or perhaps, it’s broken. I don’t know. That’s it, everything else is virtually the same. Need I remind you, “same” here is the same like Business/Executive Class, yet this Jayakarta Premium graded as an Economy Class.<br /> <em><code>Pada saat saya menulis cerita ini, saya masih berada di dalam kereta. Jadi saya harap kalian bisa mendapat cerita lebih dari foto-foto saya. Yang bisa saya sampaikan adalah bahwa kereta ini didesain menggunakan 2 baris kursi, masing masing 2 kursi. Kursi-kursi ini tidak bisa diputar, namun unikny di dalam gerbong, tepat ditengahnya kursi-kursi ini menghadap di 2 arah yang berbeda (Dan saya mendapatkan kursi yang berlawanan arah dengan arah datangnya kereta, cukup bikin pusing). Kereta ini juga dilengkapi dengan layer informasi LED, dengan 2 TV yang digantung. Kereta ini juga memiliki lampu baca seperti yang ada di pesawat. Kamar mandinya bersih, dan ada toilet duduk juga. Bagasi untuk barang-barang juga didesain dengan baik, sehingga dapat menampung bagasi dengan ukuran besar. Kafetaria, bantal dan selimut semuanya sama. Satu hal yang mengganggu saya adala AC yang terasa panas, apakah memang disetel demikian ataukah memang rusak, saya tidak tau. Itu saja, yang lain kurang lebih sama dan identik. Sama disini maksudnya sama dengan kelas Bisnis/Eksekutif ya.. Namun lagi-lagi kereta ini masuk ke kelas kereta ekonomi. <p dir="auto">Okay, so I will share few photos, enjoy it. Cheers.<br /> <em><code>Baiklah, saya akan bagikan beberapa foto. Salam <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474428/ve3lvkavktfy4asmvp3y.jpg" alt="General Looks.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474428/ve3lvkavktfy4asmvp3y.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474428/ve3lvkavktfy4asmvp3y.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>General looks – image from personal documentation <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474446/h8nhsmpjmy9x46p6gxgj.jpg" alt="LED.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474446/h8nhsmpjmy9x46p6gxgj.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474446/h8nhsmpjmy9x46p6gxgj.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>LED information screen – image from personal documentation <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474462/k2hjh9rf8mkjgfrjxtz0.jpg" alt="The TVs.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474462/k2hjh9rf8mkjgfrjxtz0.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474462/k2hjh9rf8mkjgfrjxtz0.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>Hanging TVs – image from personal documentation <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474484/m6xqg9zs8dashjguzv70.jpg" alt="Lightbulb.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474484/m6xqg9zs8dashjguzv70.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474484/m6xqg9zs8dashjguzv70.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>Lighting – image from personal documentation <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474498/wwfxdjdg5aim2bz9qjdv.jpg" alt="Me.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474498/wwfxdjdg5aim2bz9qjdv.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474498/wwfxdjdg5aim2bz9qjdv.jpg 2x" /> <h6><center><em>I share my story here, in steemit – image from personal documentation <hr /> <p dir="auto"><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474594/btfucfqcbyfqydd04gtb.jpg" alt="Image di bawah postingan.jpg" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474594/btfucfqcbyfqydd04gtb.jpg 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://res.cloudinary.com/hpiynhbhq/image/upload/v1517474594/btfucfqcbyfqydd04gtb.jpg 2x" /> <p dir="auto"><center><em><strong>Enjoying this post? Please don’t forget to up-vote, follow,comment and resteem. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I sincerely hope you have a very nice day. <p dir="auto"><center><strong>Other posts of mine that you might enjoy:<br /> <center><strong><a href="https://steemit.com/business/@intosteemit/the-business-series-introduction-part-1-or-bilingual-bahasa-indonesia" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">The (r)evolution of business<br /> <center><strong><a href="https://steemit.com/indonesia/@intosteemit/n-219-plane-nurtanio-indonesia-very-own-aeroplane-bilingual" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">Indonesia's very own aeroplane, N-219<br /> <center><strong><a href="https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@intosteemit/let-s-restart-shall-we-or-mari-mulai-kembali-yuk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">A 'lil bit 'bout myself<br /> <center><strong><a href="https://steemit.com/books/@intosteemit/the-7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-by-stephen-r-covey-book-review-or-bilingual-bahasa-indonesia" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE