Green Beans and a Concert - July 21, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading2 months ago

Garlic - 2 qts dehydrated crop July 2024.jpg

On Sunday morning I got up at 5AM and edited photos and wrote the post. Around 7AM I went out and cleaned up the kitchen. Then I emptied the dehydrator of the garlic. I put both moisture absorbers and oxygen packs in each jar. I don’t normally do this but garlic makes an awful mess if it gets damp.

Dehydrator clean crop July 2024.jpg

Next I had to clean up the dehydrator so it will be ready for Tuesday morning when we process the other bag of garlic. If I left the goo in this heat and humidity, it would grow mold. By this time it was 8AM and the sun had broken through the fog so I headed out to pick the green beans.

I was in by 8:45AM and sat down with a movie to top and tail the beans. I stopped at 10AM to go out to mow the yard.

Magnolia - flower crop July 2024.jpg

Flower on the magnolia

That took me until 12:45PM. I came in, got a shower and resumed work on the beans. I finished them about 1:30PM and went out to start washing them. I’d kicked over the bowl into the mulch and it sticks to the beans terribly.

Tom had called and he was bringing the new DVD writer and the milk order and taking the Kubota to fix someone’s driveway. I was washing beans and I heard a knock at the door. I was wondering why Tom was knocking…

Concerts crop 2024.jpg

It was my friend and I was supposed to go with her to the concert. Fortunately I had gotten all cleaned up so I just had to change my clothes, leave Tom a note and head out. We passed Tom as we went out.

We got the program when we got there and when they came out, they announced that Lisa had laryngitis and the whole program had changed. In the past, we had gone to see Jerry and his friend Bob when they played jazz in the area. We really enjoyed seeing them because they so very enjoyed playing together.

I hadn’t seen them since my husband died so I went online to see if they were still playing. I discovered Bob had died on March 3, 2023. That’s made me sad.

Usually when Jerry played with other people he was serious about his playing. But with the change of program on Sunday, he was able to play a couple jazz tunes and they did a few fun songs too. So it was a nice surprise and I had a good time.

Green beans - washing crop July 2024.jpg

I got back home about 4:45PM and started back on washing the beans. I got them done at 5:15PM and then put the chicken in the oven and got ready to prep the beans for freezing.

Green beans - 8.75 pints crop July 2024.jpg

I worked at that until the supper was ready, stopped and ate, and then kept on with the beans. Once they were done I had 8¾ pints for the freezer. Then I had to clean up the kitchen. So it was a very long day.

On Monday I leave at 7:15AM to go pick 60 lbs of blueberries. I’m going with my #2 intern, my general helper, and a friend. It turns out, having inventoried the freezers after committing to 60 lbs of blueberries, that I had 29 lbs in the freezer. So I will probably only take 15 – 20 lbs, my friend wants 10 lbs and the rest will be divided between the other 2.


Glad you got to process some of the garlic. I have never dehydrated any but that may just happen someday. I bet you are busy each day putting something into the freezer as I am. Tis the season ;-)

Wow, your day sounds full and productive. It's great you got to enjoy the concert despite the changes.

I love this review you gave to Jerry and Bob
They seem to be very fantastic

Lots of dried garlic in the jars!
So, the magnolia starts to bloom. Love to see the white tree in bloom.
You worked so hard that you forgot about the concert! It’s nice to have frequent concerts in the countryside.
Love to have a box of blueberries too! Blueberries are imported fruits and they are quite expensive.

I doubt the whole tree will bloom, just flowers here and there. It normally blooms in spring.

So strange that magnolia could give flowers off season. Must be the spell of hot weather that confused the tree!

Something sure has. It's been doing this the last 4 or 5 years, never did before.

You had a very long day full of activities
You did well