in #howto7 years ago

Snakes can be scary, and some can even be dangerous!

The Copperhead is one of the few kinds of venomous snakes in North America. It often can be found out on the prowl at night, which can make things even more dangerous. During the day, though, its incredible camouflage can make it hard to spot even then. In this video, @papa-pepper shares with you some of the easiest ways to accurately identify a Copperhead snake.


Later, I may make a photo post covering this information so that users have an image to go along with each characteristic, but photographing specific features on venomous snakes by yourself can be difficult, as many shots have to be made one-handed. My current camera is malfunctioning anyway, so I think I'll get a STEEM-powered upgrade and see if I can't pull it off.


Until next time…

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extremely informative video sir, I love learning about nature and animals my dude, please make more of these. Is there any other wild animals that you are also knowledgeable on?

A lot of other animals, a lot.

For real? what animal should we all expect to see you analyze and explain next?

Water Scorpion?

I've never even heard of YES please do one on it please :)

Thank you for RELOCATING instead of killing... we just relocated a baby brown snake from our patio to the woods... at first we thought it was possibly a copperhead...

As long as I can identify from a distance!

Ouroboros ... well sort of. :)

Where did you learn all this snake stuff?
Where did you learn to handle venomous snakes?
You appear so nonchalant, calm, cool and collected.
But now with a Copperhead?
You really are the snake pied-piper, err, I mean, snake pied-pepper!!

Most of my "education" was always hands on, and a lot is self taught. I just figure it out and learn as I go...

Just one of many of natures misunderstood creatures....well done for your educational post. The more we learn the less afraid we become.
We have been terrorised from the poor snake myth right from birth in this western world deception. Compare how many snakes are killed by humans each year to how many humans are killed by snakes to know who is really scary.

Good point on that last line!

Looks like no fun...
Follow me @deliverance

But it was fun!

All good stuff to know. ;-)

For anyone interested, that perhaps is not overly keen on snakes, New Zealand has no snakes. Not even little ones. We are 100% snake free.

So if you'd rather live somewhere that doesn't put you close to a copper headed, cotton mouthed, rat snake wearing moccasins, then this is a pretty good destination for you ;-)

Take care @papa-pepper, and keep that good record of not being bitten intact.

I will, or, at least I'll try...

This is actually good to know

Yeah you gotta watch these and we have those cottonmouths too which kinda look like harmless black snake from a distance.

Right, I might have to do a Cottonmouth next.

The animal control facebook page for my area did a post talking about how more people than normal are calling them to catch copperheads. They even started a special email-hotline for snake identification because snakes have been so bad. Now that I live in a house near the woods my biggest fear is copperheads. I crawled under my house to fix a pipe and a black snake was by my foot the entire time. Didn't notice until I was done. So happy it wasn't a poisonous snake.

I would be excited about that, but I understand your caution. Mostly, they leave you alone, so you've got that going for you.

If they are successful at remedying the snake problem, I can't wait to hear about the vermin problem that will follow, hahhahahaha

Well, our local animal shelter is having funding problems. Maybe they can put to use all those stray cats they can't afford to keep. Then again...that might cause problems in itself if they aren't fixed.

LOL - indeed!

Too scary! We have too many snakes here in our state. My daughter stepped on a copperhead and was not bitten. Thank God for His protection!

Wow! Praise God indeed! Glad to hear it!

What about praising Cottonmouth Animal Totem? ;)

Love the video @papa-pepper very informative

Thanks mate!

Awesome video brother! Reminds me of days past, watching you in action. So glad you can finally share your gift with the world. Hats off to you bro!

nice picture..

@papa-pepper about a week ago we talked about the snake that was on my back deck. At that time I didnt know how to attach a picture to a reply. I have finally learned. Any ways here is the police officer (looking very stiff) removing the snake.

Can't really tell, but it almost looks like a Black Rat Snake.

Nice job learning how to attach the photo!

Does USA milk snakes for anti venom? In the northern Australia they keep them in a large arena and collect and milk them every monthish. The venom is treated and held to treat accidental bites from their less friendly snakes.

Last I knew they still did that.

In Australia the collector gets well paid, is it the same in the USA?

Hmmm.... New career opportunity for Papa maybe?

The guy in Darwin Australia had a full time job cleaning snakes out of my daughters house. The good ones he would milk and add to his collection. He was making a livving out of it.

There are rattlesnake rustlers. I believe they are periodically needed in Texas. Here...

Have you been to Texas?

thank you for this really informative post :) I always enjoy watching your vids :) and really love snakes ;) enjoy your day!

Thank you for your encouragement!

In depth copperhead identification, very useful for many areas. Thank you for sharing. In Arizona the snakes are not user friendly and like you said, most will try to move away from people. A lot of venomous bites come from people scaling rocky cliffs and they are bit on the hands. Out of view and startled the snake has the advantage. Pulling yourself up a rocky ledge only to find being eye to eye with a coiled rattler is a sobering experience. Always use caution when out exploring in the Arizona desert.

I will use caution.

too dangerous for me, lol

very interesting, thanks for posting - Subbed!

Ha, most people would have killed that snake before making the video. Although animals lovers such as us are to wild and crazy to do such a think to such a beautiful creature.

I used to keep snake venom in vials when I lived in Mississippi. We would make rat poison with it by coating little pieces of cheese in it. Helped keep the rat population down in the barns. We just couldn't let the cats get into it.

Very nice video! As always a great read, and a great post, probably one of my favorites to date from you.

Dude that Rat snake is HUGE! Such beautiful snakes for sure, awesome description as well.

I would usually pick up snakes and open their mouth kinda like you did with that one to see if they had fangs or not. Man it has been at least a few years since I caught anything dangerous (Colorado Rattler).

Haha have fun my friend!

~ @Timbo

Great educational post.

Are snakebites dangerous? How to treat ⛑ a poisonous snake 🐍 wound. Not everyone here picks up poisonous snakes. 😏 I researched how to treat a snakebite, and that post was my result.@papa-pepper I have posted a how-to for the rest of us who are wondering:

I hope you like this, because it's my first story! Please comment there if you like my how-to.

if the eyes of the snakes are like cat eyes it is venimous, if the pupil is round like us humans it is not venimous snake

True for pit vipers like the Copperhead, but for other venomous snakes like the Coral snake, that is not true.

ok i thought that was true , at least thats what ive learned, but hey , everything i have learned in school is probably false, and the earth is flat

True with pit vipers at least. Where in the flat earth did you go to school? LOL

rs and upvote for you....

Hey, I killed two snakes at the farm on Saturday. I was thinking of your post. My hands fit the handle of a shovel better than they do the neck of a snake.

One of them had eaten a fake egg we put out with the chickens.